View Full Version : Ultramarine DVD bad....

12-09-2010, 06:59 PM
Hey all, so just got Ultramarine deluxe box set in the mail today... immediately went to watch the movie and.... the stupid DVD is crap... tried playing on my windows laptop and it freezes after 9 minutes... tried on my linux laptop and it won't play at all.. unpacked my xbox 360 and it froze again at 9 minutes... skipped to the next chapter and it still kept freezing up... There are no obvious scratches, the DVD itself looks brand new.... wonder if this was the production issue that delayed the release??? Anyone else seen this issue???

12-09-2010, 07:45 PM
Mine hasn't arrived yet. I'll be pissed if mine does the same thing after waiting so long for it.

As I understand it, the delay was for something other than the disc itself in the box set. Who knows though.

12-09-2010, 08:50 PM
Man, I definitely hope that isn't a production-wide issue. People are still waiting on their copies, so we've yet to see if it's a widespread thing.

12-09-2010, 09:48 PM
Not to spoil anything, but it does come with a second DVD (bonus stuff) and that one played just fine :mad:

Mike X
12-10-2010, 01:53 AM
Hey all, so just got Ultramarine deluxe box set in the mail today... immediately went to watch the movie and.... the stupid DVD is crap... tried playing on my windows laptop and it freezes after 9 minutes... tried on my linux laptop and it won't play at all.. unpacked my xbox 360 and it froze again at 9 minutes... skipped to the next chapter and it still kept freezing up... There are no obvious scratches, the DVD itself looks brand new.... wonder if this was the production issue that delayed the release??? Anyone else seen this issue???

May be a region issue if they sent you a differently coded DVD. Definitely contact them about this.

12-10-2010, 08:57 AM
Mine hasn't arrived yet. I'll be pissed if mine does the same thing after waiting so long for it.

As I understand it, the delay was for something other than the disc itself in the box set. Who knows though.

I think same as you!!

My copy didnīt arrive yet to Spain, I ordered them the PAL version (zone 2 uses to be for us in Europe), so hope it goes perfectly and runs gently

12-10-2010, 10:25 AM
Did you try and contact them to see if they will send you a new one?

12-10-2010, 10:45 AM
Did you try and contact them to see if they will send you a new one?

Sent them an email this morning... will let you all know when i hear back from em.... I was thinking it may have been a DVD zone issue too, but the 2nd Disk played just fine... and i was able to watch most of the movie, so don't think it is a zone issue

12-10-2010, 11:08 AM
May be a region issue if they sent you a differently coded DVD. Definitely contact them about this.

If it was a region problem, wouldn't it just not play at all?

Mike X
12-10-2010, 01:22 PM
If it was a region problem, wouldn't it just not play at all?

Negative. There's a famous region error with the 'Neon Genesis Evangelion' (anime) DVDs, where they only play about 9-12 minutes of the disc before freezing. I remember my friend letting me borrow his collection and they only played 9 minutes on my computer and DVD player.

According to the company there was an issue with converting the DVDs to NTSC/region 1 (America), and they had to recall thousands of discs.

12-10-2010, 01:38 PM
Negative. There's a famous region error with the 'Neon Genesis Evangelion' (anime) DVDs, where they only play about 9-12 minutes of the disc before freezing. I remember my friend letting me borrow his collection and they only played 9 minutes on my computer and DVD player.

According to the company there was an issue with converting the DVDs to NTSC/region 1 (America), and they had to recall thousands of discs.

The DVD has an image of NTSC region 0 on the actual DVD....

12-10-2010, 09:10 PM
Well, I just received the boxed set. I popped the DVD into my PS3 and my 11 year old son and I watched the movie. No glitches or problems. The consensus was that it was a good movie and we would like to see more.

12-10-2010, 09:59 PM
At least you all have your copy. I'm still impatiently waiting.

12-10-2010, 10:23 PM
Whatever the problem is, it isn't the region. The DVD is listed as region 0: this is an informal "universal" code which either means "coded for regions 1 through 6" or "no coding at all."

12-11-2010, 12:52 AM
The Apple DVD player program ran mine(Region 1) just fine.

Mike X
12-11-2010, 01:45 AM
At least you all have your copy. I'm still impatiently waiting.

Same here.

Whatever the problem is, it isn't the region. The DVD is listed as region 0: this is an informal "universal" code which either means "coded for regions 1 through 6" or "no coding at all."

Yup, region 0 is universal.

