View Full Version : Lost and the Damned 40k skirmish game

12-22-2010, 09:42 PM
I am looking for the rules of the Lost and The Damned skirmish game GW put out. Not the Realms of Chaos book nor the army book of traitor guard. There once was a skirmish game like Necromunda that mirrored Path to Glory the WFB version were you build a chaos warband and gain experience and such. If anyone can help, I'd be mighty grateful.

12-23-2010, 08:51 AM
I know the one, it was in white dwarf and then they published a seperate suppliment which drew all of it together. you bought troops with Favour points and everythignwas totally random. great game

Have you tried looking at the specialist games section on the GW homepage? tehy have a section of out of print games like gorkamorka. IT might be there.

12-24-2010, 11:56 AM
I checked its not there. I found the Path to Glory scourging the net but can't find the 40k version. bummer.:(