View Full Version : The Lemarchand Kabal

12-17-2010, 06:08 PM
A few of my Dark Eldar pieces. I'm going for a heavily horror-themed army; the colour scheme is largely based on the Cenobites from Hellraiser. Here's my female version of Duke Sliscus.

Apologies in advance for the terrible picture quality! :)


Cloak detail


12-17-2010, 06:10 PM
Here's the Grotesques. Can't use them in a tournament. But then, I don't go to tournaments, so no loss at all.

I had originally plannet to rivet and greeble the helmets, but after doing one, I decided they looked a lot better without any further detail.


Here's a WiP shot for anyone interested.


12-17-2010, 06:37 PM
Whole hearted approval for Duchess Sliscus.:)

Drew da Destroya
12-17-2010, 11:15 PM
Yeah, Duchess Sliscus looks pretty awesome, and the Pyramid Head Grotesques are awesome!

12-19-2010, 09:07 AM
Sacred feth that Sliscus is impressive. One of the best Dark Eldar conversions i've seen so far. Also gotta love the squad of Pyramid Heads.

12-19-2010, 01:19 PM
Love the twin swords, that was probably harder to do than it looks. I would personally adda bit of flowing hair to emphasise the dynamic motion of the model.

Working on female versions of the baron and the duke myself but I'm going in a completely different direction for my duchess, reclining on a grav throne.

12-19-2010, 06:44 PM
The twin swords were easier than you'd think; It's literally the same arm - the one from the Warriors box. To make it a right arm, you cut the sword off of the arm, then remove the hand from the arm, replacing it with an appropriate right hand - I used the one from a spare Wych weapon. You then just glue the sword to the new hand. As long as you've razored the arm's wrist along the armour join, it's quite seamless. Fiddly, but ultimately a really simple conversion.

As far as hair goes, I just can't stand manes and hair on armour. Ilprefer sleek lines and crisp edges and high technology; I'm going for hypertech surgical sadists, rather than sci-fi berzerkers. The kind of Eldar who'll cut you up, not because they're angry, or lustful for blood, but because they're curious about what pitch you scream in, or exactly how much skin you can remove from a human in a singe cut without them going into shock. I'm going for Hellraiser, not Khorne.

12-19-2010, 07:23 PM
Just curious, why can't you use those Grotesques in a tournament? I understand it doesn't concern you anyway, but there's no official model for the new grotesques, and the only reason people are using 40mm bases is because of a precedent set by Ogryns, Spawn, etc. There's nothing that says Grotesques must be modelled a particular way, and if any T.O. saw those and said "Sorry, those aren't big enough, get out" then he shouldn't be running hobby events.

Besides, it's actually a disadvantage to have them on smaller bases, as it cuts down on their footprint quite a bit.

Anyway, those are some pretty sweet looking models. I'm getting ready to start my special character conversions (first up Lady Malys) and I'm really liking what people are doing for the Duke, who I have no inspiration for.

Drew da Destroya
12-19-2010, 08:47 PM
Mainly because they aren't made with any GW parts, and would therefore be illegal in an "official" GW tournament... and official GW stores would probably look sideways at him, as well.

12-20-2010, 11:11 AM
If you sculpted them yourself you should be fine to use them.

12-21-2010, 02:47 AM
Man, that Girl is NICE!

Really well done! Looking forward to more of your stuff.

12-22-2010, 07:49 PM
Here's a few more models - I've used my girlfriend's new camera, so the photos are much better.

Grotesque from squad number 2 - Doom Hellknights:

Lilith Hesperx Painting In Progress:

12-23-2010, 01:04 AM
Loving the models, very moody! Especially the crystal-headed grotesques, that's a nice twisted corruption!