View Full Version : Adeptus Mechanicus

12-14-2010, 12:08 AM
I am thinking about doing a Mechanicus Army .... not like I dont have enough projects to do but the Mars cults has always been a favorite of mine (along with Squats yeah I know sick puppy) so I was wondering if anyone knew of a fan based Ad Mech codex that is generally accepted as the best or mostly widely accepted and maybe a down load link.

12-14-2010, 01:56 AM
I believe Tempus Fugitives do one as a download they typically host tornaments and somtimes release a special rules set for each tornament. I believe they are generally regarded as pretty fair.



12-23-2010, 02:08 AM
There is also another one I have found by Nigel Bernard simply titled "Mechanicus" and written for 5th edition.

I also have been compiling a list of miniature manufacturers who sell figurines that are perfect for an Adeptus Mechanicus army. Even if they are meant for other gaming systems. For example Micro Art Studio's Iron Brotherhood, and Ironclad Miniatures Sanwar range. The Cryx range from Warmachine has a nice collecton that could make Chaos AD MECH forces as well if you wanted them corrupted to chaos.