View Full Version : Looted Eldar

12-21-2010, 10:50 AM

Update log

++[22/12/10] - Wave Serpent Plans++

So, I'm planning on starting on ork army which has heavily looted an eldar craftworld.


Two big meks were exiled from their home planet, after taking it upon themselves to 'upgrade' all the trucks and battlewagons they could find using anything they could find, this as you might expect, did not please the local warbosses, who weren't particualry please to have an abundence of half-build trucks and wagons...

So, taking what few orks would follow them, and as many stompy things as they could fit on their ship, they set out into the vast expanse of space... *cue dramatic music*

Either through some orky know-what, or sheer luck, the ork vessel somehow managed to find a partially destroyed and abandoned Eldar craftworld and begin to start looting.

Okay, so now I have a bit of basic background for explaining why my orks are taking a ride on some wave serpents :D

This also leads to exlplain why the dreads and kans will be converted to look more like salvage workers (grabbing claws etc.) and the ease at which they manage to loot the eldar.

The List

x2 Big Meks

One is the Big Mek Buzzgob (I think thats his name) from forgeworld, I plan to leave him pretty much unconverted
Big Mek with KFF, I plan just to add a few spare eldary bitz to his KFF, make it look likes hes tinkered with it abit

5 Nobz with a Battle Wagon

I plan to use a fire prism with out the top turret as the main base for the wagon, and add battlewagon pieces around it, I plan to draw up some concept sketches later this week.

10 Boyz in a truck

For the truck I plan to use a falcon, again with out the turret and open up the back area, again, I plan to draw some sketches later this week


I plan to add some exausts and engine bitz etc. to a jetbike

Kans and Dread

The kans and dreads will be given a good does of FW weathering powders, and add grabbing claws and wrecking balls, make them look like the scavengers/slavages they are

Looted wagon

Use a fire prism, open up the turret a bit, and glue two of the cannons together, just make it look big and shooty :D

So, there you have my basis for the moment, I plan to turn this into my blog, and add to it with more background information (especially over christmas) and the actualy models when I eventually get them.

If you've taken the time to read this massive ramble, then I would appreciate it if you would leave your opinions on what I plan to do, and if you've got any ideas of your own.


12-21-2010, 11:05 AM
You mean something like this?


12-21-2010, 11:30 AM
Friend of mine has a looted waveserpent...sure he'll see this thread and post it soon

Just don't "loot" any wraithlords, cos that really doesn't work. Can't loot haunted physchoplastic! And wouldn't use too many Eldar weapons....they're way out of the Orks capabilitys to understand

Can use war walkers as dreads but they'll need to be very orkified.

The wagon will probably need to be eithr a) very big ^ much like that picture or b) mostly ork with eldar parts

12-21-2010, 12:05 PM
Dodgy connection double posted :(

12-21-2010, 01:16 PM
Friend of mine has a looted waveserpent...sure he'll see this thread and post it soon

Just don't "loot" any wraithlords, cos that really doesn't work. Can't loot haunted physchoplastic! And wouldn't use too many Eldar weapons....they're way out of the Orks capabilitys to understand

Can use war walkers as dreads but they'll need to be very orkified.

The wagon will probably need to be eithr a) very big ^ much like that picture or b) mostly ork with eldar parts

I didn't really plan on looting wraithlords any way really, as the dreads were meant to have come with the orks.

Although, I do like the idea of making an ork battlewagon and 'upgrading' it with eldar parts, I was originally going to do it the other way round, mainly eldar with orky bitz, what do you guys think?

Finally, painting wise, I was thinking of painting the eldar vehicles a deep purpley colour, then giving it a rough pain-job, in foundation red... would that work?


12-21-2010, 01:19 PM
Yeah good way to paint it is proper eldar, then do the damage that knocked it out, then "orkify" on top...

12-21-2010, 01:33 PM


These were more of the style I hope to achieve, making it look like the orks has have found and added to the eldar skimmers, as oposed to inmproving their own armour through eldar tech, which probably wouldn't work then :rolleyes:

12-21-2010, 06:50 PM
Just don't "loot" any wraithlords, cos that really doesn't work. Can't loot haunted physchoplastic! And wouldn't use too many Eldar weapons....they're way out of the Orks capabilitys to understand

I just got a fantastic idea from that comment. You can still include Eldar weaponry on the models, but have it covered with blast marks and maybe have crewmen nearby who have gotten a little too close to the hot parts and suffered. Like, they tried to use it, but because it was so advanced it backfired the moment they touched it, so they mounted a different gun right beside it instead (because they couldn't figure out how to get the bright lance off the vehicle).

