View Full Version : Dark Eldar Vs Space Wolves

Unzuul the Lascivious
12-23-2010, 09:35 AM
Ok dudes, so in just short of three weeks time I shall be unveiling my new Dark Eldar, the Kabal of the Aberrant Blade, and I'm going in at the deep end with a 2500 point game vs Space Wolves. At the end of Xmas, I will have - Archon, Lelith Hesperax, Urien Rakarth, 30 Wyches, 30 Kabalites, 2 Raiders, 2 Ravagers, 5 Incubi and 5 Mandrakes, 10 Hellions and 3 Reavers. I have assembled One Raider with a dark lance,20 Kabalites with shredder, blaster, dark lance and splinter cannon (one box to assemble), 20 wyches two razor flails and two hydra gauntlets (going to put two shardnets in last squad) and the Hellions, leader has skyclaw.
So, what would you suggest for taking out the Sons of Fenris? (I can hear my Wolves howling from their drawer at the indignity of being hidden away!).

01-03-2011, 12:34 PM
Liquifier guns are brilliant vs. power armour.
also mass poison fire will kill most squads.

01-14-2011, 04:47 PM
Ok dudes, so in just short of three weeks time I shall be unveiling my new Dark Eldar, the Kabal of the Aberrant Blade, and I'm going in at the deep end with a 2500 point game vs Space Wolves. At the end of Xmas, I will have - Archon, Lelith Hesperax, Urien Rakarth, 30 Wyches, 30 Kabalites, 2 Raiders, 2 Ravagers, 5 Incubi and 5 Mandrakes, 10 Hellions and 3 Reavers. I have assembled One Raider with a dark lance,20 Kabalites with shredder, blaster, dark lance and splinter cannon (one box to assemble), 20 wyches two razor flails and two hydra gauntlets (going to put two shardnets in last squad) and the Hellions, leader has skyclaw.
So, what would you suggest for taking out the Sons of Fenris? (I can hear my Wolves howling from their drawer at the indignity of being hidden away!).

Against puppies you should be affraid about their close range insane firepower and long fangs, in CC you rock da house. My advice is to get 2 WWP units of wyches with agoniser 3 weapons (better shardnets) HW grenades and FGL, then a cheap haemi to carry it along a unit of warriors in a Raider or with trueborn in a Venom. Another Raider with a CC Archon with 5 incubi, a unit or two of 20 warriors with an Haemi to hold objetives and as many ravagers as you can, for a 2500 points battle you'll need more guys.

Unzuul the Lascivious
01-20-2011, 09:55 AM
I won convincingly, 8 kill points to 2. ZING!

01-22-2011, 12:47 AM
Against puppies you should be affraid about their close range insane firepower and long fangs, in CC you rock da house. My advice is to get 2 WWP units of wyches with agoniser 3 weapons (better shardnets) HW grenades and FGL, then a cheap haemi to carry it along a unit of warriors in a Raider or with trueborn in a Venom. Another Raider with a CC Archon with 5 incubi, a unit or two of 20 warriors with an Haemi to hold objetives and as many ravagers as you can, for a 2500 points battle you'll need more guys.

"""in CC you rock da house""

are you high? how do you figure that one? de hit on 3's depending... wound on 5's6's again you might have a few poisoned weapons so a few 2+ you will not wound anywhere near as well as wolves do

wolves mind you will hit on 4 wound on 3's equal number of attacks better saving throw if they have frost blades they kill on 2+

no your they will rock da house is way over exaggerated and if the wolf player has ragnar anywhere nearby forget it you lose

and im talking your vaunted wych squads against grey hunters you want to add more exotic units bring it ill put wolf guard up against incubi anyday of the week

01-22-2011, 02:26 AM
and im talking your vaunted wych squads against grey hunters you want to add more exotic units bring it ill put wolf guard up against incubi anyday of the week

I am laughing so hard right now.

Yes, if my Wyches were stuck with the Grey Hunters, and my Incubi were against your Wolf Guard, I'd lose. It's a good thing that I understand the strengths of my army and know that I should flip those match-ups around and roll right over you.

