View Full Version : Hey now!

12-22-2010, 09:18 AM
Hi, my name is John, and I'm a longtime 40k player (everybody: "HHHHiii, Johnnnn"). I've been painting since 1985, and playing since 1988 or thereabouts, so my Lead Mountain is pretty big, and I'll be long dead before I finish painting it all. I'm in the WashDC Metro area, so look me up!

I am an active Dark Angels, Alpha Legion, and/or Eldar player. I'm currently flirting with a Tau army. My favorite army, the Dark Eldar, are undergoing a (very unique, for me anyway, a 100%) rebuilding process. I love the DE, and loved the older codex, and about 85% of the figure line. I'm ditching that army with a heavy heart in favor of the new codex and miniature line. I'm very excited about what the new codex can do!
I have a built, but unpainted Dark Elf WHFB army. I just can't get excited to paint WHFB. I need inspiration, and probably a few local opponents to get me out of that funk.
I have a fully functional Epic 40k SM army, with an unpainted (but built) Eldar one. I also have a 54mm Inquisitor Band, a Mordheim Witchhunter Band, a Necromunda Escher Group, and an Amazon Bloodbowl team. Again, all built but unpainted due to a severe lack of opponents and mojo.

I paint all kinds of minis, and from all kinds of manufacturers. From Sci-Fi to Fantasy to Historicals to whatever - if I like it, I buy it, and hopefully I will get around to painting it! Find me also on the Hasslefree/Heresy/Black Scorpion/Eolith 'Forum of Doom', and Frothers!

12-23-2010, 06:25 AM
Welcome! See ya around the forums!

12-23-2010, 12:03 PM
Hello & welcome carsjr.

01-03-2011, 12:30 PM
Thanks, guys!

01-04-2011, 09:43 AM
Welcome to the Lounge carsjr. Make yourself at home!

As a fellow Fantasy DE player, we'd love to see some of your toys, so feel free to show off your minis and jump into the threads. We don't bite.