View Full Version : IA10 = January 10.

12-13-2010, 08:13 AM
Some information about IA10, via Archibald_TK on Warseer:

We don't already have a rumor post on IA 10 I think (but I'm not excluding the possibility that I'm drunk or blind... or both). Original post from White Lancer on 40kOnline

Originally Posted by White Lancer
Hey up, went to Warhammer World yesterday for a GCN meet and managed to have a good look at IA10. Suffice to say Carchardons are going to probably become very popular.

Sons of medusa are a literal offshoot of the Iron Hands having seceeded from them in M35. They are even more hardline Mechanicus than the iron hands themselves following prophecies which have been noticed through flickerings in the Astronomican as Mars passes through Terra's orbit. they get a giant Cyborg Master of the forge who allows you to upgrade your Devastators to have FNP so long as their moddeled appropriately

Exorcists have sub cults within them essentially like the Thousand sons in the Graham McNeil novel. They are also at odds with the Ordo Hereticus for their forbidden knowledge regarding Daemons. The Special character comes equipped with a Thunder hammer that auto wounds psykers and daemons, is immune to psychic powers 50% of the time and I believe allows combat tactics to be replaced with fearless.

Salamanders get a funky dreadnought which was built by Vulkan and a duelling captain who comes with 2 power swords (i think) andhas no chapter tactics rules.

Minotaurs are essentially the High lords of Terra shock and awe weapon. They go in and take on anyone even other Marine chapters on a regular basis. Bit of fluff where they beat on two feuding Astartes Chapters. One retreats but the other is mauled nearly to the point of extinction being an Ultramarine2nd founding several other UM sucessors swear a blood vengeance on the Minotaurs. Special Character is a chapter master with a power spear that can function as a bright lance for one shot.

Mantis warriors have a duelling librarian with his own special psychic power and allows for infiltrate.

Star Phantoms just prior to Badab war have lost their homeworld through a Hrud migration. They have a fascination with Death and particularly the idiom: "Only in death does duty end". The special Character Androcles, who takes out Huron, is captain of the 9th and allows you to take Devastators as Elites as well as Heavy

The mystery terminator in IA9? Well he's the Carchardons Chapter master armed with lightning claws and a chainfist which he can split his attacks between. Originally a conversion piece he looks to be released at the end of january, the forgeworld boys have been looking at the blogposts on the internet and have been amused that just because the picture is green tinted everyone is jumping at him being a mantis warrior or one of the sons of medusa. there are no plans to release Mk1 Termie armour with IA10 but its on the to do list. Chapter tactics wise he allows you to replace combat tactics with Furious charge however afterwards if the unit destroys another in close combat it becomes subject to rage. Fluffwise the carchardons are a crusade type fleet however they are constantly crusading and essentially "living off the land" not coming back in for resupply and are essentially the Imperial boogeyman. Fluff also suggests that the Raven Guard are their progenitors and that the founders were the monsters created by Corax in an effort to rebuild the Ravens after Istvaan V.

You also get a siege SM army which can take Ironclads and siege dreadnoughts as troops. Squadrons of predators, vindicators and whirlwinds. You have to take a compulsory Master of the seige who comes with Artificer armour. Further more to offset the power gamey elements of the list (You can take Achilles as Heavy Support...) the army has to take a special siege objective which it must claim otherwise can only ever draw.
Poster is A1 size, sorry for the poor quality, taken on my phone. One side The Chapters involved in the conflict and the other is the stable warp routes through the Maelstrom area. Should be up for preorder soon and shipping on 10th January.
Much to my surprise, this is actually as exciting as hearing infos about a new SM Codex! (and no, that is not a sarcasm for once )
EDIT - updated the quote, expected release date is January 10.


12-13-2010, 08:45 AM
All Right!! another pice of 40k stuff filled with marheens.

In the dark grim future there are only IG/SM/ORK fighting. Sory guys I had to.

12-13-2010, 08:54 AM
I can relate to that sentiment.:p But at least a January release dates makes a March/April release date for IA11 and accompanying Eldar goodness more likely. IA10 is just an unfortunate bit of unpleasantness we have to put up with first.

12-13-2010, 09:28 AM
As both an eldar and an imperial player, I'm not at all disappointed by the developments coming out of FW these days :)

12-13-2010, 09:34 AM
I can relate to that sentiment.:p But at least a January release dates makes a March/April release date for IA11 and accompanying Eldar goodness more likely. IA10 is just an unfortunate bit of unpleasantness we have to put up with first.

Yay! Eldar!

Also...a weapon that auto wounds demons and pyskers? Ouch...isn't every unit in the GK codex supposed to be a pysker? :P

12-13-2010, 10:49 AM
Also...a weapon that auto wounds demons and pyskers?

Not unheard of - back in 2nd edition, when Chaos was the Eldars' "ancient enemy" and not the Necrons - witchblades auto-wounded daemons. So did the Wailing Doom IIRC.

12-13-2010, 11:48 AM
Sons of medusa are a literal offshoot of the Iron Hands having seceeded from them in M35. They are even more hardline Mechanicus than the iron hands themselves following prophecies which have been noticed through flickerings in the Astronomican as Mars passes through Terra's orbit. they get a giant Cyborg Master of the forge who allows you to upgrade your Devastators to have FNP so long as their moddeled appropriately

ie, "buy our bionics upgrade packs!"

12-13-2010, 11:48 AM
Ah i see

Unfortunatly i don't date back that far, reaching only back to the mid days of 4th (yes i'm a baby...)

Still...want to see what the profile (attacks, WS) of that guy is...a 200 point model able to take a 999pt greater demon will be impressive...particularly if he loses his invulnerable save before hand....

