View Full Version : Marine Chapter Master Quesry

12-11-2010, 09:27 PM
Played a tourney today and faced a Crimson Fist list with Pedro in one game. I am a xeno player and have not played marines in the last decade. My opponent used Pedro to call down his Orbital Barrage. The wording from the Chapter Master entry stated that the attack is resolved as a normal shooting attack. However, the entry for Orbital Bombardment showed it had Barrage and Ordinance. In the BRB under barrage weapons it states that they do not require LOS. My opponent called it down with Pedro on a point where Pedro had no line of sight. Is this legal??? I let him do it, but the wording in the Chapter Master entry for resolved like a ranged attack threw me off.

The question is:

Does Pedro Cantor (or any Chapter Master) need LOS to drop the bombardment or not?


12-11-2010, 10:00 PM
It is a normal shooting attack. Because the Orbital Strike is a Barrage weapon, you can fire them without LOS. Remember, though, if Pedro (or any chapter master) is attached to a squad, the squad must shoot at the same target.

12-12-2010, 12:36 AM
Every other barrage weapon in the game is a ranged weapon, I don't know why that threw you off. A barrage weapon is basically a ranged weapon that doesn't require LOS.

12-13-2010, 08:29 AM
Thank fellas! Tynskel - brilliant point that was completely overlooked due to the LOS query. He had fired his Lascannon at the Deceiver! Darklink - I guess it really is very straightforward. I just never have utilized indirect fire in any of my armies, so it was something I wasn't really used to. Now I know though. And knowing is half the battle!!! Thanks again fellas!