View Full Version : Twin-linked plasma & lascannon razorback?

12-07-2010, 04:00 AM
Has anyone come up with a good looking conversion to make a razorback turret equipped with a twin linked plasma gun & lascannon?

I've looked at a couple of things.

Simply sticking two plasma guns together and attaching them to the side of the mount doesn't look very good as the the plasma guns look too small and the pivot point on the mount appears too low relative to the shield for such small weapons.

I've also considered using a plasma cannon instead but conceptually this doesn't feel quite right.

So has anyone come up with a better solution? Pictures would be appreciated.

12-07-2010, 04:09 AM
Found a polish site a few days ago where they've made a resin turret for it. I don't know exactly how reliable they are since they have yet to ship my order (placed and paid two days ago).
I personally don't think it's too pretty, but someone might.


12-07-2010, 05:59 AM
I went 'old school' for mine and modelled a manned gun turret using a SM bike (note: I covered up the exhaust pipes after this photo):


MC Tic Tac
12-07-2010, 06:53 AM
E-bay the old skool turret:



Angelus Mortifer
12-07-2010, 08:45 AM
Here's mine - seaprate mounts for separate weapon systems:




By no means an original idea, but I think it works pretty well.

12-07-2010, 09:15 AM
The best way to go is the different mounts. This way when one weapon is destroyed you don't have to take off both.


12-07-2010, 10:41 AM
Here's mine - seaprate mounts for separate weapon systems:


By no means an original idea, but I think it works pretty well.

That looks really nice. What did you use to build the basic turret box?

12-07-2010, 11:05 AM
The best way to go is the different mounts. This way when one weapon is destroyed you don't have to take off both.

Also called cheating; a Razorback by definition has a single turret. At best the different mounts is clearly metagaming of a most unpleasant sort.

12-07-2010, 11:17 AM
I used both of the Lascannons to attach to the pivot point of the original RB turret. I then cut thebbarrel of the LC off and trimmed up the plasma guns and placed them in the space emptied. I feel it looks okay.. I'll post a pic in a bit...

12-07-2010, 11:23 AM
Also called cheating; a Razorback by definition has a single turret. At best the different mounts is clearly metagaming of a most unpleasant sort.

I agree

Angelus Mortifer
12-07-2010, 11:25 AM
That looks really nice. What did you use to build the basic turret box?

It's the FW Multimelta RB mounting, with the MM swapped for a straight up Las. I had to pin the Las into the box with a fairly wide bit of perspex rod, cut to fit.

I really like and prefer FW's RB weapons as they look chunkier and closer to the hull for a better visual fit... but that's just me.:rolleyes:

Also called cheating; a Razorback by definition has a single turret. At best the different mounts is clearly metagaming of a most unpleasant sort.

I think you need to take your gaming a little less seriously. A vast number of the main 40k tournaments don't have a problem with this configuration, and I've never had a problem with anyone I've played on purely a friendly basis.

Perhaps people who take their gaming more as a job than a hobby would only worry about the "marginal" difference the Plasma location would make. Your comment by definition takes all the fun out of the modeling aspect of the hobby...

12-07-2010, 11:33 AM
I'm not familiar with the space marine codex, but wouldn't the 2 weapons be separate simply because they are a lascannon, and a twin linked plasma gun.

you dont destroy a turret, you destroy one weapon - the turret can have lots of weapons on.

and with co-axle weapons like the baneblade's autocannon, you still destroy them separately don't you?

I'm probably totally wrong but as i don't own the marine dex i don't know what the weapon combo counts as ruleswise.

12-07-2010, 12:17 PM
I'm not familiar with the space marine codex, but wouldn't the 2 weapons be separate simply because they are a lascannon, and a twin linked plasma gun.

You're correct. It doesn't matter if the lascannon and the plasma gun are on the same turret or not - they are different weapons.

Drew da Destroya
12-07-2010, 01:20 PM
Also called cheating; a Razorback by definition has a single turret. At best the different mounts is clearly metagaming of a most unpleasant sort.

This reaction seems a bit extreme to me... the extra 1.5" range he might get out of the plasmas will likely have marginal impact on the game, and if you prefer, he can still measure from the turret for the range. It's just more visually pleasing, and allows for creative modelling.

Check out Isotope99's Haemonculi Raider for a good example of cool modeling trumping the "model rules"... he has a sweet grotesque hanging off the front, one-handing the Dark Lance. It's no longer "hull mounted", and is definitely a good inch or two forward of where it would be... but it looks so damn cool, and the "benefit" is so small, that I don't see anyone really fighting with him about it.

