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View Full Version : Help me out?

12-26-2010, 09:25 AM
Hey, I got the Dark Eldar codex for Christmas, along with a box of Reavers, and I must say, I'm intrigued. I'm probably going to start an army, but before I do, I need some help deciding what to buy...keep in mind, I don't want anything to scream SUPER competitive - I have my CSMs for that - but I do want to try something different.

Of the three armies I play, I gravitate towards lists extremely heavy in CC, and while I can easily see the potential for the in the Dark Eldar codex with all the Fleet and open-topped transports, I want to try something different. I want speed, I want Space Elf Pirateships, and most of all, shooty. Lots of shooty.

What's the best way I could go about making a list focused around Kabalite Warriors/Reavers? Yes, Reavers. I want to max my fast attack slot with them, for the hell of it, and lots of raiders for them to flit around. I want this to look and feel like a Dark Eldar raiding force. Help me out!