View Full Version : Dedicated transport

12-22-2010, 06:09 AM
A dedicated transport bought as part of a troops selection deploys at the same time as troops, whether the purchasing unit is on board or not (I think - Drop Pods may differ)

Does that transport contest objectives or score objectives when empty?

12-22-2010, 06:50 AM
The transport only is a scoring unit if the troop choice is in it. Alone the transport (so when it is empty) can only contest the objectiv.

Archon Charybdis
12-22-2010, 09:22 AM
To be more specific, a dedicated transport can never score because vehicles are non-scoring units.

12-22-2010, 12:46 PM
A dedicated transport bought as part of a troops selection deploys at the same time as troops, whether the purchasing unit is on board or not (I think - Drop Pods may differ)
Actually, Dedicated Transports are still a separate Unit, and generally are not required to be Deployed or Placed in Reserves. Some, such as the Drop Pod are required to be placed in Reserves, but it is still up to the player as to whether they want to put the Unit in it. The only general restriction/requirement for Dedicated Transports is that they can only have the Unit for which it was selected Embarked at Deployment or in Reserve.

12-22-2010, 12:55 PM
Yes. A dedicated transport is completely separate and independent from the unit you buy it for in all matters. The one and only exception is that the unit you bought it for is the only one that can deploy inside it at the beginning of the game. That doesn't mean you have to, nor does it mean you have to even deploy at the same time. They are otherwise completely distinct units.

12-22-2010, 05:27 PM
Also, you can use this rule to your benefit to help you get some extra heavy tanks on the field. After you have deployed, you can mount another unit onto the transport. So you could for example buy a landraider as the personal transport for a unit of 5 terminators. Place the landraider on the board next to a unit of Khorne berserkers led by Kharn, and deploy the terminators via deep strike in a later turn. On the first turn mount the berserkes and Kharn onto the Landraider and move them off towards the enemy.

It is a sneaky way of getting another heavy support choice for your army by using the rules to make the landraider a dedicated transport. The only problem is that your berserkers and Kharn are out in the open for the beginning of the first turn, and if you do not get first turn, they could be blown up before embarking. It is a gamble, and maybe even worth the risk.

12-22-2010, 07:22 PM
Also, you can use this rule to your benefit to help you get some extra heavy tanks on the field. After you have deployed, you can mount another unit onto the transport. So you could for example buy a landraider as the personal transport for a unit of 5 terminators. Place the landraider on the board next to a unit of Khorne berserkers led by Kharn, and deploy the terminators via deep strike in a later turn. On the first turn mount the berserkes and Kharn onto the Landraider and move them off towards the enemy.

It is a sneaky way of getting another heavy support choice for your army by using the rules to make the landraider a dedicated transport. The only problem is that your berserkers and Kharn are out in the open for the beginning of the first turn, and if you do not get first turn, they could be blown up before embarking. It is a gamble, and maybe even worth the risk.

Best thing with using landraiders in this way is you park them sideways on to the enemy and they hide away the unit behind them the landraiders hard enough to take most hits and stops the unit behind been targeted by LOS weapons