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View Full Version : Interested in Epic

08-26-2009, 02:32 PM
I have been interested in epic for some time now. There are no players for it at my game store, but if I could locate the rules for the armies and the game, and teach them to some people, I think I could get them interested.

What I think we need is a central post where I can find links to rules, models, sculpting ideas for units without cannon models (necrons, tyranids, dark eldar, etc...), and other general commonly used resources in the community. I have tried to do the research myself but always come up short. I'm sure there are some veterans out there that have already done this research and are willing to help their game by making it easy for noobs to get this much needed information. I think they have touraments for this game in far off lands, what resources are they using to make armies and play the game? Veterans, POST!!!

08-26-2009, 05:49 PM
Welcome aboard the Epic Awesome, brother. :)

Because all the rulebooks are downloadable and, to some extent, in the public domain, getting started with Epic is thankfully lower cost than a lot of hobbies, but you're right that getting started can be daunting--largely because the rules have gone down a "public domain" path. (For the record, they're not public domain--GW has just been very open with them.)

For my own local group, I created a Google site (http://sites.google.com/site/sydneyepic/) with links to relevant resources and all that good stuff.

In the About section (http://sites.google.com/site/sydneyepic/dashboard/about), you'll find links to some of the early posts I wrote for BoLS. In particular, the posts leading up ot "Getting started with Epic" (http://belloflostsouls.blogspot.com/2009/03/epic-getting-started-with-epic.html) should be useful.

By far the most useful of the documents in the Resources section (http://sites.google.com/site/sydneyepic/dashboard/resources) is the Epic Compendium. Some players prefer the Epic Handbook, but that's a bit out of date now.

Finally, when trying to hunt down players, I highly recommend you post on TacComs (http://www.tacticalwargames.net/forums/index.cgi) to advertise your location--you never know your luck in The Big Internets--and you are also welcome to post any questions about getting started here in these forums.

Good luck! :)

09-01-2009, 11:39 PM
I find Epic UK epic-uk.co.uk/ to be a good one stop shop for everything. If its not on the page it has links to it.

Evil & Chaos
09-02-2009, 07:32 AM
Epic UK is good if you want details on how to run a tournament.

The Tactical Command web forum is good if you want to find the alternate and/or experimental army lists (though it's currently offline).