View Full Version : Space Hulk: Death Angel Review

12-14-2010, 07:11 PM
For anyone interested, I just posted a longish review up on BoardGameGeek about FFG's newish Space Hulk card game. Long story short, it does a pretty great job capturing many aspects of Space Hulk in a simpler, vastly cheaper package. It doesn't have the same tension as the full game, but it is pretty good in its own right. At $20--30 US it's worth checking out for anyone interested in 40k/Space Hulk who's sometimes in need of a lighter boardgame, and/or something to play alone or in a group (it supports 1--6 players).

Full review:


12-14-2010, 09:43 PM
from my own experiences with the game, i really like it. the first time i played was in a group of six and we got slaughtered because we didn't understand the group dynamic of it. the second time was in a group of four and we messed those stealers up. i'd definitely recommend it as a quickly played change of pace, though. (that assault cannon is tasty)