View Full Version : New Eldar Aspect Pic

12-15-2010, 09:48 AM
This got snapped at Warhammer World.

Its a better shot of the new Eldar Aspect from the upcoming Forgeworld IA book (12 I think)

I believe they were called "Shadow Spectres" (thanks eldargal). In any case, they are pretty.

Drew da Destroya
12-15-2010, 09:57 AM
Very cool looking, for Panzees.

12-15-2010, 10:01 AM
Shadow Spectres, from memory. With itty bitty fire prism cannons.:)

12-15-2010, 10:41 AM
I want

Please be good rules....i don't need another unit that needs fielding cos its gorgeous, but lacks its punch. The mini prism cannons look like mini prism cannons from the new fire prism itself. Love it

Already planning a colour scheme....

12-15-2010, 11:13 AM
Those models definitely make me want to bring my Eldar back out of mothball :)

12-15-2010, 02:28 PM

jump inflantry with amazing guns....scourgers light:D

12-15-2010, 03:22 PM
these will definitely be my first Forgeworld unit purchase. im thinking a unit of 10.

12-15-2010, 04:03 PM
MUST BUY (how will i do those tiny clear bits! hopefully FW has some clever design)

12-15-2010, 09:07 PM
Shadow Spectres huh, Nasty. They look like someone made a redesign for the warp spiders. Not a new aspect at all. If it is a new aspect, do they also get a phoenix lord? That is all we need a teleporting anti-armour unit. My Chaos Marines are already being out classed (and often, for a lot less cost) by the new units and technologies being offered in the new codexes. Damn codex creep.

I have problems fighting eldar armies now. The farseers and warlocks make it impossible to use my psykers to cast anything, and they keep dooming my units, or guiding shots from their units. They have fast tanks and hover tanks, that have shields that make it harder to destroy weapons or kill tanks off, spirit stones, are used to ignore shaken results, and they get thrusters that allow them to avoid destruction when immobilized. I hated dem Rabbits, sorry, I hates dem Eldar. LOL

Tau technology is just as nasty, and with a new codex for them coming up, I have apprehensions about facing them on the field. Especially since Chaos Marine armies get nothing decnt in the way of Artillery (now that Defilers can not fire indirectly).

I would love Chaos to get a few extra things like psychic hoods, a Daemonic artillery piece (like a smaller version of a cannon of Khorne), daemon infused technology, their own drop pods (maybe transfer the forgeworld one into a legal codex), and things that will even it up for the Chaos Marines. Possessed tanks, and Daemon weapons are already decent, but have their own drawbacks and cost too many points for you to field them in the usual 750 -1250 point games.

I was hoping for something like a new form of Devastator weapon or an upgrading of the Obliterator weapons. Say a Daemon cannon. For example Rng 36", heavy 3, AP2, Str 5 + D6 with an 11 total causing the firer to take an armour save and the shot not firing, as the daemon tries to rebel against its imprisonment.

Well here is hoping.

12-16-2010, 12:04 AM
They definitely are a new Aspect, and while Warp Spiders could do with new models (and rules) they wouldn't be changed so much as that.

12-16-2010, 12:51 AM
Yeah, they've explicitly revealed that they're a new aspect. Jump packs with mini-prism cannons. I like the idea a lot. It might be a good way for eldar to get some volume of long range firepower that isn't just str 6, depending on how the guns work.

12-16-2010, 01:00 AM
Yep, and one new Aspect yet to be revealed.:)


Phantom Titan.


Farseer Uthiliesh
12-16-2010, 01:49 AM
This got snapped at Warhammer World.

Its a better shot of the new Eldar Aspect from the upcoming Forgeworld IA book (12 I think)

I believe they were called "Shadow Spectres" (thanks eldargal). In any case, they are pretty.

Something tells me there will be rules for combining the beams, but the guns by themselves won't be that powerful.

12-16-2010, 04:00 AM
Shadow Spectres huh, Nasty. They look like someone made a redesign for the warp spiders. Not a new aspect at all. If it is a new aspect, do they also get a phoenix lord? .

Not all aspects have a Phoenix...not modelled at least. Spiders and Spears don't

. My Chaos Marines are already being out classed (and often, for a lot less cost) by the new units and technologies being offered in the new codexes. Damn codex creep.


The Eldar codex is older than the CSM codex.

Tau technology is just as nasty, and with a new codex for them coming up, I have apprehensions about facing them on the field. .

The Tau codex is even older!

I have problems fighting eldar armies now. The farseers and warlocks make it impossible to use my psykers to cast anything, and they keep dooming my units, or guiding shots from their units. They have fast tanks and hover tanks, that have shields that make it harder to destroy weapons or kill tanks off, spirit stones, are used to ignore shaken results, and they get thrusters that allow them to avoid destruction when immobilized. I hated dem Rabbits, sorry, I hates dem Eldar. LOL

Sorry shall we just get rid of the only things that make eldar unique and have any chance on the battlefield? Should our tanks cost twice as much as the equivilent marine tanks, with nearly the same weapons build and then just lay there open to getting killed?