Unzuul the Lascivious
01-24-2011, 04:13 AM
"""in CC you rock da house""

are you high? how do you figure that one? de hit on 3's depending... wound on 5's6's again you might have a few poisoned weapons so a few 2+ you will not wound anywhere near as well as wolves do

wolves mind you will hit on 4 wound on 3's equal number of attacks better saving throw if they have frost blades they kill on 2+

no your they will rock da house is way over exaggerated and if the wolf player has ragnar anywhere nearby forget it you lose

and im talking your vaunted wych squads against grey hunters you want to add more exotic units bring it ill put wolf guard up against incubi anyday of the week

Just so you know, my Wyches owned his Grey Hunters, tied up Ragnar and his Wolf Guard, at which point the Hellions charged in, offed the last of the Grey Hunters, stun clawed Ragnar out of the combat and smashed the granny out of him. Then my Archon and remaining two Incubi sauntered in amongst the Wyches and proceeded to make a mockery of the Wolf Guard. So, on this occasion at least, I make you very wrong indeed. Sorry to whizz on your bonfire there old bean...

02-02-2011, 12:49 AM
I am laughing so hard right now.

Yes, if my Wyches were stuck with the Grey Hunters, and my Incubi were against your Wolf Guard, I'd lose. It's a good thing that I understand the strengths of my army and know that I should flip those match-ups around and roll right over you.

yeah and its a good thing i know both armies and know that youd never get the charge on me to start with.

and i never mentioned wolf guard period I specifically said wyches arent squat anymore they will lose in close combat more then win

02-02-2011, 12:54 AM
Just so you know, my Wyches owned his Grey Hunters, tied up Ragnar and his Wolf Guard, at which point the Hellions charged in, offed the last of the Grey Hunters, stun clawed Ragnar out of the combat and smashed the granny out of him. Then my Archon and remaining two Incubi sauntered in amongst the Wyches and proceeded to make a mockery of the Wolf Guard. So, on this occasion at least, I make you very wrong indeed. Sorry to whizz on your bonfire there old bean...

number 1 ragnar should not run with wolf guard and ill still take ragnar by himself against a squad of helions 3+ to hit 2+ to kill end of story bye bye

ragnar and 10 grey hunters on the charge means 1 dead de unit minimum of 40 attacks from grey hunter to 60 attacks i dont care what plant you all smoke you will not live through that add rganar killing 3 to 7 on his own you lose

and bring your sorry little archon up to meet ragnar njal and my 10 man grey hunter unit and ill send you back to the laughing god who will laugh at you for being stupid.. the fool you played doesnt know what hes doing so that eliminates much of what you think is so fired up great

02-02-2011, 01:34 AM
and i never mentioned wolf guard period


you want to add more exotic units bring it ill put wolf guard up against incubi anyday of the week

What was that?

you want to add more exotic units bring it ill put wolf guard up against incubi anyday of the week

One more time please.

you want to add more exotic units bring it ill put wolf guard up against incubi anyday of the week

Beyond all of that and addressing some of your "points," a 4++ with FNP is actually statistically better than a 3+, and even more so considering the wyches will be going first.

Also, a typical wych squad is less than half the cost of a 10-man Grey Hunter squad, and will survive, or if they have friends (someone who brings the point totals closer together) they will beat Grey Hunters. Surprise surprise, you're not the only person who understands both armies, and I don't believe your claim to understanding DE. If you did, you wouldn't have said most of the things you have.

Let's look at Ragnar vs. Hellions. Are you getting the charge? How? There's no way a DE player would have Hellions at risk for charging unless they want it. That means they're probably shooting (a lot) at Ragnar, and then assaulting with 3 attacks a piece that hit on 4s and wound on 4s. Depending on the Drug roll, they would have another benefit going for them. So, your Ragnar can survive 20+ poison shots and 30+ attacks at I6?

Ragnar and 10 Grey Hunters on the charge means one dead unit from any codex, not just DE. However, that's enough points for four wych units, or three and a small Incubi squad (which will give enough PW wounds to the Grey Hunters to kill them off). So, while you can wipe out one squad on your charge, I can multi-assault you with 3 units and destroy them easily.

And, your last point is that my 110 point model will die to a unit costing close to 700 points. Congratulations.

Unzuul the Lascivious
02-02-2011, 03:29 AM
number 1 ragnar should not run with wolf guard and ill still take ragnar by himself against a squad of helions 3+ to hit 2+ to kill end of story bye bye

ragnar and 10 grey hunters on the charge means 1 dead de unit minimum of 40 attacks from grey hunter to 60 attacks i dont care what plant you all smoke you will not live through that add rganar killing 3 to 7 on his own you lose

and bring your sorry little archon up to meet ragnar njal and my 10 man grey hunter unit and ill send you back to the laughing god who will laugh at you for being stupid.. the fool you played doesnt know what hes doing so that eliminates much of what you think is so fired up great

First off, you're incredibly rude, don't post on my threads again. I would beat your Space Wolves like I have every other Marine army I've played. My Hellions owned Ragnar and ripped him to shreds, so that's that theory out of the window. Njal has TWICE gone down to my Archon's Huskblade supported by Incubi, so forget that too. I ensure you don't get to charge me thanks to Fleet and Raider manoevurability, so there's that little idea out the window too.

