View Full Version : Grey Knight Inquisitor

12-09-2010, 12:12 AM
This is really broken!
1 Inquisitor 20 pts
3 Familars 18 pts +3 to Initiative
2 Hierophants 16 pts +2 to Leadership
1 Arcolyte 8 pts. takes one wound.
Here is the broken part.
Digital, power, force weapon 65 pts
Close combat Weapon 1 pt
Storm Bolter 10 pts.
Terminator Armour 20 Pts Total wargear 96 pts

So way outside the box thinking, Digital with Familiars is a 9 up.
It would go first for one attack, power weapon would take off the save, and Force weapon would kill outright.

12-09-2010, 12:25 AM
You would get ONE bonus attack with the Digtial weapon at Int 9, not the Force Weapon.
Now at Int 7 you would get your Force weapon attacks
Also you are only allowed two weapons, one of which can be 2-handed.
So the digtial weapon is wargear , but you would have to lose either the CCW or the Storm Bolter.

12-09-2010, 12:31 AM
Page 14 of the codex:

"If an Inquisitor has one or more familiars in his retinue, he benefits from +1 to his Initiative...

He would not get super Initiative. None of the statistic bonuses from retinue members are cumulative - you get different bonuses for having more than one. For instance, with familiars, you get access to an additional psychic power per Familiar. You do not get Initiative 7 for having three of them, however.

12-09-2010, 12:35 AM
You've got the rules wrong, as Connjurus said.

The stat bonuses are all capped at +1. You can't get +3 I.

Secondly, digital weapons don't stack with power weapons. Your opponent would get his armor save vs the digital weapon attack.

Inquisitors are too fragile and too expensive to compete with most real CC units of equal price.

12-09-2010, 03:52 AM
i think your thinking of the new SM digi weapons, the inq one is merely a extra S4 attack, a mini laserbeam, not a upgrade!

oh and a force weaopn IS a power weapon! (but S3 for inqs a hammer is always good)

and that squad dies to a tactical squads shooting (or orks or guardian or guants, heck even grotz)

12-12-2010, 12:18 PM
That helps a lot, I dont have many non power gamers around here. It seems I cannot think outside the box very well. I refined it to this
1 Inquisitor 20
Digital Weapon 10 one attack at In 7
Master crafted Force weapon 50 one re roll to hit
Terminator armor 20 Inv save
Storm bolter 10
Melta bomb 5
95 pts war gear
3 Acolyte's with storm shields 54 can take wounds for Inquisitor in Close combat with Inv 4
2 Hierophant's 16 Ld to a 10
1 Familiar 6 to bring In to 5

its a gamble to take on all the fast attack squads they play around here. I can never get my G.K. troops even close to the objective with out being over run by the other players.
If any one sees flaws please post, it all helps no matter, I can only see it from my view with out everyone here building around my squads.

12-12-2010, 03:58 PM
That helps a lot, I dont have many non power gamers around here. It seems I cannot think outside the box very well. I refined it to this
1 Inquisitor 20
Digital Weapon 10 one attack at In 7
Master crafted Force weapon 50 one re roll to hit
Terminator armor 20 Inv save
Storm bolter 10
Melta bomb 5
95 pts war gear
3 Acolyte's with storm shields 54 can take wounds for Inquisitor in Close combat with Inv 4
2 Hierophant's 16 Ld to a 10
1 Familiar 6 to bring In to 5

196 points for a unit that is sub-par in CC? I'm sorry, but Inquisitors are terrible in close-combat and are waaaaaaay overpriced for what you get.

Shooty is the way to go. Instead of two hierophants, might as well take a Lord Inquisitor. Maybe something like:

Inquisitor Lord - Psycannon/Incinerator, Psychic Hood
- x2 Mystics
- x3 Warriors - Plasmaguns
- Rhino w/ EA and Smoke.

its a gamble to take on all the fast attack squads they play around here. I can never get my G.K. troops even close to the objective with out being over run by the other players.

Either A) Use Landraiders to get them into CC. B) Don't use PAGKs, they kinda suck. Terminators in landraiders and stormtroopers in rhinos only (or use inducted imperial guard)

If any one sees flaws please post, it all helps no matter, I can only see it from my view with out everyone here building around my squads.

Don't use CC inquisitors. They're more of a support unit than a killy unit. Psychic Hoods and shooting support. Save close combat for those that are good at it. IE Grey Knights.

12-12-2010, 07:09 PM
Yeah, 4 GK Terminators for 199pts is much more potent than that unit. You only get a single str 3 power weapon with the Inquisitor unit. With the GKTs you get a bunch of Str 6 or Str 8 weapons.