View Full Version : Double BA Deathstar?

12-13-2010, 05:05 AM
So i was wondering, the problem usually with deathstar units is that they find a way to get killed and then its basically game over... so i was thinking of just creating something with stupid amount of low count models/high yield....perhaps i got inspired by the grey knight rumours floating around....

So far i 've come up with something like this....

For starters i know that noone uses Terminators in BA lists these days but bear with me.

2 Storm Raven

8 Lightning Claw Terminators/2 Storm Shield Terminators

2 Librarians with Shield and Rage

2 Blood Priests ( Perhaps 1 of them Corbulo to make sure my storm ravens arrive on time)

2 Furioso Dreadnoughts (Was thinking assaulty but could also go for ranged or libbys)

2 x 10 Assault troops (who split into 4 x 5 if we 're not playing kill points)

Basically how i was thinking it was kinda, wait 2 turns, deep strike em, kill couple of mech with meltas and lasscannons
then just unleash hell on the next turn.....basically its two deathstar units with some added support.

The terminators get furious charge so they strike at str. 5. They reroll hits and wounds. Could also go with rage/blood lance and if i play with libby
dreads also put something like that on them so i drop and do 4 blood lances to crush parking lots......the troops are usually 4 x 5 and i ll try to get them
last turn to contest/claim objectives.

Any general idea to create tactics revolving solely around DS units? Not just 1/3d of the list lets say but just go all out except troops?

12-13-2010, 10:27 AM
For starters i know that noone uses Terminators in BA lists these days but bear with me.

Not true. 2+/5++ (or 3++) with FNP is very tough to crack, and as you have discovered you turn into Black Templar marines (Furious Charge/Preferred Enemy with Claws).

However, I first want to point out that your list is illegal. One terminator unit, one slot of Sanguinary Priests, and two Furiousos would make 4 elite choices. This means that your second Dread would have to be a regular one or a Death Company, which then increases the points of the list that much more without adding a whole lot to the army. Your best bet would probably be the regular dread (if any dread at all), who can get you a MM.

What this gets you, for roughly 1850 points, is 3 Blood Lances, 3 MMs, 8 Bloodstrike Missiles, 2 Lascannons, and two melta troops. Other than the Hammers, that's it for anti-tank. It might sound like a lot, but it's only across 8 units, and the only real range would be the Stormravens. No suppression fire at all means that you'll be overwhelmed with targets, and considering you would only have two vehicles (4 if your Dreads are on the ground) with only armor 12, you will be hurting pretty quickly. If they come on from reserves, you will have one turn of flat out movement, OR one turn where they move on the board to fire and they don't get far enough to unload their cargo. Yeah, Gunships are immune to melta, but they can get stunned pretty easily, and higher strength can take them out after a few turns of nothing.

Unfortunately, if you want Stormravens to work, you will probably have to saturate the board with units. I'm not scared of 20 space marines and two flyers.

It's a fun idea, but I don't think BA do it too well. Space Wolves (surprise, surprise), Orks possibly, and Tyranids can probably do multiple deathstars more easily without sacrificing too much of everything else.

12-13-2010, 10:32 AM
Good points, i guess at least in regards to BA, since i don't see myself have any cash in the foreseeable future to buy a second army, i could either, switch around the list to go for LRs instead of stormravens which makes it more durable, so in theory 3 LRs 3 priests 1 chaplain 2 Librarians termies and then troops OR i could instead opt for drop pods with death company with chaplains around the board threatening everything.....

12-13-2010, 11:30 AM
how about swapping 1 furiso as a fire support (MM/plas + CCW?) and putting in a dev squad in a pod. (also if youve got spare points 5 scouts, snipers and a meltabomb are a useful objective holding unit thats generaly ignored and can lend some fire support! for 105pts its a bargin!!

as my BA list is a simmilar ellite list with twin pods and a rhino (rest uses packs or infiltrate) playing a super-elite army is rewardig as long as your remember : overkill does not exist and luck hates you

see those grotz on that faraway objective? dont deepstrike a 5 man assault squad next to them as the orks have some stormboyz, or his kommandos outflank! instead have a dread/scouts to cover the rear and kill the grotz! then hold the objective

strike hard strike fast, overkill and manouverability are your friends!


12-15-2010, 06:45 AM
No keep the stormravens for sure. Make the dreads Heavy Support Choice Dreads with Multi-Meltas so they can help you deal with armour.

The Best way to use Storm Ravens is with TwL Assault Cannon & TwL Multi-Melta, turbo boost around every turn (except when your troops disembark of course) and use machine spirit to fire whichever gun is applicable.

This makes the Ravens quite hard to kill and they are usually able to survive until end game to contest objectives.

With those changes you have 2x Ravens and 2x Dreads to pop tanks and 2x Doom squads to deal with everything else...fun stuff.