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08-26-2009, 09:19 AM

I am carly and I have been playing for about 4 years now.

Though I havent been playing as long as some of the other people I regularly game with, I threw myself into the hobby and now own more than I would want to admit too.

The main armies I have are Nids (3000pts), Chaos Space Marines (7000pts) and Lizardmen (7000pts), with many more what I like to call 'side projects' as well.

Well, see you around the Lounge!

08-26-2009, 09:39 AM
Welcome to the Lounge!

08-26-2009, 09:59 AM
Welcome to BoLS. That's a very impressive collection for 4 years! :)

08-26-2009, 09:24 PM
Thank you, thats what happens when you get three years of student loans and living in the middle of nowhere.

You either play with toy soldiers, or rock slowly in a corner. I think I did both during my third year.

Abominable Plague Marine
08-27-2009, 05:13 AM
haha, welcome. So how much of that is painted?

08-27-2009, 08:24 AM
Well, they are all in various stages of painting.

The thing is I keep changing my mind. Like my Nids, who were painted white and blue. But now I am repainting all of them.

My lizardmen arent too bad, with all my 80 skinks painted and mostly based, and my 70 saurus not far behind. The cavalry Im undecided about and so are some of the others.

My chaos space marines though are in pretty bad shape, mostly just undercoated. The Cult marines are nearly all done, but the basic one, im stuck on a paint scheme. I was going for black, with silver highlighting with some detail on the weapons and such. But after doing a few and a biker, I hated it. So now im back at square one with that.

I hope to be posting my Nids repainting on the Blog I post on. Not sure if I can post it here, but its under my contact info if you are interested.

Oh, and btw, im not the worlds greatest painter, and I wanted something that I could do fast with my nids. Not something that would win a Golden Daemon.

Abominable Plague Marine
08-30-2009, 02:52 AM
Checked out the site, sorry mate, couldnt find em?

Guess you better jump in the forums here and post us up some pictures of your wares so we can have a squiz. If your doing black chaos space marines, sounds like you are doing Black Legion?

08-30-2009, 03:38 AM

Im planning on doing my Nids today, well some of them anyway. Been so busy at work, barely had time for anything else. But, yes, I can post them here as well as the blog.

And I was going for Black Legion, but now I am really undecided. I just didnt like what I had done, so I think I am going to rethinking them.

But my Nids shall be first because I have been using them alot more than the CSM.