View Full Version : Pinning question

papa smurf
12-07-2010, 03:39 PM
Ok so I have a question regarding pinning: does a squad who has suffered wounds from pinning weapons just take one lone test, or one test per pinning wound inflicted?

tau fire warriors roll to hit and wound with their pulse carbines (all pinning weapons) and kill 5 guardsmen.
would those guardsmen take one pinning test since they were wounded by pinning weapons, or would they take 5 pinning tests for each pinning wound they have recieved?
I thought it was the latter, as shooting with multiple pinning weapons would become moot if the former was how it worked.

12-07-2010, 04:36 PM
Each squad takes only one pinning test per shooting phase, regardless of the number of wounds dealt.

The pinning rules in 5th ed leave a little bit to be desired.

12-07-2010, 04:36 PM
It is just one pinning test. It is worded a unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds makes a pinning test. Not a pin test per wound.

12-07-2010, 05:18 PM
Each squad takes only one pinning test per shooting phase, regardless of the number of wounds dealt.

The pinning rules in 5th ed leave a little bit to be desired.

Nope. If a unit of Guardsmen suffer a unsaved wound from a Sniper Rifle, they'll need to take a pinning check. If it's passed, and in the same phase, they suffer a wound from another pinning weapon- from a different unit- then they must pass another pinning check. If these attacks also kill 25% of the squad, then they will lastly have to take a morale test- regardless of the results of the pinning check.

Per unit, not per weapon.

Angelus Mortifer
12-07-2010, 07:23 PM
As Dingareth says, individual units can be made to take multiple Pinning tests in a single Shooting Phase, from different enemy units firing at them. You only ever make one Morale check (for 25%+ casualties) in a Shooting Phase.

12-07-2010, 07:29 PM
pinning checks are taking after the wounds are dealt. The Morale check is taken at the end of the phase.

Guardsman Squad has 10 Members.
Unit A kills one member with a Barrage Weapon.
Guardsmen must take one pinning check.
Unit B kills two members with Sniper Rifles.
Guardsmen must take one pinning check.
Unit C kills one member with a weapon with the Pinning Descriptor.
Guardsmen must take one pinning check.
Shooting has ended: Guardsmen Squad has suffered 25% morale, and must take a Ld Check.

12-07-2010, 08:03 PM
Also, I'm fairly sure that once you fail one pinning check (or go to ground voluntarily) you automatically fail all future pinning checks until you return to normal.

12-07-2010, 09:17 PM
Also, I'm fairly sure that once you fail one pinning check (or go to ground voluntarily) you automatically fail all future pinning checks until you return to normal.

actually, you do not need to take future pinning checks. Don't forget, you get +1 cover saves!

However, if you need to take the morale check, you must- even if you are pinned. You troops will gladly run away than stick around in cover!

papa smurf
12-07-2010, 10:46 PM
ok thanks guys! I was really wondering about that, and you cleared it up for me, much appreciated :D

12-07-2010, 10:47 PM
If you are playing by the Rule Book, a Pinning test is made for a wound caused by a weapon. A unit with 10 pinning weapons firing into a squad of 11 models, killing 10 of them, will force the surviving model to make 10 pinning checks. There is NO arbitrary limit to the amount of Tests you can make unless there is a specific restriction, like for Morale Checks at the end of the shooting phase.



If you go by the new 40k FAQ, this rule has been 'updated' and now only allows for a single pinning check per unit firing, like how it was in 4th edition.

I don't get it.. 5th edition made Pinning good again, but people complained about how it now worked (lack of reading comprehension), and now it is nerfed to being worthless again.... and then these same people WANT pinning to be good again!!

Holy poop on a stick, make up your minds!

12-08-2010, 04:13 AM
A fair point, Buffo, but, while pinning does now suck, it may have been a little too powerful under the original 5th-ed rules, especially given how uncommon it was. It must have been discouraging for the player used to 4th edition to finally face an army with substantial pinning capability and thing, "What?! Five pinning tests?!"

A little over the top. Seems like there should be some happy medium, but I'm not sure what it would look like.

12-08-2010, 08:38 AM
A little over the top. Seems like there should be some happy medium, but I'm not sure what it would look like.

Perhaps one test from each unit that shoots as it is now, but you suffer a penalty for each wound suffered.

12-11-2010, 06:11 PM
If you are playing by the Rule Book, a Pinning test is made for a wound caused by a weapon. A unit with 10 pinning weapons firing into a squad of 11 models, killing 10 of them, will force the surviving model to make 10 pinning checks. There is NO arbitrary limit to the amount of Tests you can make unless there is a specific restriction, like for Morale Checks at the end of the shooting phase.



If you go by the new 40k FAQ, this rule has been 'updated' and now only allows for a single pinning check per unit firing, like how it was in 4th edition.

I don't get it.. 5th edition made Pinning good again, but people complained about how it now worked (lack of reading comprehension), and now it is nerfed to being worthless again.... and then these same people WANT pinning to be good again!!

Holy poop on a stick, make up your minds!

WHAT WHAT WHAT! :eek: when has it ever been per weapon/wound... never like you said yourself its for people with" lack of reading comprehension" that they have had to bring out the FAQ not to nurf it but to stop people with a " lack of reading comprehension" from doing it as per weapon/wound.

Just be glad that you havnt tried that in the UK you would have been laughed out of every gaming club, GW shop and comp in the country, nice try tho