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View Full Version : The Discovery Campaign

08-27-2009, 07:27 AM
A campaign for Warhammer 40,000

Scenario 1
The Emplacement
Attackers Briefing: After finding a new planet fit for colonization (or devouring or starting your waaagh etc. etc.) Your forces begin preparations to land when a satellite picture shows that an enemy heavy weapon emplacement is baring your path your kill team is dropped down to the surface with the objective of capturing the hill where the emplacement is then holding It until units can land to back you up.
Paths to victory: Kill all enemy units on the hill, Destroy the gun enplacement.

Defenders Briefing: Your weapon emplacement is under attack! Defend it by wiping out the attackers!
Paths to victory: Wipe out the attackers.

The Table: Set up a square table(I recommend a 4x4, if your table is larger just mark off an area that fits the mission parameters) Find the center off a table. Place a marker there. Then roll 3d6+ the scatter die. Move the marker the total amount of inches in the direction of the scatter die. Place a hill on the marker and on the hill put some light cover (5+) as well as either a quad gun or Icarus las-cannon (If you are not Imperials place some kind of heavy, turret like weapon (i:e a guardian scatter laser, ork big gun or even a converted piece!) The kill team is deployed on the table edge farthest from the emplacement.

Forces: Both teams select a kill team worth 180 points The Defender gets a free emplacement. Emplacement:F12S12R12 Weapons: One Emplacement gun S7 AP4.
Players also can purchase the following strategic assets.
Strategic Assets
1. Beat Down: Friendly artillery (In a position just off the battlefield) Drops a few of the new “smoker” Shells your scientists have been working on. Smoker Shell: S4 AP4 Poisoned(Wounds on 4+) Pinning Cost:10 points Per bombardment purchased.

2. Deep Strike The model which is given this improvement gains the deep strike rule and does not start on the table but in reserves. If multiple models are given this rule then they deep strike as a single squad. Cost: 10 Points per model upgraded.

3. Lucky Lad: One of your soldiers is immensely lucky! Increase all rolls made by this solider by one(I:E: the 4 becomes a 5) NOTE: Ones remain ones. Cost 25 points May only be placed on one model.

4. Missile Cover: Your squad leader calls for air support and his request is realized Fire D6 S8 missile shots at the turret on the hill Cost 50 points. Can only be purchased by the attackers.

Force Guidelines:
You don’t need to pay attention to these, they are just my thoughts on a fluffy approach to the sides.

Attackers: Use forces such as scouts or kroot, representing the stealthy, snooping around kind of force.

Defenders: Use more simple units, this is a garrison around a heavy weapon, try making use of regular soliders to guard the cannon then have a wave of faster units arrive from deepstrike.

Comments Criticism?

Stay tuned for more.
If you get a chance to play it let me know!