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View Full Version : Where's the O & G Love?

12-08-2010, 11:30 AM
I got an e-mail from GW saying that Orcs & Goblins are getting a new Warhammer Armies Book and release in March (the first 8e WFB army release) and there has been silence at BoLS!

What gives guys? At least this means that GK aren't coming out in March, which should be newsworthy. This has been the first news concerning WFB for some time, where is the WFB love?

12-08-2010, 03:16 PM
Honestly I was waiting for an excuse to start an O&G army for some time now, but other life things seem to be getting in my way.

I know a few people at my old FLGS who are probably cheering right now (they played O&G before 8th edition) but where I am now no one plays them, and I doubt anyone will.

As much as I hate to say this, I really think the whole killer was 8th edition. I love playing fun 8th edition games, but tournaments are just absolutely frustrating. A lot of people where I am are picking up smaller fantasy armies for fun, but focusing more on 40k. I know that I'm canceling my idea of starting a second army (well, third since my wife plays dwarfs--that I buy--lol) and instead beefing up the two 40k armies I have and making them fully (well) painted for the GTs when I get back from Japan in a few years. I'm going to have to repaint a LOT of Fire Warriors, ugh.

12-08-2010, 05:25 PM
I like O & G as well (picked up the Skull Pass set because I loved the Goblin minis), but Skaven are my first, and I've got about 200 of the critters assembled but not painted.

In other words, my O & G army is on hold for the moment. However, having the first 8e army rolling out is big news, and what is going to happen with their magic and new minis is definitely newsworthy, as well as the affect it will have on the WFB metagame.

At a bare minimum, I would have expected to see an article on GK not coming out in March with an aside about O & G getting a new book.

12-09-2010, 04:21 PM
I'm really interested in seeing the AB, not because I like O&G, simply because I want to see where they go with Magic in this Edition. Right now, any serious player will tell you that it's broken. It's fine for fun, pick-up games where you don't care who wins or how, but as was previously written here, it is a real problem in tournaments.

As O&G is one of the armies that currently can add quite a few PD and DD to their arsenal, I really want to see if those items are eliminated. Also, whether they add another uber-spell with 'no saves of any kind' will give us a clue as to whether they realize how badly they screwed up. I still think they could fix it easily by allowing Ward Saves and eliminating the various 'doesn't suffer a miscast but gets irresistible force' Characters/Items/etc..

12-09-2010, 05:14 PM
see thats the whole thing about the lack of 'love.' There is a whole lot of stuff that is going to be retooled but we have no precedent for this edition. This, coupled with the lack of rumours about rules and such being leaked, means that we Fantasy players don't really know what to think about it.
Next army book that comes out I will almost certainly guarantee will have ten times the attention because then there will have been a precedent.

So its not a lack of anything, it is more that everyone has their eyes on it but doesn't know what to say . . . yet

12-10-2010, 07:35 AM
First off O&G have no love because they come from spores ;P

Seriously though, Orcs and goblins were my first army and are still very dear to me. I hope they bring back some of the fun of the army. Too much randomness has been removed. Several of the sub-species have been marginalized. I have about 10000 points even with point values dropping every release of the book.

I don't know. I don't really see a lot of need for new things so much as bringing back some of the things that were pruned in previous editions. 8th helped a lot in that it lets O&G players put big bosses in nearly every unit again which has always been important, but impossible with character limits by number rather than points.

I look forward to seeing this, just wish it was in time for this year's GLWL.

12-10-2010, 09:20 AM
Jeremy Vetock, the chap writing the new OetG army book is a huge OetG fan, and a fluffy list player so we can hope for lots of characterful goodness. I miss playing against fun Orcs and Goblins.