Unzuul the Lascivious
12-16-2010, 04:39 AM
I think we can all agree that its good for our favourite armies to get some love every now and then. And that there are things about our armies that really annoy us. For my daemon army it's the deep strike rule, which can basically see my troops not show up or stuck at a table edge. This is clearly rubbish and not very much fun if your best unit is completely out of touch from the word go!
Chaos MArines do have a **** Codex - it takes a lot to get a good army out of it, but it can be done. I still say that Plague Marines are one of the best troop sets there is in 40K. The Defiler is crap though, granted. Why not give your Chaos Marines a rest until something decent happens with them? It could be years til they get love, so maybe start a new army that you can enjoy?

12-16-2010, 05:39 AM
Unxuul the Lascivious, I love playing Evil armies, and Chaos is my passion. I have Daemons, and Traitor Guard as well. Even the supposedly good armies I have are corrupted. Sisters (sisters of Perfection - Slaaneshi) and Arbites using BOLs mini-dex (pink and purple colour scheme with all the Aquillas crossed out).

I do not want to start Darl Eldar, and Nids are not my type of army. I had planned on a dark Mechanicus Army using a mini-dex I downloaded. It would be a great challenge for conversions as well. mixing daemonic and mechanical together.

DrLOVE 42, I was only having a gripe because I keep getting beaten by 3 or 4 gamers who play Tau and Eldar and I have not even tied with them, let alone beaten them. I know Eldar are only toughness 3 with most having 4+ or less armour saves, and their tanks cost more, which I think should be rectified in the rejuvinated codex. It is just that Chaos technology, when compared to the primitave Technology of the Imperium is considerably restricted, and all the good things from the previous codex, universal special rules, and so on were not brought into the current codex. Space Marines somehow maintainedspecial abilities or rules through their special characters or medics. I miss giving bikers skilled rider, or havocs tank hunters, etc.

It was not meant to say that I think the Eldar are too over powerful, I meant it to came across that I think my favourite army is now too underpowered, and the decent troops options I do have are expensive, which for an army with a more recent codex release is very dissapointing.

Sorry if I upset you, I just wanted to gripe about my poor chaos being NURFED.

The new aspect will give your army a lot more punch though.

12-16-2010, 07:18 AM
I meant it to came across that I think my favourite army is now too underpowered, and the decent troops options I do have are expensive, which for an army with a more recent codex release is very dissapointing.

Everyone thinks their army is underpowered. You talk to most Eldar players and I'm willing to bet that most of them think that the Eldar codex is underpowered.

If you're having problems beating eldar and tau, then perhaps you need to your lists or tactics evaluated by the community. I think you'll find that you're not the only one that has a hard time casting psychic powers against Eldar - the army design makes it difficult for psychics to succeed against them. Likewise - one of the things about Chaos is that they are psychically vulnerable. So are Orks, DE, Tau, etc...

Chaos DOES have some of the best troops choices (Plaguemarines) and some of the better MC's (Daemon Princes) and their havoc's do have access to what I think is the BEST weapon to take out Eldar tanks - the under-rated autocannon.

I tend to pull a lot of draws against chaos with my Eldar - moreso than losing or winning I'd guess. I think the Eldar and CSM codexes are pretty well matched.

12-16-2010, 11:16 AM
Mate I also miss old Kaos.....it was the best dex in 4ed. We can just wait and hope for better for CSM.

Yep, and one new Aspect yet to be revealed.


Phantom Titan.

Can you say somthing more about them?

12-16-2010, 11:41 AM
These things look great! I may have to get a squad of em just to paint up! Geez, now my Eldar army is going to get even bigger! I can't wait to see the rules... Perhaps fire lots of small shots or 'combined fire,' one big shot?


12-16-2010, 11:50 AM
My guess is like 1 shot each, equivilent Strength, range and AP to a heavy bolter....or single shot blast from the entire squad at Strength = (Number of units in the squad) AP2....

12-17-2010, 01:19 AM
I would think they would be marine killers but not tank killers, for example say S4 AP3, its something the game needs more of with the only real marine infantry killers currently vespid or storm troopers.

12-17-2010, 10:04 AM
I would think they would be marine killers but not tank killers, for example say S4 AP3, its something the game needs more of with the only real marine infantry killers currently vespid or storm troopers.

Don't forget Strengaurd+Vengeance Rounds and Rubric Marines. They are S4 AP3. (Thow in the case of vengeance rounds there also "Gets Hot".)

Archon Charybdis
12-17-2010, 10:10 AM
Also Eldar Dark Reapers, S5 AP3 Heavy 2.

