View Full Version : BoLS Readers Choice Awards 2010 - Plastic Miniatures

12-15-2010, 01:46 PM
Please list your submission for best single plastic miniature produced during 2010 by either GW, Privateer, or Battlefront. Please only 1 entry. If you have a link to a photo of it, feel free to throw it in.

12-15-2010, 02:03 PM
Difficult one...difficulty choosing between the new Nightspinner and the modular DE kits

Vote goes with the Wyches. Mucho convertability without any effort, easily interchangeable and superb detail.

12-15-2010, 03:11 PM
Going simply on what I've bought most of:

Sanguinary guard, love those plastic wings.

12-15-2010, 03:31 PM
The Trygon kit, beautiful sculpt and often overlooked, great versatility.

(Though I may be wrong in thinking it was this year- if not my vote goes to the sanguinary guard.)

12-15-2010, 03:46 PM
Raider/Ravager. I'll go with the Ravager.

1) You get soo many extra bits in this kit is amazing. Fully half the kit is extra bits, no joke.

2) As per the Raider, the design of the model 'makes sense'! It is a flying galleon with a 'working' sail and rudder. There is a control panel showing the driver working both the sail and rudder through controls. The Raider even has a Gang Plank like a real ship!

3) The side gunners on the Ravagers are extremely believable in both function and how they are mounted to the Ravager.

4) All this, and it is a very simple kit to piece together!


Herald of Nurgle
12-15-2010, 04:26 PM
Hmm. Would you class the plastic warjacks for Warmahordes as resin or plastic? It's certainly a bit different.

Otherwise, lemme see...
- Any plastic box for the Dark Eldar release. God how I love them.
- Sanguinary Guard without Death Masks and/or the GW posing. I'm sorry, but I hate both of them.
- Wargames Factory Greatcoat troopers. These satisfy my DK needs perfectly... for now. With the rumors of more kits coming soon, this is a fine kit.

12-15-2010, 04:31 PM
Hmm. Would you class the plastic warjacks for Warmahordes as resin or plastic?

Sounds like you just answered that for yourself.

I'd like to nominate the plastic battleboxes for Warmachines - nothing says "easy to start playing" like half of your army right there.

12-15-2010, 04:38 PM
Ork Dreadnought

A) we have waited so long for a Ork dread and the the marines having 3 plastic (4 if you include AOBR) dreads, us orks felt leftout with our solid metal lump.
b) it is a lovely kit with the overall apperence of the dread tweaked slightly such as the change in legs.
I really love the amount of bits you get, there are just so many arm options which means there are plently of bitz left over for the rest of your army (a good thing for orks!).

4) All this, and it is a very simple kit to piece together!
not to rain on your parade but I built our store raider and it was a bit of a pain. The worst part is all the little spikes around the edge which have such as small amount of contact. The other thing is the thin poles which look great but not practical. (also why is the kit Ģ30 and the raider Ģ20? it only has 1 sprue more!(ok it is GW))
it is a nice model but not very practical and is going to get broken when travelling and during game.
A lovely model non the less but ouch! hope you look your tetanous jab!

12-15-2010, 04:51 PM
not to rain on your parade but I built our store raider and it was a bit of a pain.

That's fine! You still won't change my vote.

12-15-2010, 05:16 PM
My vote is for the new plastic Daemon Prince Kit. Great price, lots of extra bits.


Brass Scorpion
12-15-2010, 05:21 PM
My vote for best plastic kit this year would be the new multi-part Witchfate Tor from GW. It's a terrific, versatile kit, quite large and full of good detail. It's flexible enough to use with roleplay games like D&D with it's removable floor sections as well as wargames like 40K and Fantasy battle. When I refereed RPGs years ago I dreamed of having model buildings like Witchfate Tor. It's usable with so many different game systems and kinds of games, it deserves some recognition.

My favorite new plastic kit from a personal standpoint is the new Daemon Prince. I've already had a lot of fun converting that one (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/blogPost.jsp?aId=12500016a) to a snake-bodied monster and have several more conversions planned.

Would you class the plastic warjacks for Warmahordes as resin or plastic? Everyone should realize that the resin used by model manufacturers IS plastic, it's just a different kind of plastic than the polystyrene used for most mass market model kits by GW, Revell, Testors, Tamiya, etc. The resin is usually polyurethane. Both are polymers and are plastics.

12-15-2010, 05:41 PM
Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard

A lot of bling

12-15-2010, 05:44 PM
I was going to go with the new Raider/Ravager kit(s) (I consider them essentially identical, though I'll go with the Ravager for the extra sprue).

HOWEVER, thinking about that made me realize what the best new plastic model released this year is.

Gentlemen, behold:

the new flying base


This new design has 100% sold the entire FLGS on future skimmer designs from GW, and was a huge positive in the new Dark Eldar kits.

We can debate the positives of all the amazing new minis released this year, but the GW rounded flying base is probably going to have the biggest single impact on future designs and conversions at many, many stores. The ability to dynamically pose your skimmers without wires or convoluted base design is no longer necessary.

I humbly nominate the new GW flying base as the most important and most well-received new plastic model kit of 2010.

12-15-2010, 05:58 PM
Isn't the plastic venerable dreadnought a 2010 release? If so it definitely deserves a nomination - it's an awesome kit, lots of detail, lots of options, great looks.

