View Full Version : Multiple Assault question

12-20-2010, 10:35 PM

Question regarding multiple combats, assault results (ref pg 41 BRB).
“Every unit on the losing side has to check their morale (they all use the same penalty, …)”

Photo for reference.
Red 1 assaults Blue 1.
Red 2 assaults Blue 1. No victor, fight continues.
Next round of combat: Blue 2 assaults Red 2 wiping out the squad. This forced Red 1 to make a morale check and Red 1 ran off the table.

Was this done correctly?

Thank you in advance for any and all answers.

12-20-2010, 10:50 PM
Yes. It's considered one big combat, and there is only one result.

In a team tournament, I once tried to save a large squad of guardsmen by counter-charging with a Bloodthirster and a Daemon Prince. I almost wiped out the opposing squad, but they killed almost 20 guardsmen (Saga of the Warrior Born), which meant that I took a whole boatload of fearless saves and lost both the 'Thirster and the Daemon Prince. Ouch.

12-21-2010, 10:31 AM
Yes. It's considered one big combat, and there is only one result.

In a team tournament, I once tried to save a large squad of guardsmen by counter-charging with a Bloodthirster and a Daemon Prince. I almost wiped out the opposing squad, but they killed almost 20 guardsmen (Saga of the Warrior Born), which meant that I took a whole boatload of fearless saves and lost both the 'Thirster and the Daemon Prince. Ouch.

Ya dont save guardsmen just laugh and accept the blood for the blood god but yes as far as i can tell with the little diagram youve got it right

12-21-2010, 02:23 PM
Man, blue 1 is a badass!

@lera: I think the fearless shenanigans is one of the worst rules in the book. We actually have a house rule where the fearless unit can take a leadership test (usally on Ld 10) and will only take those wounds if they failed it. It seems only fair if a lowly guardsmen manages to pass a moral test and suffers no penalties.

12-21-2010, 05:18 PM
Yeah...i had my avatar in combat, lost and had him killed by a chaos demon flamer cos of fearless saves....

12-21-2010, 06:03 PM
Yeah, fearless rules in CC are stupid. Fearless is supposed to be awesome because you can ignore all those morale shenanigans, and then they go and make it almost worse than normal leadership while you're in assault.

12-21-2010, 09:16 PM
Yea, it's odd that Stubborn is more effective than Fearless in assault.

12-21-2010, 09:32 PM
i agree that fearless saves are a but silly, but they sort of make sense.

for instance a fearless death company marine stays because he has seen his death etc etc, he knows no fear neither as a space marine or now that he is a raving looney.

so even in the face of overwhelming odds he will fight on. i suppose the fearless saves are representative of that marine or squad etc being dog piled by the enemy.

there are instances where its a bit ridiculous though.

12-21-2010, 09:37 PM
Man, blue 1 is a badass!.

I agree, Blue 1 was in fact badass. It was a squad of Terminators. The unfortunate Red players were Ork tankbustas and kommandos.

I wanted to leave out any unit specific details when I first posted the question as it did not pertain to the outcome of the fight and by leaving it generic it will be easier for me to answer this question the next time it comes up without having to use specific army rules. (That and I know how easily these questions can turn into discussions about Unit X being broken since Y rule came out versus Army Z)

I am still rather new to the game but in our home games I have been given a role of referee / judge / FAQ when questions come up. I love doing it, I just want to make sure I am answering the questions correctly.

Thank you very much to everyone for all of your answers.