View Full Version : Scabiathrax! Fun with Gargantuan creatures!

Unzuul the Lascivious
12-08-2010, 09:05 AM
So for my birthday I got Forgeworld's Great Unclean One, I've painted him up and he certainly looks the knockers. Next weekend is my club's Xmas game of 40K - 8 players, 3K per side. So I thought what the hey, my daemons will be supplying some big units to really support the evil Chaos Marines, Dark Eldar and probably some unwitting Ork puppets (mwahaha, etc). So I'm gonna use Scabiathrax, but other than drawing a lot of fire and giving other troops something to hide behind, what's his best use gonna be? Should I be targetting armour or scaring the bejesus out of the Marine/Guard troops?
Suggestions on a postcard...

12-08-2010, 03:03 PM
i've gone against scabby twice, and neither time went particularly well for me. the further away you are from him, the better. his high toughness means that you're pretty much golden for anything except D-wounds, which still won't instakill you, and his gargantuan status means that you can make a single attack per each enemy model in base to base, going at i1 (i may have gotten that wrong, but that's how GCs work as i remember - the rules are in the GW apoc book). again, IIRC, you get to basically tear an enemy IC in half when scabby summons, so he can wreak havoc pretty much anywhere.

12-08-2010, 03:51 PM
Well, ive never played with scabiethrax. But i have played with, and against, several gargantuan creatures in apocalypse. My favorite being my forgeworld lord of change, who can (and has) taken on twice his points cost in enemy models and wrecked face.

Some advice for using him: go after infantry. Anything with a toughness characteristic. Thats where the truly horrifying power of GCs comes to the fore. I mean, if theres a baneblade within charging distance, ok...yeah, go kill it (you probably will). But dont go chasing after rhinos and chimeras. Its a waste and not worthy of his attention. Go where the huge blocks of infantry are hanging out and get stuck in! Pro tip - hes huge, so you can multiple charge several squads at once if they're close enought together. Once there, perform a stomp attack and watch 15 models die....which, because its scabiethrax, turns into 30 casualties.

But seriously, stay away from chasing after fast vehicles, etc. Focus on killing hordes of infantry, vehicle SQUADRONS, and the occasional super-heavy.

Unzuul the Lascivious
12-09-2010, 06:12 AM
I am so glad that is the case - I can imagine the Imperial Guard screaming in horror already! YES! I cannot fragging WAIT til next Saturday!!!!