View Full Version : Painting Grey Knights

12-28-2010, 06:13 PM
So I've been loving all that I've heard about the new Grey Knights. However I have never liked the shiny metal color that I always see. Any ideas on different colors that would fit them or ways to make their existing colors less "shiny"

12-28-2010, 10:27 PM
So I've been loving all that I've heard about the new Grey Knights. However I have never liked the shiny metal color that I always see. Any ideas on different colors that would fit them or ways to make their existing colors less "shiny"

There's several ways to do silver without making it "chrome", just please, please don't do what one of our LGS regulars did. He left the models the metal (no priming or anything) and just painted the details, "cuz they are grey knights after all" was his reasoning. You can drybrush silver to get a matte version, you can do grey, black looks wonderful as well (or black steel).

Also I suggest checking out Coolminiornot (do a model search, with the rating between 7-10 to honestly get the best results), as there's several versions of NMM grey knights there as well, including a red/gold scheme among others.

Some great examples of non-chrome/silver schemes:


My alltime favourite model....it's absolutely stunning, and it's black and white! http://www.coolminiornot.com/204202




One of the best NMM Grey Knight painters on CMON goes by the name Wappellious. A lot of these are his mini's that I am referencing.

12-29-2010, 10:19 AM
if you dont like shiny how about my GK recipie

1) undercoat black
2) boltgun metal
3) drybrush mithril
4) HEAVY wash of either badab black or gryphone sepia OR asurmen blue (tint the armour and to dull it )

do a simmilar for the gold to get a quick and nicely painted army :D