View Full Version : Looted Leman Russ

12-24-2010, 03:27 PM
I am new to this site. This is in fact my first post.

I recently acquired this Leman Russ for next to nothing. It was assembled but in bad shape. All the guns were glued in place. No self-respecting IG player would use it. I am no self-respecting guard player. I converted it into a Death Skull Looted Wagon.
I was able to free one heavy bolter easily but the other one was more tricky. I cut off the side sponson and cut free the heavy bolter. It was caked in superglue which I scraped away. I also removed the lascannon on the front. I added a couple orks and an old night goblin which I gave a gun and wrench. I also used plastic card to create orky glyphs and paneling.

I cut off the tips of the heavy bolters and added shoota barrels to make the heavy bolters into big shootas. I also added a pennant on the back of the turret.

Finally I painted the tank red (of course) and added blue accents because after all it is a death skull looted tank.

12-24-2010, 03:32 PM

12-24-2010, 08:09 PM
ROFL "Letz put a non borsited aimy thingy on the boomgun boyz!!!!"

But hey, your first post is a pretty darned good conversion!! Not extremely orky (or not looted very long ago), but the paint job, especially on the gun barrel, is pretty well-weathered.

12-26-2010, 06:26 AM
'ell boss... it looks right nice 'n all, but don't you tink it needs moar...wozit...gubbinz? And mebbe sum moar dakka. Yeah, more dakka. 'Ey, I bet we can get da big Mek to put wun of 'is force-field fingys on da back! And a bigga engine! Dat way, it can go fasta and dakka moar! Den it'd be right orky.

Wuzzis button do?

*pushes the big red button*