You're an amateur and obviously an obnoxious person - let's hope you don't get too many games in the future.

02-02-2011, 07:05 AM
Plus its not even that you need to rip apart marines in CC, the new DE codex is one of the most devastating shooty codexes i've ever seen, the list my friend often plays with puts down so many shots its just brutal!

Unzuul the Lascivious
02-02-2011, 08:32 AM
It sure is nice in that respect, it's just all about being a sneaky git, especially in objective-based games

02-02-2011, 08:58 AM
Ok guys, that is really enough of the "if you bring rock, Ill bring paper." arguments... It is no fun to try and discuss the merits of any army when other people just say they will bring the counter to whatever you have. I have seen Wolves smash Dark Eldar and Dark Eldar Smash Wolves. Please move on or Ill bring the mod hammer to the rock-paper-scissors game...And the mod hammer always wins.


02-02-2011, 09:25 AM
bring Mod Hammer! That's fun!

02-02-2011, 03:34 PM
Mod hammers are easily countered by a User with Alternate Account and Proxy wargear. Modhammers aren't going anywhere fast in the 5e metagame.

02-02-2011, 10:43 PM
First off, you're incredibly rude, don't post on my threads again. I would beat your Space Wolves like I have every other Marine army I've played. My Hellions owned Ragnar and ripped him to shreds, so that's that theory out of the window. Njal has TWICE gone down to my Archon's Huskblade supported by Incubi, so forget that too. I ensure you don't get to charge me thanks to Fleet and Raider manoevurability, so there's that little idea out the window too.

You're an amateur and obviously an obnoxious person - let's hope you don't get too many games in the future.

oh lookie lookie lil boy cant argue the facts so he has to resort to name calling well listen here dipstick i have crushed more players that are way better then you can ever think of being your lil raider is dog meat and wont be around past turn 2 so get off your high horse. your aluminum armada isnt going to get you very far by anyone who knows what de do and since i was playing de probably before you were born blow it out you ear

and since you dont own the boards you can take the dont ever post on my threads agains lil 15 year old and stick it up your backside..

02-02-2011, 10:52 PM

What was that?

One more time please.

Beyond all of that and addressing some of your "points," a 4++ with FNP is actually statistically better than a 3+, and even more so considering the wyches will be going first.

Also, a typical wych squad is less than half the cost of a 10-man Grey Hunter squad, and will survive, or if they have friends (someone who brings the point totals closer together) they will beat Grey Hunters. Surprise surprise, you're not the only person who understands both armies, and I don't believe your claim to understanding DE. If you did, you wouldn't have said most of the things you have.

Let's look at Ragnar vs. Hellions. Are you getting the charge? How? There's no way a DE player would have Hellions at risk for charging unless they want it. That means they're probably shooting (a lot) at Ragnar, and then assaulting with 3 attacks a piece that hit on 4s and wound on 4s. Depending on the Drug roll, they would have another benefit going for them. So, your Ragnar can survive 20+ poison shots and 30+ attacks at I6?

Ragnar and 10 Grey Hunters on the charge means one dead unit from any codex, not just DE. However, that's enough points for four wych units, or three and a small Incubi squad (which will give enough PW wounds to the Grey Hunters to kill them off). So, while you can wipe out one squad on your charge, I can multi-assault you with 3 units and destroy them easily.

And, your last point is that my 110 point model will die to a unit costing close to 700 points. Congratulations.

oh so now you want to bring in the feel no pain .. ok well ragnar 5-7 attacks all power weapons no fnp and njal 4-6 attacks all power weapons no fnp hmm 9-13 dead no fnp .. yeah i can live with that

Let's look at Ragnar vs. Hellions. Are you getting the charge? How?

well gee helions move at 12" same as the land raider that ragnar goes riding around in and im not worried about a bunch of poisoned shooting from the helions when im inside the radier.. nice try but no go back to the drawing board

""""" So, while you can wipe out one squad on your charge, I can multi-assault you with 3 units and destroy them easily"""""

if i was a fool and would even let that happen come on man any decent player is going to know what you have in the area and find ways to prevent that from ever happening and with his saga after taking out the wych squad i hope your crazy enough to charge him with counter attack be my guest and an extrA 4-8 attacks no again go back to the drawing board

