View Full Version : 1,000pt foot guard

12-21-2010, 05:33 PM
Hey everyone, this is a list I've been using to great effect against dark eldar, tau and space marines. I like how it works thus far, but I'm trying to decide whether anything should be swapped out or added to take it to 1500.
straken, comand squad with lascannon, plasma gun and medic in a chimaera w/ hb ml

command squad 4 melta
10 man with lc, pgun
10 man with lc pgun

command squad 4 melta
10 man w lascannon pgun
10 man w lascannon pgun
10 man w lascannon pgun
10 man w lascannon pgun
heavy weapons team with 3 autocannons


I've found that the only way to make the infantry work is combining squads into 20 mans, 30 is too unwieldy. And counterattack and fc granted by straken makes them obnoxious with such numbers. Thoughts?

12-21-2010, 05:38 PM
Holy cow, Madison WI?! Do you play at Pegasus games?

Is this the list I saw there on Monday?

12-21-2010, 06:02 PM
Why yes and yes, small world haha

12-21-2010, 06:32 PM
Haha awesome, it's Taj btw.

12-22-2010, 10:16 AM
Its redundant, but I like it. I would play against it. I dont mind lists like this where it not power play redundant, but redundant for a purpose.

I wouldn't swap anything. You could always try the Armored Sentinels though for support.

12-22-2010, 11:31 AM
It sounds like you're giving them the Furious Charge bonus when they counter-attack, which is incorrect. The only thing that counter-attack gives is the extra attack, not any other bonuses.

I'm very surprised that most things aren't killing you to death, especially DEldar. Any CC unit that assaults your blobs should take them out in one round, since they don't have a commissar. 5 casualties and they're just under a 50% chance to run by failing morale from shooting, and even the Tau player should assault your shooty blobs and will probably win.

Since you seem to be doing well, I don't know if you'll take any of my advice, since I basically think your whole setup needs redone. Heavy weapons don't belong in 10-man squads, and neither do plasma guns. A vast majority of your army is static, meaning you can't react to your opponent's movement without losing firepower. Gunelines had viability in 4th, but now that all troops can run instead of needing fleet to get the extra d6", you only have one or two turns before even guys without transports get to your lines. That's just not enough time to kill everything anymore.

If you're winning at the moment, then enjoy it. I can imagine a multitude of ways for each of those armies you mentioned to change just a little to start eating this list.

12-22-2010, 11:34 AM
Damn, I'm in Madison for the next few days. I should have brought my armies with me.

12-22-2010, 03:54 PM
That;s a nice load of infantry, but lacks mobility.

Your command squad is full of contradictions. Is it sit back and shoot ( lascannon ), drive-by shoot (plasmagun ) or assault ( Straken )?

I would suggest you pick a role for the command squad and tailor it for that role.

12-22-2010, 08:47 PM
@ elcheezus-no i do know that the furious charge doesnt apply when a unit is counter attacking, and the dark eldar player ive played tends to go heavy incubi and tricked out archon, with ravagers and then regular warriors in raiders, so shredding them open with twin linked las/melta or triple tapping lasrifles makes short work of them.

@anaximander-yeah the mobility issue is there, but with larger squads the torrent that normally kills 2 wound t3 heavy weapons teams is counterbalanced well. I guess part of it also is im still assembling my chimeras, then i think vets will be making more of a stop on the table. on the command squad not you're probably right, i tend to throw them in when a monstrous creature/dreadnought gets too close, because straken has no issue punching them out.

12-22-2010, 09:39 PM
@nungunz-thats a shame! we play on mondays at pegasus

12-23-2010, 01:25 AM
@ elcheezus-no i do know that the furious charge doesnt apply when a unit is counter attacking, and the dark eldar player ive played tends to go heavy incubi and tricked out archon, with ravagers and then regular warriors in raiders, so shredding them open with twin linked las/melta or triple tapping lasrifles makes short work of them.

Except when he makes like 10 shadowfield saves in a row...