View Full Version : ARMY PAINTER - Dragon red/pure red

12-21-2010, 09:07 PM
Hello one and all.

I'll jump straight to the point.

I am a fussy painter and can spend hours on single models, but i find it extremely difficult to batch paint. As a short cut, i have been looking into using one of army painters red primers for my Blood angels.

I have searched and found quite a few completed models, and one or two WIP pictures for dragon red but not many for pure red.

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with either spray colour. Or whether anyone has any pictures of figures undercoated with either spray.

Stage pictures i.e WIP pictures are also welcome.

Cheers guys and girls

12-21-2010, 11:24 PM
I have used the pure red on some blood angels. The problem I had was the paint took forever to "harden" up. It was also slick, and the other paint I used tended to flake off. I have not used the Dragon red, but I did use the blue and if you don't wash your models or if there is any residue on them it will puff. Ruined a whole Cygnar army that way.

Hope you have better results

12-22-2010, 08:03 AM
I've used army painters extensively, have to say they are the best colour primer on the market. No offence to anyone intended, but it is common sense to ensure the models are clean and prepped before priming, period. The "puffing" reaction is normal with any primer if you don't take the time to properly prep miniatures.

As far as the two colours you are asking about, the pure red is a brilliant, fire engine red colour. Works well for khorne with a black wash over it as well as blood angels and khador, however I didn't find a good shade of paint to touch it up well enough. The dragon. red is a pretty shade, and I think, with it being a slight bit darker it would lend itself well to a primer for blood angels more so, with a red wash and highlights over that. I also found it easier to match up a touch up paint to the dragon blood red.

I'll see what I can do about getting a shot or two of some primed models this weekend, as all the ones I used the primer on are long since finished

12-22-2010, 03:31 PM
I have used the pure red on some blood angels. The problem I had was the paint took forever to "harden" up. It was also slick, and the other paint I used tended to flake off. I have not used the Dragon red, but I did use the blue and if you don't wash your models or if there is any residue on them it will puff. Ruined a whole Cygnar army that way.

Im sorry to hear that. It Makes me all the more cautious about possibly buying two cans, so i can test on a load of scrap models before hand, before unleashing on my Blood angels.

Normally i wouldn't be so cautious, but i have converted all my assault marines from the sanguinary guard box mixed with regular assault marines.

a unit of 10 set me back around £40

so two units of 10 in total thats £80

add in all the tanks ill need to base up and thats a lot of money i;d rather not ruin with paint lol

I've used army painters extensively, have to say they are the best colour primer on the market. No offence to anyone intended, but it is common sense to ensure the models are clean and prepped before priming, period. The "puffing" reaction is normal with any primer if you don't take the time to properly prep miniatures.

As far as the two colours you are asking about, the pure red is a brilliant, fire engine red colour. Works well for khorne with a black wash over it as well as blood angels and khador, however I didn't find a good shade of paint to touch it up well enough. The dragon. red is a pretty shade, and I think, with it being a slight bit darker it would lend itself well to a primer for blood angels more so, with a red wash and highlights over that. I also found it easier to match up a touch up paint to the dragon blood red.

I'll see what I can do about getting a shot or two of some primed models this weekend, as all the ones I used the primer on are long since finished

Any pictures would be FANTASTIC:D. just primed or painted fully.

I was thinking of using the pure red because i want a stand out on the field army, but i do prefer a more subtle darker red so i'm a little bit torn.

One quick question, you say clean up models, I trim mine of mould lines but rarely do anything else with them. Is there something i should be doing?

I rarely have spraying problems with black, and i find if you shake white well enough its fine. the "puffing" effect, is that when the spray dries and it looks like furry/bobberly?

Cheers guys

12-22-2010, 04:40 PM
i`ve used the pure red for the base coat on all the blood angels `ve done so far (20 terminators, 20 tactical marines, 5 devastators, 10 scouts, 2 rhinos, 2 predators, and a land raider) and i`ve not had a problem. the only thing you have to be care-full of is the Army painter sprays seem to be a little bit thick than GW sprays but is not a major problem

"One quick question, you say clean up models, I trim mine of mould lines but rarely do anything else with them. Is there something i should be doing?"

i think thay are talking about cleaning the models with soapy water before you make you models. which is something i have never done with a GW model.

If i get time over the holidays i will get some pictures up for you, i`ve got some more terminators base coated pure red, some with the details painted on, and some finished off with the quick shade strong tone which makes them look darker.

hope this helps pete

12-22-2010, 05:12 PM

thats would be amazing. would be most grateful.