12-17-2010, 03:29 PM
I really think that if these guys are following in the steps of the fire prism - then they will be dual role - horde killer or tank hunter and combination of fire will affect their abilities.

Render Noir
12-17-2010, 05:37 PM
Shadow Spectres, from memory. With itty bitty fire prism cannons.:)

Yikes, so the unit can combine their shot to take out tanks?

12-17-2010, 09:00 PM
I really think that if these guys are following in the steps of the fire prism - then they will be dual role - horde killer or tank hunter and combination of fire will affect their abilities.

We can only hope.

12-17-2010, 10:19 PM
Yikes, so the unit can combine their shot to take out tanks?

Hopefully, as affordable long range anti-tank is what Eldar need more of.

12-20-2010, 04:18 PM
The thing that eldar are lacking at the moment is infantry based long range anti tank. That is what Id expect from them. Also potentially mobile anti heavy infantry weapons.

12-21-2010, 11:18 AM
My guess is like 1 shot each, equivilent Strength, range and AP to a heavy bolter....or single shot blast from the entire squad at Strength = (Number of units in the squad) AP2....

My thinking is that it's going to go to St8 AP2 w/ a 24" range. Just my 2 cents though. Guess we'll just all have to wait and see though...

12-21-2010, 11:51 AM
With Tau being pushed back, and Eldar nowhere on the horizon this is the only book on my list. Good thing i just got a nice paying job with plenty of freetime to go nuts at FW with!

12-21-2010, 11:53 AM
extract from the FW newsletter
Shadow Spectre Aspect Warriors
The first few months of the New Year will see the long-awaited release of the mysterious Shadow Spectre Aspect Warrior Squad. A model from this kit was first unveiled at Games Day UK back in September, and the talented Simon Egan has produced another four Shadow Spectres and is currently working his sculpting magic on an Exarch to lead the unit

12-21-2010, 12:03 PM
Looking forward to the exarch. If what we've seen so far are the default guys...that exrachs gonna be something special

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-22-2010, 12:44 AM
With an even nastier gun than the rest of them. Does that mean if you create a new Aspect, you can expect a new Pheonix Lord too??
What do they carry, a Fire Prism cannon what else.

12-22-2010, 01:23 AM
So, what aspect of war are they? Cooperation to achieve victory?:D

12-22-2010, 05:41 AM
With an even nastier gun than the rest of them. Does that mean if you create a new Aspect, you can expect a new Pheonix Lord too??
What do they carry, a Fire Prism cannon what else.

Doubtful. They didn't create PL's for Spiders (and no, Goto doesn't count...) or shining spears either.

12-22-2010, 07:21 AM
As far as we know the Phoenix Lords are the enitrety of the Asurya, the first Exarchs to study under Asurman at the Shine of Asur shortly after the fall. Other Aspects creates later have Exarchs, but not Phoenix Lords, because they are not Asurya.
So, just because there is an Aspect, it doesn't mean there will be a Phoenix Lord. Of course, this wouldn't stop one of the Forge World Aspects being written as an original Aspect (it never says explicitly the original six are all there were) and giving them a Phoenix Lord. But that is just speculation.

12-22-2010, 09:43 AM
I like them, but I could use a better picture to confirm or deny it.
EDIT: I really don't like their stands. All that jutting rock is bothersome, and will look out of place on some battlefields (Cities of Death, Boarding actions, etc). I guess I could remove it, but still.

I really like that FW is putting out infantry, their work so far has been pretty good! I'd like for them to do some of the Special Characters found in the codices - I can only think specifically of the ones in the new Dark Eldar codex, but other Inquisitors, Eldar characters (like the ones found in the Eldar 3rd ed codex), SM heroes, etc would be better served than units only found in their too-expensive source books.

12-22-2010, 05:41 PM
As far as we know the Phoenix Lords are the enitrety of the Asurya, the first Exarchs to study under Asurman at the Shine of Asur shortly after the fall. Other Aspects creates later have Exarchs, but not Phoenix Lords, because they are not Asurya.
So, just because there is an Aspect, it doesn't mean there will be a Phoenix Lord. Of course, this wouldn't stop one of the Forge World Aspects being written as an original Aspect (it never says explicitly the original six are all there were) and giving them a Phoenix Lord. But that is just speculation.

Actually, from my readings, not all of the Phoenix Lords were Asurya. Maugan Ra was from Altansar, and not of the Asurya, nor was Karandras. Sources (IE, GW sourcebooks) vary on whether or not Baharroth was of the Asurya--some claim yes, others are murky. Jain Zar and Fuegan are the only confirmed Asurya. Jain Zar being the first of the Asurya. Guess that's why she kicks so much arse. ;)

There are (again, per the various codices) an uncertain number of Phoenix Lords out there--only the six listed are more commonly known.

