View Full Version : Imperial Guard Special Weapons Question

12-08-2010, 07:16 PM
I have a question regardining the Special Weapons Squad in the Imperial Guard codex. The squad consists of 6 guardmen, and the entry states that 3 of the guardsmen must replace their lasgun with either a flamer, grenade launcher, sniper rifle, meltagun, plasma gun, or demolition charge for their points cost.

My question is, since the entry says "3 guardsmen must choose" does this mean that I have option of upgrading the other 3 members of the squad to carry special weapons as well? Because, unlike all the other entries in the codex it gives a specific number of how many models in each squad can that can replace their stock weaponry.

Just wanted to figure it out before I ran a squad of them

12-08-2010, 08:53 PM
I've always seen it as 3 troopers with special weapons, 3 regular wound absorb...I mean regular guardsmen.

12-08-2010, 09:08 PM
Only 3 special weapons. No more. No less.

12-09-2010, 05:38 AM
Right. It says 3 gaurdsmen must change their weapons. It doesn´t say at least three guardsmen or 3 must the other 3 can. Exactly three special weapons per squad. Thats why veterans are better shooters.

12-09-2010, 08:52 AM
It says 3 guardsmen must exchange their weapons. It doesnt say if the other 3 guardsmen can or cant. Like if you look at all of the other entries in the codex, it specifically states how many members of each squad can exchange their weapons.

If they didnt want you to to upgrade the rest of the squad, the entry would read something along the lines of: "3 guardsmen must exchange their weapons and no other upgrades may be taken."

But since it just says 3 guardsmen must exchange their weapons with no word about the other 3. It reads that 3 must exchange, and u can upgrade the other any of 3 if you like. Because whats the point of calling it a "special weapons squad" if a vet squad can take the same amount of special weapons

12-09-2010, 09:31 AM
That's just wish-reading. If it says up to 4 members of the unit can change for a special weapon, you are allowed to take none, one, two, three or four special weapons. If it says three members of the unit must change, than you can only choose which weapons this three take.
"Three guardsmen must" doesn't imply that the others can. The difference between "three guardsmen must" and "three guardsmen can" is, that in the first case you are neither allowed to take less than three special weapons nor to take more than three.

12-09-2010, 09:38 AM
Because it doesn't say the other three can take weapons, they can't. The only thing it says is that 'three must choose', which means they must always be bought with three special weapons. Not for exaple, six naked guardsmen.

The Hivemind
12-09-2010, 09:57 AM
I can see how the wording might mean there could be more than 3 special weapons, don't give them SUCH a hard time guys. But as people have said, 3 special weapons, 3 lasguns. Always good to check though.

12-09-2010, 02:58 PM
How can you see that? Nowhere does it say "three guys must take special weapons, and some more can choose to take them."

It only ever says 3 guardsmen can take special weapons. Thus, only 3 guardsmen can take special weapons. No more, no less. This isn't really rocket science here.

12-10-2010, 03:43 PM
i can see how they have gotten mixed up a lad at my local gw got confused also unfortunatly its wishful thinking