View Full Version : Chaos Space... Wolves?

12-25-2010, 02:22 PM
So, I'm a new poster to this forum, but I've been lurking around for a long time.

Basically ever since I read the Book 'A Thousand Sons', I've HATED the space wolves and vowed never to do an army of them.

Then I read the story in Codex: Chaos Space Marines called 'The Wolf of Fenris' in which Huron Blackheart captures a space wolf strike cruiser and a band of the space wolf crew who are defending one of the gun decks simply switches sides.

That combined with how cool the Space Wolf models are and the quality of the codex makes the idea of doing a Chaos Space Wolf army much more acceptable, and besides, I'll probably sell the army when it's done anyway...

So, heres some of the test models I've made:

Firstly, heres a couple of pics of my test Grey Hunter:


And the Wolf Lord 'Skyrar', aka a counts as Logan Grimnar:


So, what do people think?

12-25-2010, 03:44 PM
Nice, and gory. The manager of the Liverpool (Sydney Australia) GW store is building a Skyrar's Space Wolves warband. His models use parts form both Chaos and Space Wolf kits, and they look great, though only 3 or 4 are painted fully.

As with what he is doing, either base the army fully on the Space Wolves or the Chaos Space Marines codex, so codex/army ****s do not have too much to complain about. For example, he has made his thunder wolf cavalry squad by mounting the Chaos Space Wolves on Khorne Juggernaughts. He is still using the Space Wolves Codex and stats line for them though.

If you have the time and ability, why not build a squad of Wulfen in the process of changing and being possessed at the same time. Think of it possessed, Werewolves in power armour. Part Daemon, part Wolfen.

Enjoy building the army.

12-25-2010, 05:15 PM
I'm currently working on a squad of grey hunters where a possessed is a stand in wulfen, I will probably be doing the same as you suggested with the juggernauts as thunderwolf cavaly, it just too cool not to do.

12-25-2010, 10:13 PM
These would be perfect for Dornian heresy Space Wolves. Im sure if you do end up completing the army and selling it you would be able to find lots of buyers before Adepticon 2012 (they are having a Dornian Heresy mega-battle there) That was my first thought when I saw them.

12-26-2010, 12:39 AM
If you read the Space Wolves Codex the Red Corsairs have space wolves in them and even a battle barge from the space wolves fleet courtesy of Huron Black Heart, When i want to have a good time i run a Red Corsairs army where i have units from both codex's in one army. Noone really complains soooo

12-27-2010, 04:39 PM
Thanks guys, don't forget that it was a test model and I hadn't bothered to remove the mold lines because i just wanted to see how the scheme worked.

anywho, heres some work in progress shots of the newer stuff:

Some more Grey Hunters including power fist, wolf banner and a wulfen based off a possessed

and just some in progress painting.

More to come.

12-27-2010, 05:52 PM
Hope to see more soon!!

They look terrifying

12-31-2010, 10:45 AM
Well, Nothing says "I have a mad crush on Khorne" like a massive double headed chain axe.

So in order to display that fact I decided to butcher one of the old Games Day wolf priests.

I haven't thought much about his background yet but the first thing that comes to mind is that in a similar way to Typhus, he was already corrupted and it was at his urging that the band of space wolves defending the Wolf of Fenris to switch sides and align themselves with Huron.

Anyway heres some pics:



I also finished the Grey Hunters I was working on, so here's an image of them with Lord Skyrar himself:


Next up is some more Grey Hunters, they should be done by the end of the weekend.

What are peoples thoughts?

Edit: Yes I am aware of the annoying mold lines on the axe I didn't see it until I saw it in the photo and it will be removed by the next update!