View Full Version : Help with Incubi and tormentors.

12-16-2010, 02:16 AM
I was reading through the Incubi fluff on page 31 and came across this, "When they (the Incubi) close upon their foe they send waves of neural energy coursing outward from the tormentors mounted upon their chests, leaving their foes wracked with agony before the killing begins in earnest."

To me, this implies that they have either a ranged (probably pistol type) attack, or that they are armed with frag grenade equivalents. However, I can find nothing in the rules sections to explain what is meant by tormentors. The main Incubi entry make no mention of having either ranged attacks or grenades, while the Incubi warsuit entry just states that they have a three plus armor save. I also can't find any entries in the weapons, wargear or arcane wargear sections that shed any light on this. Was this just a cool piece of fluff, or am I missing something, or did maybe GW forget to include the entry?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

12-16-2010, 03:25 AM
Yeah I had the same feeling, that GW missed out on something here. IMO, they should have something like Banshee masks, or at least something that reduces the Iniative of opponents. But I have no idea as to why the Tormentors are not represented in-game.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
12-16-2010, 04:38 AM
Agreed that they were probably intended to be a frag. grenade equivalent (I think a Banshee mask-type item would be a bit big to be missed out), it's an obvious hole in their wargear compared to pretty much every othe Dark Eldar assault unit, and I can't help but think that if they wren't supposed to have standard frag, then the sergeant would have the option of buying a Phantasm Launcher pack. Plus, it seems pretty odd to introduce this totally new, fluff-heavy, represented on the model piece of equipment which is supposed to have a noted effect on enemies and giving it no rules whatsoever.

12-16-2010, 04:42 AM
I doubt they forgot, I imagine if it was included as anything other than fluff it may have been removed for balance reasons. Incubi are pretty damned tough already. It may also be included in their statline, perhaps the extra 1WS they have over regular Elite slot Eldar (Howling Banshees and Striking Scorpions) and Dark Eldar (Hekatrix Bloodbrides and Trueborn Kabalites).
So think of it as the extra WS or accept that they had absolutely no need for any extra ability, being effectively a unit of Exarchs already.:)

12-16-2010, 10:01 AM
In the old codex and with the old minis, Incubi had this *****-type thing on their heads called a tormentor helm. It basically allowed them to fire a splinter pistol shot and get the +1 A for the pistol while wielding a 2-handed weapon. The fluff in the book regarding the tormentor seems to describe the old minis, but the firing agent was switched from a *****-like object atop their heads to some device on their chest.

My guess is that was some of the early fluff that Phil Kelly wrote for the Incubi, and down the road they got rid of it and gave Incubi 2 A instead, but they missed that bit in the editing process. Pure speculation on my part, though.

12-16-2010, 10:33 AM
Nah, no rules for them , which is utter rubbish on the part of GW , I am at a point having had plenty of time to play with and analyze the book , where I would be willing to bet sensitive parts of my anatomy that there was a late stage nerf of some stuff, one which they obviously did not have the time to conceal in places.

The missing tormentors is fairly glaring, Would assume them to be offensive/defensive grenades or somesuch not a stat modification.

Drew da Destroya
12-16-2010, 11:01 AM
As Necron Lord mentioned, the Incubi in the previous codex had a piece of wargear called a "Tormentor Helm"... it was essentially a head-mounted splinter pistol (providing a bit of a link to the Scorpion Mandiblaster, too). It gave the Incubi +1 attack in CC, even though they were swinging a polearm.

I'd assume the "Tormentor Field" is the spiritual successor, and is the reason why Incubi have 2 attacks stock.

12-16-2010, 11:39 AM
I'd assume the "Tormentor Field" is the spiritual successor, and is the reason why Incubi have 2 attacks stock.

I can live with that, but I dont get why they dont have pistols anymore....its clear that Scorpion Father is their creator(fighting-style ect) so we can expect some links to scorpions(helments-with pistols) but now they are completely diffrent.
I dont like new names for weapons-punisher rulez, and new name for Incubi master...oh and that "exarch"power with prefered enemy for IC...its bloody stupid IMO.

12-16-2010, 12:15 PM
I think it was their counts-as-grenades thingy.

But then the playtesting found out that they would be too good with that and/or the PGL on archons would be useless when every unit already could have them some way or another.

This way it is also an incentive to actually field them as the archon bodyguards they are seen as. Cause be real: all an archon needs with proper weapons and shadowfield is bodies to protect him from mass shooting/medium strenght melee.

and incubi only need an archon for grenades, not because they otherwise dont kill stuf.

however I'd ahve loved them to be "useless" shooting weapons like s2 ap2 assoult 1 or forcing a LDS check or the enemy suffers some penalty (WS/I1 would be quite cool and with an unmodified LDS check to block it not even any type of OP).

Drew da Destroya
12-16-2010, 03:57 PM
I can live with that, but I dont get why they dont have pistols anymore....its clear that Scorpion Father is their creator(fighting-style ect) so we can expect some links to scorpions(helments-with pistols) but now they are completely diffrent.
I dont like new names for weapons-punisher rulez, and new name for Incubi master...oh and that "exarch"power with prefered enemy for IC...its bloody stupid IMO.

Yeah, I agree... Punisher was a much cooler name than Klaive, and Klaivex makes even less sense. It seems like the "Incubi Masters" got pushed further into the background, and the Klaivex is just a half-step Exarch-type. It seems like now that it's out in the open that Ahra founded the Incubi, they don't feel the need to make the "subtle" similarities... like face-pistols. I guess it's to show the differences in style between Ahra and Karandras?

And the preferred enemy power is definitely a joke.