Drew da Destroya
12-13-2010, 11:57 AM
I like the thought that the Space Sharks are a Raven Guard successor chapter... although I thought Corax put down all the mutant monsters?

12-13-2010, 12:28 PM
"Sons of medusa are a literal offshoot of the Iron Hands having seceeded from them in M35. They are even more hardline Mechanicus than the iron hands themselves following prophecies which have been noticed through flickerings in the Astronomican as Mars passes through Terra's orbit. they get a giant Cyborg Master of the forge who allows you to upgrade your Devastators to have FNP so long as their moddeled appropriately"

Yeeeeeeeeah!!! Finally some IH/MotF love.

Of course, the sad state of affairs is that IronHands have their successor get a special character before they get one. But I guess I can't complain. That sucka will be going on my buy list for sure, even if he's just gonna proxy for a vanilla MotF. FNP on devastators? not sure that's what they needed...but i suppose it's kinda cool. What about Slow and purposeful instead? or give them both and i'm sold!

Hopefully this means some future love for the IronHands proper chapter as well.

12-13-2010, 03:13 PM
devastators...What about Slow and purposeful instead?

sign me up. i'll field an entire legion of them.

12-13-2010, 04:28 PM

Wonder what's next for IA. Hopefully some Sisters stuff sometime in the next decade.

12-13-2010, 07:40 PM

Wonder what's next for IA. Hopefully some Sisters stuff sometime in the next decade.

At the Forgeworld seminar at the US Gamesday they said IA11 was going to be Space Wolves vs Eldar on some snow planet.

12-14-2010, 03:19 AM
At the Forgeworld seminar at the US Gamesday they said IA11 was going to be Space Wolves vs Eldar on some snow planet.

SW vs Eldar vs IG was the word at UK GD.

Gods I'm looking forward to IA10! IA9 was the first I've got, and it was awesome. I'm really very tempted to run an Exorcists army as Grey Knights...

Unzuul the Lascivious
12-14-2010, 04:25 AM
IA 11 - Finally, surely, we'll get models for Thunderwolf Cavalry.......

12-14-2010, 04:48 AM
Nope, apparently GW wouldn't let FW do them, the implication being that GW want them for SW second wave.

12-14-2010, 05:08 AM
IA 11 - Finally, surely, we'll get models for Thunderwolf Cavalry.......

At the UK GD seminar they said that they were aware fans wanted them, and GW would look at making them. Hinting that it would be main company not FW.

12-14-2010, 09:50 AM
At the UK GD seminar they said that they were aware fans wanted them, and GW would look at making them. Hinting that it would be main company not FW.
Players wanting models in the codex? The hell you say!

12-14-2010, 10:49 AM
Players wanting models in the codex? The hell you say!

I know, who would have guessed? Still, I must say I do like GW's policy of releasing rules without models. Means you get models for your army released more than once every 5 years and means there's lots of conversion room. It's good, IMHO. But I can see why it annoys some people.

12-14-2010, 10:54 AM
At the Forgeworld seminar at the US Gamesday they said IA11 was going to be Space Wolves vs Eldar on some snow planet.

How unfortunate. Guess I don't have much to look forward to in FW or GW for a while...

Ah well, back to normal.

12-14-2010, 12:24 PM
"Sons of medusa are a literal offshoot of the Iron Hands having seceeded from them in M35. They are even more hardline Mechanicus than the iron hands themselves following prophecies which have been noticed through flickerings in the Astronomican as Mars passes through Terra's orbit. they get a giant Cyborg Master of the forge who allows you to upgrade your Devastators to have FNP so long as their moddeled appropriately"

Yeeeeeeeeah!!! Finally some IH/MotF love.

Of course, the sad state of affairs is that IronHands have their successor get a special character before they get one. But I guess I can't complain. That sucka will be going on my buy list for sure, even if he's just gonna proxy for a vanilla MotF. FNP on devastators? not sure that's what they needed...but i suppose it's kinda cool. What about Slow and purposeful instead? or give them both and i'm sold!

Hopefully this means some future love for the IronHands proper chapter as well.

I think that FNP is a perfect boost for devastators. Makes them more survivable without being broken. I hope that they also allow Sniper rifles for the devastators ie. Desert World Support Squads. I hope that they give a good bit of fluff with the Sons. I am just getting started with them, but would love more background.(will be blogging it here (http://unluckywargamer.blogspot.com).) I would pre-order the Master of the Forge right now. Cannot wait.

12-15-2010, 08:51 AM
Here are a few pics of the Space Sharks and Star Phantom colour schemes taken at GDUK


12-15-2010, 11:22 AM
Im glad to see more love for Iron Hands and their progeny. Imo they are one of the most interesting and unique SM chapters, with a ton of potential for development. Sadly the opportunity seems to be missed by GW so hopefully FW can pick up the slack. They are currently the only founding chapter without a special character, which is rather shameful.

There have been some very weak but exciting rumblings on the possibility of and IH and AdMech interaction for a future FW project, but it basically just individuals within the studio expressing interest in exploring the relationship between the two factions. With the necrons coming next year, and their ties to both the IH and AdMech lore, I am really hoping that the guys will take that opportunity to do due justice to the factions and come out with what could be the coolest IA book to date.

12-15-2010, 06:41 PM
I want SPACE SHARKS fluff. Please forge world make them jaw dropping.

12-17-2010, 02:12 AM
Melissa the SoB are meant to be the next army done by Jess and are possibly out late next year

edit: atleast from what I've read

12-17-2010, 07:04 AM
I know what is rumored, yes.

12-18-2010, 08:44 PM
well the release date is rumoured/speculated but jess said he was doing sobs at GD IIRC, of course considering how long DE took thats not much to go on.