As for cleaning, i do that on forgeworld resin, but for plastics iv'e never had a problem. But i do always test sprays so i shall see what works best.

cheers again

P.s no rush, enjoy the holidays

12-23-2010, 07:53 AM
so much for me taking some pictures over the holidays.

i`ve been invited for a game tommorow night, so i`ve had to dig my blood angels out of their cases to make sure every things ok.

ive taken 3 pics of some terminators that i was working on. hope these help


12-23-2010, 08:59 PM
Cheers grail, some good looking stuff.

Pure red really is pure red isn't it!

i like what i see though for a base colour.

cheers again.

to anyone else please any pictures would be great, but no rush it will be awhile yet until i get round to painting.

12-27-2010, 02:34 PM
I've used the Dragon Red for my Fire Dragons and one Squad of Dire Avengers helmets. The Avengers has a coat of the red, a wash of thraka green, two dry brushes of Blood Red, a dry brush of orange then a wash of Baal red. Resulted in a nice dark red. Once I'm back home, I'll get a pic of the base coated Dragons for you. The Avengers are in my plog in me sig.

12-27-2010, 09:01 PM
hey, cheers, nice work on the eldar.

01-09-2011, 01:15 PM
Thanks! I like Eldar. Nice change from Power Armour after bloomin' years of Space Wolves. (Who'da thought I'd put them aside just as their new 'Dex came out huh?)

Anyway, sorry I'm so late with this but here :


This is first ed Fire Dragons with a single coat of Army Painters Dragon Red. It is a really glorious colour! Slightly brighter due to the flash. In person it is a darker, richer red.

01-09-2011, 02:00 PM
To add my two pence I'm very happy with the Dragon Red which I used a the base colour for my Angels Sanguine. I tried it over a black and a white undercoat and ended up going with it over the black. They look like this (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_HN7KLdYayZ0/TQC1rTd3b2I/AAAAAAAAALI/q7XqGSac35I/s1600/SDC10652.JPG), I'm pretty happy how they turned out (sorry for not posting the pick in here, I don't know how to re-size!).

Hope that gives you an idea. For 'proper' Blood Angels I'd maybe either look at Dragon Red over a White undercoat or their other Red (Pure?) over a black. They cover over black well as long as, (as has previously been mentioned in this thread) you prep properly and read the instructions - they do behave a little differently to GW sprays.

I covered a few pros and cons on a blog post last year (click here (http://rebelsgrotto.blogspot.com/2010/11/army-painter-spray-vs-citadel-spray-gun.html)) when I was getting to grips with Army Painter myself.

Hope that helped, I'd recommend them.

01-09-2011, 07:59 PM
Hey guys, cheers for the response's.

Big grim, after seeing your dire avengers, i decided then that i would pick up the pure red, and i happened to go up to london last week and found a stockist.

I almsot brought both red colours, but stuck to jsut prue red.

And ive given it a go on a spare spue of shoulder pads and on one broken marine, and i have to say its excellent stuff.

I had no problems with spraying, was very cold so i just shook the can a lot, and brought the test pieces in straight into the house so they could dry at room temp.

Im lookign for a vibrant red that will pop and stand out on the table. I found by black lining with devlan mud, and then touching up with blood red (is practically identical the pure red), i managed to acheive a shaded and vibrant model in no time. i plan to do oe or two highlights and for me thats the armour done, and i would say its of a higher table top standard than what you commonly see and is extremely time efficient.

When i get round to my eventual army, i will make a blog of a unit and painting progression so watch this space.

cheers again guys.

01-10-2011, 04:33 AM
Excellent stuff! Glad you found it as great to work with as I do! I look forward to your plog on your Angels!

01-10-2011, 05:52 AM
Hey Addamsfamily,

Where'd you find the London stockist? I'd be interested in heading there as I'm out of Dragon Red.


01-10-2011, 05:22 PM
Dark sphere. Small shop near london waterloo (literally like a minute away)

they stock all sorts like hordes, maulifaux, gamesworkshop, chessex dice etc etc (you have to ask for certain things like the dice) but they had good reductions when i went in. and that was on VAT increase day so i was happy.


Literally exit the station and turn left. the london eye will be on the right.

01-11-2011, 02:33 AM

I know the shop pretty well, I never knew they carried Army Painter though! The discounts are very good and they do have an awesome range of lines, especially now they're in a bigger store (just incase any one else london based reads this, you should go!)
Good news! That's my lunch hour mission sorted today then.
Thanks again

01-11-2011, 11:21 AM
No worries.

Yeh its behind the counter on the left. Its worth asking though as the staff member had to get most of the colors out from under the counter.

i think it was £8.09 a can