Drew da Destroya
12-21-2010, 07:42 PM
Found a busted up Craftworld and looted it, eh? Sounds proppa orky!

You can go with everyone's new favorite whipping post, Malantai... plus it'd let you loot some Tyranid parts if you felt like it.

I know you're not planning on a warboss, but a Megaboss using a broken sword from the Avatar could look pretty badass.

12-22-2010, 02:43 PM
Looted Wave Serpent/truck plans

http://i1115.photobucket.com/albums/k559/Dominic1905/th_E3.png (http://s1115.photobucket.com/albums/k559/Dominic1905/?action=view&current=E3.png)
Click on the thumbnail for a much better quality pic, was too big originally :(

All the black lines (not shaded areas) represent cut lines, so just basic battle damage around the hull

The two grills on the front will be cut away, and replace with doors from the battlewagon kit, as it will be hard to make the Wave Serpent (now referred to as WS) look open toped, have multiple access points can counteract this issue from a fluff perspective

Very simerler to '1' but the idea is to make it look like the orks smashed the cockpit cover to gain entry, hence bits of glass (what would eldar use instead :rolleyes:) left infront of the cockpit, either an ork or gretchin will be piolting the craft (depends on sizes)

The turret for the WS will house the big shoota again, with either an ork or gretchin opperating it

The two weapons on the side of the WS will be roughly removed (the orks have big plans for them)

An area around the back of the WS will be cut away, showing some of the orks in the actualy transport area, and maybe an orky ladder leading up to the top of the WS

Armound the top flatish area of the WS there will be some sort of mini barracde (cant think of the word for it :() with parts from the GW battlewagon kit

There, hopefully that will show what I plan to do to the WS, and as always, I would appreciate any input you would have


12-23-2010, 03:36 AM
Wow, the plans for the waveserpent look good, but how are you planning to paint them, which craftworld?

12-23-2010, 04:20 AM
Y'know, you could always use the space between the tips of the wings/prongs to put two big fat tires, much like the Tumbler Bat Mobile.
Of course, this raises questions as to what would happen when the thing corners at high speed but that can easily be solved by putting smaller outrigger wheels on the side that only touch the ground when cornering, a bit like bicycle training wheels. that would look ace. :D

12-23-2010, 07:04 AM
I love this model... it is very orky...I have never seen anything like it...

12-23-2010, 11:05 AM
Y'know, you could always use the space between the tips of the wings/prongs to put two big fat tires, much like the Tumbler Bat Mobile.
Of course, this raises questions as to what would happen when the thing corners at high speed but that can easily be solved by putting smaller outrigger wheels on the side that only touch the ground when cornering, a bit like bicycle training wheels. that would look ace. :D

That idea had crossed my mind actually :D, but, I still prefer the idea of the wave serpent still floating, although when I come to actually build it (sooner than later hopefully) I might just add some on, depends on how orky I feel :rolleyes:

I love this model... it is very orky...I have never seen anything like it...

Thanks, I wanted to make it look orky and looted, but with out going over the top conversion work, I want it to look like the orks have found it, adjusted it to their needs, an d not much more. However... the battlewagon (when I eventually get to plan/build it) will have alot more ork stuff to it, e.g the renforecd ram.

Another thing I would like everyones opinion on is how to paint the looted eldar, so far I have two possible ideas...

1 - Paint the eldar as I would normally, then slap some red paint here and there, make it look like the orks were in a hurry, and wanted to make it red!

2 - The second way I was considering painting the tanks was to paint them normally first (I was thinking of a deep purple with boney coloured panels) then weathering the whole chassis heavily (e.g. using FW rust weathering powders (would a wave serpent rust if left on a planet unattended for centuries???))

As always, C & C is welcome and I look forward to hearing your views :)


12-23-2010, 01:34 PM
I'd actually use the wave serpent hull upside down, putting the tracks on the roof. This gives you a big "platform" on which to put armor plates around - and meganobz to put ontop. :)

12-24-2010, 04:16 AM
I'd actually use the wave serpent hull upside down, putting the tracks on the roof. This gives you a big "platform" on which to put armor plates around - and meganobz to put ontop. :)

That another idea I'd never have thought of using :D it does sound very orky as well, literally turning it upside down.

What do you think of the paint schemes, I really cant decide :confused: