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12-06-2010, 04:41 PM
Was flipping through my Space Marine codex when something I'd never really given much thought to caught my eye - Ko'sarro Khan's ability to make everyone with Combat Tactics replace that with the ability to outflank. Now, as a Chaos Space Marine player normally, I am an outspokenly staunch proponent of outflanking Chosen, and wish that I had more squads that can do it. Outflanking has changed the course of my games more than once, and so I came up with this list that I'm giving serious thought to trying out in a fun game with a friend of mine.

Space Marine List, 2,500 Points

Ko'sarro Khan on Moondrakan - 205
Epistolary with Null Zone and Might of the Ancients, Terminator Armor, Storm Shield - 210
Command Squad, Bikes, 4 x Lightning Claws, 4 x Storm Shields, Melta Bombs - 345 (Mwahahaha, because why not?)

7 x TH/SS Terminators - 280
Land Raider Crusader, Multi-Melta, Extra Armour - 275

5 x Bikes, Power Fist, 2 x meltas, Melta Bomb - 190
5 x Bikes, Power Fist, 2 x meltas, Melta Bomb - 190
5 x Bikes, Power Weapon, 2 x Plasma, Melta Bomb - 180
5 x Bikes, Power Weapon, 2 x Plasma, - 175

Fast Attack
3 x Attack Bikes, 3 x Multi-Meltas - 150
3 x Attack Bikes, 3 x Multi-Meltas - 150
3 x Attack Bikes, 3 x Multi-Meltas - 150

Total: 2500

Now, this is purely for fun - if it wasn't, I'd probably outflank a wall of rhinos/razorbacks at him. But I wanted to keep to the "theme" of Ko'sarro Khan's chapter. Bikes, lots of them! ...and an outflanking land raider with seven TH/SS Terminators and a Librarian with Null Zone, MotA, and a Stormshield for getting rid of any other pesky invulnerable saved things my friend may or may not be fielding. Ko'sarro Khan is going to ride around like a boss protected by his command squad with 3++'s and FNP, because why not? They'll be around for a while, and with that Outflanking Land Raider dumping terminator death in his face, they'll almost certainly live long enough to get to where they need to get - in close-combat.

The attack bikes are self-explanatory. 3 multi-melta shots a piece is pretty mean against vehicles, and you can throw in 6 twin-linked bolt shots on infantry.

The only thing that might prove my downfall is some REALLY shoddy reserve rolls, as I WILL be reserving everything, or getting my bikes knocked out early, which I'm really not too afraid about - I know that my buddy can't resist a piece of tasty close-combat, even in objective games, and I intend to take full advantage of that with Khan's Command Squad and the Lib's Terminator retinue.

Thoughts? Other things to look out for? My friend plays Imperial Fists, usually with Lysander and a Terminator Librarian. I know, I know, MEQ versus MEQ... :p Bite me.

Edit: Crap, just noticed I messed up when I posted the points limit in the title. Can this be fixed or no?

12-06-2010, 07:31 PM
I actually love the idea. I played around with this myself once before only I used TwL Assault Cannon Razorbacks and Land Speeders with Assault Cannons. I took Khan and Tigirius, the idea being that you can hold your entire army back until turn 3 or 4 then come in with 56 TwL Assault Cannon shots.

Funny list.

12-06-2010, 07:39 PM
Curious thing about a Bike Army is that no matter how far you space them, they are just magnets for template barrage weapons.

I had the liberty of playing a Khan Bike list from a 'Ard Boy Tournament player, of course, I didn't realize how self absorbed Ard Boy players can be, so we played on 6x6 table.

I play Guard with lots of shooting and pinning: 15 Heavy Bolters, 9 Las Cannons, 10 Mortars, 20 Ratlings, and three Manticores at 2000 Points; against a Khan List similar to yours.

The Ard Boy Player simply scoffed at it until I stole the initiative and had 9 Strength 10 Large Blast Markers cover his side of the board Turn One and killed a whopping 12 Bikes out of 21. After the rest had fired, he had his HQ and a few Landspeeders intact.

He promptly called me a noob and left the store.

But I Digress, very nice list.

12-06-2010, 08:18 PM
wait, had Khan and didn't outflank?


12-06-2010, 08:38 PM
wait, had Khan and didn't outflank?


I believe his intention was to Turbo Boost everything to my deployment to circumvent the Manticore's atrocious blind spot of 24 Inches (however, I planned ahead and placed the artillery in clever fire arcs), and have the little +Cover Save from doing so.

Little did he realize that Ratlings could be affected by Orders and 'Fire on my Target'.

I also believe it was has arrogance that got the better of him when he saw that I didn't chirp the I-win Guard lists on the net or in Tournaments.

12-06-2010, 10:27 PM
Thanks for the feedback, guys, and facing an IG army with a list like this...yeah I'd reserve everything. I can't think of a list I wouldn't reserve everything to Outflank against with this build, though.

12-07-2010, 01:57 AM
It's true.

What people don't realize is that lists like this actually tend to do well in tournaments. Not because it's uber-competitive (it's not) but because people do not cater their lists to handle them. In the hands of a canny player they can easily upset other player's strategy.

My orks do this routinely :)

12-07-2010, 06:01 AM
That's actually my thinking - with this many T: 5 bikes, this many melta shots, and two death star units running around being generally hard to kill, and they ALL outflank, and have lovely little threat bubbles? Hell, if I have to tie up a unit, I can separate Khan from the Bikes in the movement phase, zoom forward and fleet in the shooting phase, and charge and hold up a unit for the turn it'll take my Command Squad to get there.

Also, game's tomorrow - I'll let you guys know how it goes. :D

12-08-2010, 09:45 PM
I actually have been playing with my white scars recently. It's not entirely painted yet, so I don't take it to tournaments religiously. I've found that the command squad, though terrifying enough, really really benefits from a biker chaplain. Not just for the re-roll wounds, but for the fearlessness and immunity from the psychic choir. Without transports, the bike army is really hurt by that power.

I'd drop that 200pt librarian. Everything in the army looks good except him.

I do like to take 6 bikers and the attack bike for a total of 8 wounds in my biker units, just to give them a bit more durability. I feel like a pfist in bike units is a must. If you roll up, pop the enemy razorback, the 5 grey hunters/assault marines get out, assault the bikers and hold them there for the rest of everyone's life.