View Full Version : Thinking about Eldar

12-21-2010, 10:47 PM
In all my years of playing 40K, I have never once wanted to play Eldar (bad elf feelings). While playing Dawn of War II however, I was playing around with the Army Painter section and came up with a color scheme that I liked. So I thought I might get a farseer and a couple of units to see what they would look like.

I bought the codex and read through it, then looked at the models, then looked at the book, then looked at the models some more, looked at the book some more. I've come to the conclusion that I don't really like the majority of the army. I do like the farseer with the singing spear, so I might still get him, but I really hate that over half the army is based on aspect warriors, that won't even use the colors I chose, but already have colors chosen for them. The models are also very static and flat compared to the newer plastic kits and the codex is not very user friendly like the more recent ones.

Does anyone know if there are plans to come out with a new book and models soon? Also, is it possible to make a very efficient Eldar army that doesn't involve aspect warriors that I don't like or don't want to paint?

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-22-2010, 12:53 AM
Firstly you can paint your army whatever colour you choose, the ones in the codex are just guidelines thats all, there is no right or wrong way to paint your army. Why not just say your Craftworld prefer to style there armour more symbolic of one colour with only slight variations?

Secondly, its only a matter of time before Eldar get a new codex, may be next year with luck, and the way Forgeworld is about to release a new Aspect. Look under News and Rumours they have some posts on that topic.
You will find that most of the Aspects fit a specific goal. Fire Dragons are tankhunters, Swooping Hawks are Infantry hunters, Striking Scorpions and Banshees are probably some of the deadliest troop killers in the game, with extra attacks and power weapons on Banshee's they really are scary.
Viper, Jetbikes and Falcons are great for taking out either massed troops or tanks, just depends on the loadouts.

You can fit your army to your liking, no correct way and every Craftworld is different. Eldar have some of the best artistic created models in 40k. There sculptured nicely and easy to paint, ive painted a friends army and it always draws attention over any IG, SM or Ork army. Those armies lack variations, where Eldar have the ability to look slightly different and very colourful.

12-22-2010, 01:01 AM
Does anyone know if there are plans to come out with a new book and models soon?

No one knows.

I would wager it would be a few years before this codex gets done. There are plenty more that need to be done before the Eldar, so don't hold your breath if you don't see a new Eldar codex until well into 2012/2013.

12-22-2010, 08:10 AM
No need to paint aspects in their default colors. I hate the green striking scorpions - so I made them black and red - like real scorpions... Greatest part of our hobby is that if you don't like part of it, you can change it!


12-22-2010, 08:14 AM
I too dislike the standard Aspect colours, except Dire Avengers. I paint them all in my Craftworld colours and they look much better.

12-22-2010, 08:58 AM
I have kept to the base color schemes, but done the accent colors to tie into my main scheme. My banshees have their face plate in the primary color for my army and their breech cloth in the secondary. Their weapons are painted the same as those of the rest of my Craftworld. My swooping hawks have alternating pinion feathers in the 2 colors. Everyone can easily tell they are part of the same army.

12-22-2010, 09:32 AM
I also integrate the colors of my craftworld into my aspects. On my Scorpions its the bone color. On my DA's the fireburst wetblend.

12-22-2010, 09:48 AM
Thanks for the advice. I will probably work on it more after the holidays.

12-23-2010, 05:56 PM

My Ulthwe black dragons, do not ever feel you have confine yourself to what GW puts in the books, they have left the game open enough that your craftworld can exist and the aspect warriors can sport just about any color you like and not ruin any aspect of the game for anyone.

12-24-2010, 11:14 AM
You especially need to watch the GW color schemes. As a case in point, for fantasy I painted my Lizardmen a variety of colors as each spawning was supposed to be color coded. This version of the book, they changed their mind and said they are all blue. So nuts to them!

12-26-2010, 05:14 AM

My Ulthwe black dragons, do not ever feel you have confine yourself to what GW puts in the books, they have left the game open enough that your craftworld can exist and the aspect warriors can sport just about any color you like and not ruin any aspect of the game for anyone.

I'm afraid that if i ever collect an Eldar army, i will have to shamelessly rip you off. Very cool looking firedragons, better than the "official" paint scheme.