View Full Version : Cronos Pain Engine

12-09-2010, 12:01 PM
OK so the first scrathbuild, kitbashed whatever you want to call it model. Decided to start on a Cronos pain engine...don't even have one in my army lists, just kinda relished the chance to try something everyone else has been doing for the past few codexs without me....




Sorry for the crappy photos....

Builts out of a carnifax torso and 3 sets of sything talons, as well as plenty of blades and bits left from a raider, including the spare keelblade...and a flatpack kitchen piece from IKEA....

I think the bony structure, the plated armour and other bits it will work as a hemo construct...can imagine it clinking its way down a starship corridor with its metallic pincers...

Will get painted pictures when i can, but weathers so horrible haven't had chance to do any spraying in last month....

12-09-2010, 12:17 PM
Nice job so far. Can't wait to see it in the flesh so I can kill it :)

Drew da Destroya
12-09-2010, 12:46 PM
I might replace the front two Talons with some kind of ccw... maybe the buzz saw and drill from the Kanz kit? Some type of grabbing claw/hand?

It does look really cool, I just feel it needs something to reach out and touch someone.

12-09-2010, 01:55 PM
Wow! That is just how I imagined them! Great model!

12-09-2010, 03:05 PM
Nice start. The maw is a very nice idea. My criticism is that at the moment it still looks like a Carnifex with no head. It doesn't seem "Dark Eldar-y". You should consider removing all the "Tyranid" details - the segmented plates, the clawed thumbs, the spore vents, etc... and GSing some more "Eldar" curves.

12-09-2010, 06:02 PM
Looks sweet! It does look to much like a carnifex you could greenstuff over the back to just smooth it down, it would be easy and help out a bunch. You should give it something to reach out and grab like da destroya said, maybe some mechanical looking tentacles coming out of the front. And this is just me but I would have some feet sticking out of the mouth like someone is getting grinded away. If you did that have a bunch of bones on the base.

12-09-2010, 10:12 PM
Segmented plates by themselves don't necessarily look non-DE; the incubi have somewhat similar-looking armor. That said, it couldn't hurt to play around with it a little and remove some Carnifexity (sure, that's a word, isn't it?).

12-10-2010, 06:48 AM
Thanks for the comments guys

Want to keep the spore chimneys, or maybe just round them cos of the picture in the codex for it...


Planning on getting a metal talos soon, and converting him, so i'll have one of his claws to see if it can be attached.

Theres also a magnet under this guy, where his bum is, so if i want to switch guns out on him can magnetise stuff to him, like the talos scorpion fire

As for the armour i agree it might look a little niddy, but the DE do use segmented armour.... I might smooth the caraspace dwon and put lines of spikes down his back though....

12-10-2010, 07:50 AM
I'd cut off the fluted tops of the spore chimneys or at the very least smoth oput those notches- that'll de-nidify it a little.

A chainsaw or buzz saw bit would look good, as wood some mechandrites if you had tehm to spare off a ad-mech model

12-10-2010, 08:57 AM
I like the overall look of the model. The creepy-crawliness of the engine is well done with the carni legs but I'm in agreement that it needs some claw/pincers in the front sockets. I would go with a head of some sort such as the Chaos one from the vehicle command sprue. That's just me, but kudo's on a very nice looking kitbash!