12-15-2010, 06:06 PM
http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m990169a_99120101085_BASanguinaryGuard1_873x627.jp g

12-15-2010, 06:28 PM
The Plastic Juggernauts, I just love all things Khorne and after converting a bunch of metal ones, these guys are great. Other than the weight of the models, you really can't tell the difference between them.

12-15-2010, 07:51 PM
Plastic Bloodcrushers kit

12-15-2010, 08:33 PM
Wyches - so many bitz and with a huge variety and compatabity with the other kits.

12-15-2010, 08:34 PM
GW Killa Kans

Awesome kit, simply awesome!

12-15-2010, 09:56 PM
This is really tough. IoB was an amazing set... But I have to put my vote in for the Wyches... I could not get over how life like they were. Something just popped with them.

12-15-2010, 10:41 PM
Isn't the plastic venerable dreadnought a 2010 release? If so it definitely deserves a nomination - it's an awesome kit, lots of detail, lots of options, great looks.

No, it was out in 09, if not earlier.

I say Death Company, for the sheer conversion opportunities for a Blood Angel (or any other army) player.

John M>

12-16-2010, 01:19 AM
nazgul on fell beast! best plastic kit of the year. you even get 2 different riders. no 2 need look alike. gorgeous model, well detailed. and it is a giant flying monster!

12-16-2010, 01:29 AM
I'm going to go for the Raider/Ravager as well, such an elegant kit. Though I almost went with the Witchfate Tor, such an amazing kit!

12-16-2010, 02:47 AM
Island of Blood, especially the rat ogres, if only the models sold seperately were that nice...

12-16-2010, 04:49 AM
Plastic Daemon Prince.

Amazing kit. Full of bits & pieces. Multiple variants of virtually all parts. Fits two games. Amazing sculpt. Easily the best thing to come to the gaming table in ages.

Night System
12-16-2010, 05:21 AM
Plastic Killer Kans.

Look great, amazing value, and highly convertable.

12-16-2010, 07:40 AM
nazgul on fell beast! best plastic kit of the year. you even get 2 different riders. no 2 need look alike. gorgeous model, well detailed. and it is a giant flying monster!

as much as I love to see War of the Ring models in this list (plastic Swan Knights are pretty sweet as well) we both know how likely it is that they'll be on the final list sadly...

I'm going to vote for the new plastic warjack kits, not because they're the best quality plastic kits I've ever seen but simply because of the impact they have on the Warmachine army collector, some nice stuff has come out of GW for sure but that's my vote.

12-16-2010, 07:57 AM
1. Hellions...amazing kits
2. DE warriors and wyches
3. Death Company
4. Trigon (best looking MC in the game, too bad it is so overpointed it never gets taken)
5. Ravage/Raider (best looking Vehicle in the game, so much detail, so much extra stuff)

12-16-2010, 12:31 PM
The new Plastic-Dark-Eldar-Range is a beauty in itself:cool: But if I has to choose one of the kits - and I have to - I choose the Raider too, even I donīt think it is a easy kit.

12-16-2010, 03:44 PM
Island of Blood, especially the rat ogres, if only the models sold seperately were that nice...

Second this one.

12-16-2010, 04:10 PM
island of blood, fire prisim or sanguiniary guard.. hard choice

ill go fire prisim: retrofit parts, a new design and pushing boundaries in clear plastic i LOVE it :D

12-16-2010, 04:27 PM
is forgeworld included ???
i choose the badab war,
it brings back memories (old style marines),
and Lugft Huron has the best sculpt ( i just loooove his double lighting claw on his right hand)



12-16-2010, 07:41 PM
I first didnt know what to pick off the new DE line (I own every single model, all but lelith and urien in multiples) but then found my personal winner:

the ball-joints of the flying bases for infantry. why are the infantry bases special (even compared to the vehicle ones)? because they only ever perfectly fit AFTER priming/painting and therefore force you to at least prime your models or they will punish you by falling off :D

once primed the ball holds perfectly in place and the flying abse doesnt fall off when you move the model (me wants for tau drones!).

if thats not acceptable for the contest I'd go for the helions...

12-17-2010, 02:41 AM
either huron or the DP, dark eldar are good but just dont convice me enough as a miniature to buy them

GM Rex Nihilo
12-18-2010, 06:38 PM
surprise ... simple and long overdue ...

http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2410001_99221499010_WoTRInfantryMovementTray_445x 319.jpg

The Madman
12-19-2010, 06:45 AM
is forgeworld included ???

no, its plastic only, FW is in the metal and resin.

I Vote Daemon Prince.

12-19-2010, 07:09 AM
Helions! Any better ideas?

Farseer Uthiliesh
12-23-2010, 04:20 AM
Raider/Ravager. I'll go with the Ravager.

1) You get soo many extra bits in this kit is amazing. Fully half the kit is extra bits, no joke.

2) As per the Raider, the design of the model 'makes sense'! It is a flying galleon with a 'working' sail and rudder. There is a control panel showing the driver working both the sail and rudder through controls. The Raider even has a Gang Plank like a real ship!

3) The side gunners on the Ravagers are extremely believable in both function and how they are mounted to the Ravager.

4) All this, and it is a very simple kit to piece together!

Well said. Agreed on all points.

12-26-2010, 11:26 AM
Submission thread is now closed - Voting time!!!