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View Full Version : High Elfs vs. Empire: Best Tactics. Please help!

Pariah Stevo
08-26-2009, 04:47 PM
i am new to fantasy but have played 40k for years. I don't know the rules well enough to get a grip on what works well. My friends has a huge empire army and will probably be the only person i play. So far, he has just shot the crap outta me. I need about 2000pts to play against him. What would you field in a 2000pts list? And What works well and why?

08-27-2009, 07:41 AM
High Elves are a combo army and better than Empire at everything.

Since he goes heavy shooting it means you have to deal with that so your precious, precious elves have a chance to get across the board and into combat where you are simply better than everything an Empire army can field. I personally take a magic and shooting heavy High Elves army at 2K and find it works well.

Level 4 High Magic, Level 2 High Magic, 20 Archers and 2 Bolt Throwers. The magic missiles have an easy time dealing with artillery and curse of arrow attraction makes the archers and bolt throwers deadly. If you deal with his shooting first, your ASF combat should have no problems walking all over his infantry.

Pariah Stevo
08-27-2009, 03:32 PM
How do you generall run your mages? Do you mount them or put them on foot? What kind of eq do you give them? I would really like a dragon and thought about a dragon mage, but they seem slightly squishy to depend on. I will definitely put in some some archers, I seem like i need them. My friend also uses this multiple assault thing where if I assault one of three of his units the other two units flank the one that charged. What is the best way to defend that?

08-28-2009, 03:27 AM
Use a couple of units of high elf shadow warriors to take out his war machines QUICKLY. Ellyrian reavers are also a good choice as the are super fast-just keep them behind cover or they will be pulverised-put a mage in the unit to protect them. Dragons are also a good idea and great eagles-they both fly (obviously). Mages using celestial shield from the lore of heavens is a lifesaver-literally. As for the rest of the empire troops, high elves eat them for breakfast just make sure they actually get to them-bolt throwers and archers are great for covering fire. A prince on dragon with bow of the seafarer and good armour is an awesome choice for filleting any empire unit.

08-28-2009, 10:47 AM
The flank thing your talking about is the detachment system, and if you intend to charge a unit, make sure its detachments are dead first as they'll completely cost you combat. Dragon Princes with the banner of ellyrion could you alot, since the can hide behind terrain and still get a charge off.

08-31-2009, 03:57 AM
Your still vulnerable in the flank though when you make a flank charge because the empire player would keep his own troops within charging distance of each other.