View Full Version : "I hates Termagaunts!"

12-12-2010, 11:54 PM
Just had to share this with everybody. Had a battle the other day, 1,000 points of IG versus 1,000 points of Tyranids. I managed to take out most of his big stuff, but the little stuff, well...,

A squad of termagaunts attacked my Leman Russ tank. Furious charge gave them str 4, and one 'gaunt managed to glance the tank and immobilize it. I then proceeded to shoot and burn that squad until they were all dead except for that one 'gaunt. He promptly failed his morale check, and fled, (back into synapse range of course.) The next turn, he charged my tank again, hitting automatically, and glancing it again. This time, the damned thing ripped the turret off. Fortunately, the game ended on that turn, so my poor tank was spared further humiliation. Both my opponent and I were laughing our heads off at this outcome, and I had a vision of Yosemite Sam glaring at the audience and muttering, "I Hates Termagaunts." :D

By the way, I lost the battle, too. It was definitely one of those days.:(

12-13-2010, 12:28 AM
Are you going to model a small cog or tank bit on the base of the termaguant to show how awesome it was?

You need to get on that! This is your mission, now make it happen!

12-13-2010, 12:46 AM
I agree. He definitely needs some kind of metal.
Now if only they were all that good.

Farseer Uthiliesh
12-13-2010, 02:11 AM
Are you going to model a small cog or tank bit on the base of the termaguant to show how awesome it was?

You need to get on that! This is your mission, now make it happen!

Best idea ever. :D

12-13-2010, 05:11 PM
I once killed Cannis Wolfborn with a single lowly guant :)

12-14-2010, 03:43 AM
I once killed Cannis Wolfborn with a single lowly guant :)
I had my Zarakynel Slaanesh Daemon Lord turned into a squig by Zogwot's Curse. I had to roll a 6 didn't I. I atleast put the squig into a rhino and promptly hid it for the rest of the game to save myself further embarassment.