Unzuul the Lascivious
02-03-2011, 07:36 AM
For the record: - Archon flies in next to Raider, pops the webway portal and gets the hell out of dodge. Ravager pops open the Raider - it can and does happen. Ragnar etc attack the Archon and Incubi he's with. You can bet your *** that at least two Marines are going down. Ragnar may take the Incubi out, leaving the Archon. Ragnar is then charged by multiple units, which DE have plenty of due to low points cost. The Wyches, containing Hydra Gauntlets, adds an average of 8 attack and goes first due to Initiative, takes out an average of 2 Marines. The Hellions maybe then take another one marine out - what are we down to now? If Ragnar survives the Huskblade my Archon carries and any remaining Incubi, he then hacks into whatever he likes, he's not taking out 25 models. The Hellions then stunclaw him out of the unit, the remaining marines are finished off and Ragnar get pummelled by Hellions. It happened, more than once.
Njal Stormcaller is tasty in close combat - last night he gave Urien Rakarth a mighty kicking, only to go down to an Aberration with enhanced Strength and Scissorhands. He had no answer at all against the toughness 5 with his attacks and failed two saves. That happened too.

The Space Wolves are a great army, but they have their flaws. Do not suppose that you are such a great general that you can own any DE player, that will be your first mistake. The Dark Eldar are a precision tool, the Wolves are a whacking great axe to the head - I have both armies, so I know what they can do - the Dark Eldar take some getting used to, it just so happens that I have hit upon a decent formula for winning with them straight off.

I am 43 years old sonny, I most probably started collecting miniatures before you sneered your first sneer. As for name calling? They were statements of fact.

Unzuul the Lascivious
02-03-2011, 11:00 AM
Ah, blocked the idiot - I wholeheartedly recommend it!

02-04-2011, 05:48 AM
I've not had much trouble with Space Wolves I must say, far more with leafblower IG and even then its 50/50.

Rle68, why don't you try spelling out exactly why you think SW can beat DE so easily? The way you are going about it at present just makes you like some bad tempered, ill mannered thirteen year old who doesn't want to admit his favourite army can be comprehensively beaten by a bunch of emo Space Elves.

Unzuul the Lascivious
02-04-2011, 09:37 AM
I've not had much trouble with Space Wolves I must say, far more with leafblower IG and even then its 50/50.

Rle68, why don't you try spelling out exactly why you think SW can beat DE so easily? The way you are going about it at present just makes you like some bad tempered, ill mannered thirteen year old who doesn't want to admit his favourite army can be comprehensively beaten by a bunch of emo Space Elves.

Are Dark Eldar emo? I always thought emo kids were more into masochism than sadism? They certainly dress emo though! Ironically I lost to Space Wolves for the first time on Wednesday, mainly because I completely forgot about the objectives, so busy was I giving Njal Stormcaller a happy slapping. They're my Space Wolves army though, so I felt good for them!

Unzuul the Lascivious
02-04-2011, 09:41 AM
I've not had much trouble with Space Wolves I must say, far more with leafblower IG and even then its 50/50.

Cool, what do you find is good against IG EldarGal? I have a match with them at end of Feb 2500 points and I'm trying to figure out what is going to hold me in best sted. I'm thinking maxing out on Dark Lances and playing a denied flank gambit, Lance the vehicles, Reaver the Heavy Weapons Squads then hopefully drop in the ole webway portal and pour out Wyches. What do you think?

02-04-2011, 02:27 PM
Obviously I'm not EldarGal, but I find that the stock monoscythe missiles on the Razorwing and the Voidraven are excellent for dealing with heavy weapon teams. The S6 AP5 means that at most they get a cover save. Also, they tend to be near large blobs of infantry, so the misses do a lot of wounds as well. In my last IG matchup I killed four squads targeting only two heavy weapons teams over the course of the game, just with those missiles.

Also: Bloodbrides. If they can even hit back, they will be severely reduced in number by the time they do so.

02-04-2011, 05:08 PM
Pretty much agree with what you've said.:) I've had success having the army in two parts, anti-tank and Wyches in reserve. Take out as many tanks with Raiders, Ravagesrs flyers etc then drop some WWPs and start munching up the squads. I've had some good luck with deep striking Ravagers destroying heavy ordnance at the back of the board. Though for some reason people look at me like I'm crazy when I say I'm doing this.:confused:

Cool, what do you find is good against IG EldarGal? I have a match with them at end of Feb 2500 points and I'm trying to figure out what is going to hold me in best sted. I'm thinking maxing out on Dark Lances and playing a denied flank gambit, Lance the vehicles, Reaver the Heavy Weapons Squads then hopefully drop in the ole webway portal and pour out Wyches. What do you think?