12-11-2010, 11:36 PM
I recieved mine in the mail yesterday and finially watched both discs today. They both ran with no problems at all. I must say I very much liked the movie and the support disc. I found the movie to be very well done, in some scenes it almost looks like the minis come to life. All in all it was the best $40.00 I've spent in awhile. I hope that codex pictures continues with this kind of project, would like to see how they would handle space marines and 'nids. Cudos to codex pictures very very well done.
Respects, Emperorsaxe

Mike X
12-12-2010, 01:21 AM
I recieved mine in the mail yesterday and finially watched both discs today. They both ran with no problems at all.


12-12-2010, 10:48 AM
I recieved mine in the mail yesterday and finially watched both discs today. They both ran with no problems at all. I must say I very much liked the movie and the support disc. I found the movie to be very well done, in some scenes it almost looks like the minis come to life. All in all it was the best $40.00 I've spent in awhile. I hope that codex pictures continues with this kind of project, would like to see how they would handle space marines and 'nids. Cudos to codex pictures very very well done.
Respects, Emperorsaxe

My expectations of Ultramarines the movie have been extremely LOW. But the more I hear reviews like yours, I actually WANT to see it now!

12-12-2010, 11:56 AM
I got mine the other day and had a small viewing party last night. It does sound like you have a region problem with yours though.

I do have to say having the surround sound cranked up while viewing does add to the experience. They did a really good job with the sound mix

12-12-2010, 12:17 PM
Still waiting for mine, bloody Royal Mail!

12-13-2010, 04:19 AM
Sorry to hear that you can't play your dvd. :(

Maybe try downloading VLC player. I've had issues in the past where certain dvd's and files wouldn't play using other players and VLC would play them.

I definitely enjoyed the movie. I especially liked all the little details and the action was well thought out and executed. Tons of really cool cinematic moments as well, ie cool zoom out shots, a couple slow mo parts, etc..

12-13-2010, 10:41 PM
Recieved in mail today, watched it tonight. I'd give it a "C" or "**":eek:. Not as good I as thought it would be and $35 was too much for it. Save your $$$ and get it when it is $10.

I was just hoping for more.

12-13-2010, 10:53 PM
Recieved in mail today, watched it tonight. I'd give it a "C" or "**":eek:. Not as good I as thought it would be and $35 was too much for it. Save your $$$ and get it when it is $10.

I was just hoping for more.

People that don't like the film, which seem to be few and far between, baffle me. I just don't understand how a 40k fan wouldn't enjoy it. I thought it was brilliant.

To each his own I guess. /shrug.

Raven Guard 085
12-13-2010, 11:12 PM
Got mine today watched it tonight and it worked fine! Great movie!

Farseer Uthiliesh
12-14-2010, 12:54 AM
People that don't like the film, which seem to be few and far between, baffle me . . .To each his own I guess. /shrug.

You answered your own concern; the movie is not objectively great, as that's entirely dependent upon opinion.

12-14-2010, 01:37 AM
I've counted two people who didn't like it here and on Warseer thus far, out of dozens who have seen it. My brothers received their copies yesterday but the beastly barstuds won't let me watch it until I get my copy. Then they locked me out of the home theatre room before I had a chance to kick them in the wossnames.

12-14-2010, 03:32 AM
Ive kinda built this mental picture of your familly over the last year or so. Your evil twin brothers (who are fat and ginger) enjoying themselves with the best in life whilst you scrub the kitchen floor in a very tatty dress!

12-14-2010, 03:57 AM
Three sets of twins all up and I wish they were fat and ginger, that would be so amusing at parties. :p

They all said it was fantastic, eff why eye, though they might be overdoing the praise a little to make me feel bad.:rolleyes:

12-14-2010, 01:31 PM
You answered your own concern; the movie is not objectively great, as that's entirely dependent upon opinion.

Exactly, and that's why I added, "to each his own". Be redundant more?

Do you have an opinion on the film btw?

Brass Scorpion
12-14-2010, 02:14 PM
They shipped my copy last Wednesday and I had it on Friday. My son and I have watched it repeatedly and it gets to be more fun on each viewing. My wife enjoyed it as well, especially since she didn't have any preconceived expectations about what it should be like. Each time I watch it I find some new little detail to enjoy. It's terrific fun. By the second or third viewing, you will believe there is an Emperor. Seriously, it's most enjoyable and the extra features are also entirely worth a look.

12-14-2010, 02:33 PM
Mine just showed up - I'm popping it in my DVD player on my computer right now to view this with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Brass Scorpion
12-14-2010, 03:40 PM
If possible, watch this movie on a large screen and 5.1 sound. The action is "epic" and the mixing on the 5.1 sound is terrific. When something goes around in a circle or comes up from behind it definitely sounds that way on the 5.1 surround sound. It's one of the best things about the movie.

12-14-2010, 03:59 PM
Ok, well, I just watched it, and it was about as I suspected a solid 4/10.