12-07-2010, 01:29 PM

Q. If a Razorback armed with a lascannon and
twin-linked plasma gun suffers a weapon
destroyed result, does it destroy both (ie. the
lascannon and the plasma gun) or just one?
A. Only one weapon – either the lascannon or the
twin-linked plasma gun.

12-07-2010, 01:33 PM
In regard to the "cheating" issue.

This was in an FAQ. ok FAQ's are not rule replacements or rules in their own right, but its does just clarify that they are two separate weapons.

Also weapon destroyed does not equal turret destroyed, turrets are removed because its easy to remind you that the weapon is destroyed.

so mount the plasma guns at the front, or on the turret at the back, either way its not cheating.

12-07-2010, 02:45 PM
This reaction seems a bit extreme to me... the extra 1.5" range he might get out of the plasmas will likely have marginal impact on the game, and if you prefer, he can still measure from the turret for the range. It's just more visually pleasing, and allows for creative modelling.

Check out Isotope99's Haemonculi Raider for a good example of cool modeling trumping the "model rules"... he has a sweet grotesque hanging off the front, one-handing the Dark Lance. It's no longer "hull mounted", and is definitely a good inch or two forward of where it would be... but it looks so damn cool, and the "benefit" is so small, that I don't see anyone really fighting with him about it.

Plus I'd be happy to measure from where it was supposed to be if it came down to it. Now if you really want cheesy you should see my new triangular thousand sons vehicle I am working on, it has no rear armour at all :D (but I will be taking along a plasticard cutout of the actual rhino footprint in case of any uncertainty)

Ultimately, I don't really believe in modelling for advantage and if there's any doubt:
a) its usually pretty easy to figure out what the result would be if it was a stock model
b) the converter should be willing to give the benefit of doubt to their opponent, it just makes the game go more smoothly


12-07-2010, 03:48 PM
I too went with the seperate turrets option:


I've never seen anyone consider it cheating. Also, by this same argument, a sky ray would lose all of it's missiles and markerlights with one hit... @.@

Angelus Mortifer
12-07-2010, 07:19 PM
Still loving your angry, Plasma-wielding Wolf nuts Dave :D

Incidentally, seeing as there is no official kit for the Las/Plas option, someone could easily stick a couple of Plasma Guns either side of the Las muzzle, attaching them by the shoulder supports of the guns. This would reduce the "difference" to less than half an inch probably, if they weren't mounted on a front hatch/cupola.

Personally, I think it would look total cr@p but hey, that would help appease the "cheating" crowd wouldn't it ;). Whilst I'm more of a hobbyist first, and friendly competitive gamer second, as others have said - the "advantage" is so negligible as to be irrelevant in my opinion. Many would be hard-pressed to qualify, without a shadow of a doubt, that the cupola-mounted Plas contributed solely for their loss in the game.... really?!!

Drew da Destroya
12-07-2010, 08:49 PM
Isotope, you're clearly cheating. I mean, your model is so cool, that I can't concentrate on the actual battle, and now I've lost because of it.

Totally IMBA, and Isotope's modelling skillz need a nerf bat next edition, IMO.

12-07-2010, 09:12 PM
Isotope, you're clearly cheating. I mean, your model is so cool, that I can't concentrate on the actual battle, and now I've lost because of it.

Totally IMBA, and Isotope's modelling skillz need a nerf bat next edition, IMO.


12-09-2010, 03:53 AM
Thanks for the suggestions.

I'm not a fan of exposed gunners in cupolas and so didn't want the old models or to reproduce the look.

I hadn't even contemplated modelling the weapons on separate mounts but I don't think I'll go down that path.

At this point I'll probably go with a variation on DapperDave's solution with a cut down heavy weapon of some sort with a spotlight at the top and the twin-linked plasma gun mounted below.

I'm also kind of interested in seeing how the Polish resin kit turns out although the whole mounting looks a bit tall.

12-09-2010, 04:50 AM
Also called cheating; a Razorback by definition has a single turret. At best the different mounts is clearly metagaming of a most unpleasant sort.

this is so wrong.

As it is listed as two seperate weapon system it IS two seperate weapon system.
You need 2 weapon destroyed to kill them both and you may only fire 1 after moving (for non fasts).

how you model it doesnt change anything on the above rules.