View Full Version : Vehicle assault question

12-27-2010, 03:40 AM

Just a quick question concerning vehicle assaults, that I think is implied in the rulebook, but I just want to clarify.

If I assault a vehicle in my turn, and immoblise said vehicle, am I then locked in assault with that vehicle during the next player turn?

From memory, the rulebook says something to the effect of, 'after an assault, a vehicle is free to move away as normal during the next movement phase, then not counting as locked in combat'. If the vehicle can't move away, does that mean it is locked in combat?

I have never really considered it, as I only play with a few friends, and I always assume that I can't be locked in an assault with a vehicle (a tank for instance), but after re-reading the rules, it appears that the vehicle must move to break the assault, and if it is unable to do so, I would assume both units are still locked in combat.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

- Bishop

12-27-2010, 06:51 AM
You are still engaged, but not locked in combat.
This means that you can make CC attacks in the following turns if you remain in BtB contact.
But it also means you can be targeted in the shooting phase.(both the vehicle and unit)

12-28-2010, 02:02 AM
That what I originally thought.

What is the difference between 'engaged' and 'locked'? Is the distinction made in the rulebook?

Also, I recall this coming up in a recent WD article, but I don't remember the outcome. I will have to dig it up.

Thanks for the reply!

12-28-2010, 02:14 AM
As far as I know, there's no actual use of the word "engage" in the rulebook.

The easy way to distinguish if you are locked in combat with something is to ask: do both sides have a model with a Weapon Skill?

If so, they remain in combat with each other. Otherwise, they are not locked in combat, which means they can be shot at. However, contrary to popular belief, you do not move models away from vehicles during the assault phase (unless they are locked with other models), and during every assault phase, you do your attacks.

Also, the rulebook specificially says you do this, in the paragraph after the rule you mentioned in your first post.

12-28-2010, 04:03 AM
'Engaged' are models in BtB contact or within 2" of a friendly model in BtB contact (BRB pg 35).
Units that are 'Locked in" cannot move away (without a special rule, Hit and Run for example), they may not be targeted in the shooting phase,they must pile in at the end of assault, and consolidate if they destroy the enemy unit(s).

12-28-2010, 06:41 AM
Forgive me if this question is as silly as I think it is.
If you assaulted a vehicle and immobilized it on the first turn and are still on base combat with it. On the next turn do you still get +1 attacks for assault if you attacked the same vehicle again without moving, or would you have to actually move 1 inch back in the movement phase then re-assault the vehicle to get the +1 bonus attacks?

12-28-2010, 07:29 AM
Thanks again for the replies.

So, if a unit assaults a tank and immobilises it, that unit can then be targeted by shooting in the following phase.

My next question is, as the tank didn't move (because it can't), can the unit make attacks against it in the next turn? So, player 'A' assaults in his turn, immoblising the tank. In player 'B's turn, are attacks made by player 'A's unit? I am assuming yes, but just checking so that I know that I am playing it right.

Before this, I was playing that a unit can never be locked in combat with a non-ws model (as has been mentioned), but no attacks were made in subsequent turns if a vehicle didn't move (for whatever reason).

From this, I guess the answer to Honorless' question is, yes, or you could just leave them where they are and say that went back and forward. In saying that, sometimes actually moving back 6'' may give more tactical flexability, say if you decide to target the tank with shooting, you may be able to place the unit in a more advantageous position, depending on the outcome (as convoluted as all that was!).

12-28-2010, 08:32 AM
Thanks again for the replies.

So, if a unit assaults a tank and immobilises it, that unit can then be targeted by shooting in the following phase.

My next question is, as the tank didn't move (because it can't), can the unit make attacks against it in the next turn? So, player 'A' assaults in his turn, immoblising the tank. In player 'B's turn, are attacks made by player 'A's unit? I am assuming yes, but just checking so that I know that I am playing it right.
correct again.

Before this, I was playing that a unit can never be locked in combat with a non-ws model (as has been mentioned), but no attacks were made in subsequent turns if a vehicle didn't move (for whatever reason).
Sporting , but incorrect.

From this, I guess the answer to Honorless' question is, yes, or you could just leave them where they are and say that went back and forward. In saying that, sometimes actually moving back 6'' may give more tactical flexability, say if you decide to target the tank with shooting, you may be able to place the unit in a more advantageous position, depending on the outcome (as convoluted as all that was!).

You would have to move the unit back to get the assault bonus.
If you did not move you still could attack the vehicle in the assault phase.