12-23-2010, 02:19 AM
Well, yes, Jain Zar was the first (which I find particularly ironic given a recnt discussion on Warseer where certain people tried to argue that the Banshee wasn't an Aspect of Khaine:rolleyes:), Fuegan second. Baharroth is mentioned as being Asurmans finest student in the 3rd ed Codex: Eldar which to me indicates he was one of the Asurya. Maugan Ra is a little more problematic I admit, but the piece in the 3rd ed Craftworld Eldar codex is relating the story of the Asurya and goes on to mention Karandras, Arha and Maugan Ra, which in my opinion amounts of tacit acknowldgement that they were considered Asurya (page 8, C:CWE). Also, Altansar was 'lost' around five hundred years after the Fall, its quite possible the Shrine of Asur was destroyed after that leaving ample time for Mr Ra to escape and form a new Aspect. Karandras replaced Arha as the Phoenix Lord of the Striking Scorpions, at around the time the Shine of Asur was destroyed by Arha so in my opinion it still fits that that marks the demarcation point between mere Exarchs and Phoenix Lords.
Though as I said (rather unclearly now I look back), while the Phoenix Lords are the Asurya, the Asurya need not be limited to the ones we know of, the Shadow Spectres could be an early Aspect and their first Exarch a Phoenic Lord of the Asurya. But we don't know that.:)

12-23-2010, 02:41 AM
It is nice to see the eldar getting some love... I have been playing for the last 5 years and I have not seen much new stuff come out for them... Hope they get a new dex some time soon... :):)

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-23-2010, 03:36 AM
Not an eldar player but I am glad they of all the craftworld things they could of done, they went with creating a new Aspect warrior. I think that's the best choice for something like that. If theres more than 1 new aspect warrior type then id be curious to see the other(s).

12-23-2010, 03:47 AM
I'd like FW to do customised wraithlords, cos thats something FW could make look damn badass

Also some FW farseers and Autarchs would be nice based on how all their HQ's for marines and stuff look

12-23-2010, 04:25 AM
I asked about a female Farseer when I enquired whether the Phantom Titan would be ready by Christmas, and received no reply.:( I really do hope they make some characters.

12-23-2010, 08:43 PM
Well, yes, Jain Zar was the first (which I find particularly ironic given a recnt discussion on Warseer where certain people tried to argue that the Banshee wasn't an Aspect of Khaine:rolleyes:), Fuegan second. Baharroth is mentioned as being Asurmans finest student in the 3rd ed Codex: Eldar which to me indicates he was one of the Asurya. Maugan Ra is a little more problematic I admit, but the piece in the 3rd ed Craftworld Eldar codex is relating the story of the Asurya and goes on to mention Karandras, Arha and Maugan Ra, which in my opinion amounts of tacit acknowldgement that they were considered Asurya (page 8, C:CWE). Also, Altansar was 'lost' around five hundred years after the Fall, its quite possible the Shrine of Asur was destroyed after that leaving ample time for Mr Ra to escape and form a new Aspect. Karandras replaced Arha as the Phoenix Lord of the Striking Scorpions, at around the time the Shine of Asur was destroyed by Arha so in my opinion it still fits that that marks the demarcation point between mere Exarchs and Phoenix Lords.
Though as I said (rather unclearly now I look back), while the Phoenix Lords are the Asurya, the Asurya need not be limited to the ones we know of, the Shadow Spectres could be an early Aspect and their first Exarch a Phoenic Lord of the Asurya. But we don't know that.:)

I think we'll end up at scholarly odds over the subject. :)

The one thing that the books are clear on--is that there are an unknown number of Phoenix Lords, and that there are some crazy one-off aspect shrines out there. (the Orbs of whatever-they-were come to mind.)

Isn't Chapterhouse studios supposed to be working on a female farseer for you?

12-23-2010, 11:17 PM
I'd like FW to do customised wraithlords, cos thats something FW could make look damn badass

Also some FW farseers and Autarchs would be nice based on how all their HQ's for marines and stuff look

One project I started but didn't finish was to have a custom wraithlord for every aspect warrior shrine. I only got the striking scorpion one done, but it was pretty cool.


12-24-2010, 04:27 AM
One project I started but didn't finish was to have a custom wraithlord for every aspect warrior shrine. I only got the striking scorpion one done, but it was pretty cool.


Seen scorpion and banshee wraiths, as well as old school quins ones...

Just think how marine chapters custom dreadnaughts look, with massive banners, decoration...turn that to a craftworld or aspect and they'd be badass

12-25-2010, 07:55 AM
The new Eldar stuff is beautiful, and even though I don't play Eldar, I hope they do more as it is a beautiful army when done well. And frankly, every army deserves the Forgeworld treatment. I love playing in an Apoc game with beautiful models on the table. it adds to the cinematic element of the game.


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