I wasn't wanting Lord of the Rings-esque combat sequences, or even a plotline that was worth of Academy recognition. Sadly the animation quality totally took me out of the experience.

Things like the guys moving on the ground faster than their steps would carry them, step-gliding. Facial animation was HORRIBLE not so much in the texture quality but the fact that it was so robotic that I never once forgot that I was watching an animated movie. The voice acting was ok, but it was ruined by things like incorrect effect processing - when they'd sound off on the vox, they'd start off in the "vox effect" but by the end it would sound like they were talking without their helmets on.

The battle scene on the planet was just bad. I don't care how you cut it.

The story, while it might have been great on paper, was flat and predictable on screen. I was about to turn it off in the beginning when they kept walking, and walking... and walking some more. Yes - I now know what a space marine looks like when walking.

I bought this movie with the approach that hopefully, more movies will be made based on 40k fluff. It is now my hope that they make *good* 40k movies from this point forwards.

12-14-2010, 04:49 PM
I think you're the first person I've seen who hasn't liked it.

Remember, quality CGI is absurdly expensive. There is no way they could have had CGI on the level of, say, the Dawn of War intro for the entire movie, at least not for a small project like this.

12-14-2010, 05:08 PM
Yet major hollywood studios have apparently approached GW with offers to put 40k to a movie according to GW themselves.

I didn't like it because I'm not held captive to the whole "omfg how cool is it that space marines are on my TV!"

They didn't even feel like space marines to me - I felt like I was watching robots. They moved like robots, they talked like robots, they had the facial expressions of robots.

Oh I forgot the best part - when rendering your animated movie, make sure you've got enough computing horsepower behind it. I can name two distinct scenes where the frame rate dropped noticeably and not on purpose.

Brass Scorpion
12-14-2010, 05:42 PM
I loved the movie, but I'll somewhat agree with two criticisms posted above. The facial animation did jump me out of the movie the first time through. The other point I had trouble with the first time through was the extended walking sequence early on. I almost thought I was watching Robert Lippert's Lost Continent ("rock climbing, Joel!"). Once the story advanced at the first battle scene in the gorge I got fairly well hooked and on repeated viewings I haven't had trouble with these aspects, but the first time through the padded walking sequence had me concerned that the movie literally wouldn't go anywhere. Once you know what to expect, it's much easier to sit back, relax and enjoy it on repeat showings. Then you start to pick out all the stuff about it that's really cool rather than focusing on negatives.

12-14-2010, 11:17 PM
Apparently one of the Codex people addressed this at one of the preview screenings, he said the two minute DoWII opening cinematic had a greater budget than the entire Ultramarines film.

I think you're the first person I've seen who hasn't liked it.

Remember, quality CGI is absurdly expensive. There is no way they could have had CGI on the level of, say, the Dawn of War intro for the entire movie, at least not for a small project like this.

GW have turned down several Hollywood offers because they were unhappy with the direction they would have taken the IP. Which goes to show GW is much more sensible than people give them credit for.

12-15-2010, 04:57 AM
GW have turned down several Hollywood offers because they were unhappy with the direction they would have taken the IP.

not to mention that a properly done 40k movie would probably be too violent even for american theaters...

12-15-2010, 05:15 AM
I still haven't got mine! Bloody Royal Mail, Bloody Snow, Bloody everything!

12-15-2010, 11:15 AM
I have emailed them 3 times now and have had no response :(
I realize that they are probably still scrambling to send out DVD's from the initial release, but no response = just plain bad customer service if you ask me.. pretty bummed on em at the moment...

12-15-2010, 02:01 PM
Got it monday. Watched it. Loved it.

12-17-2010, 07:04 AM
Got it today!!

Watched it. Worked on my DVD completely

Hope to rewatch it again tonight!!

12-17-2010, 12:47 PM
Mine arrived this morning (out of all of you I live the closest to where they came from, 1 hour away, And I get mine last? Everyone in the Royal Mail should be sacked and then executed whilst being forced to watch Glee!)

Liked it alot. Not the best film Ive ever seen but a promising start.

12-19-2010, 02:11 PM
Here you are some photos of the Collectorīs set:


12-20-2010, 11:10 AM
I watched it with a friend. It wasnt the worst but you could tell it had a limited budget for graphics which did take away from the experience. This level of quality would have been great in the mid 90s. But my biggest complaint was the really basic plotline and excessive time for walking. Now the walking would have been alright had there been great dialogue but there wasnt. Also from a fanboy perspective I was a little distraught about some of the liberties they took with wargear and abilities ( I want my Chaplains to be able to banish/stun/kill a whole squad of chaos space marines like a high level DnD cleric). I did like the voice actors especially terrance stamp. I would give it a 2 stars out of 5. maybe 3. Certainly glad i didnt buy it.