View Full Version : If FW did Nids vs Squats

12-06-2010, 10:36 AM
If FW did the shortest biggest meal, the nids are likely to get in the Galaxy ( maybe IA 13) who here would buy it?

People chat about them all the time, and they are basically eaten out of the fluff, but there seems to be people out there that still like Squats, could be a money spinner, as well as an interesting campaign. Just think of all the background.

12-06-2010, 12:07 PM
I might buy more to compliment the ones I already have.

12-06-2010, 12:20 PM
I will consult my haemonculi council on the uses of these body parts for our food factories.

12-06-2010, 01:20 PM
I've gone for no, i would buy anything from forgeworld, but unless they really pushed the boat out on the demented space dwarves it would be the only range from forgeworld i couldnt touch lol

I really don't understand the obsession with them, they just sound like a fan-boy's gone mental with a homebrew dex

space dwarves with more technical know how than humans who ride around in land raiders AND trikes - give me a break

its hardly the grimdark we know and love is it

12-06-2010, 01:38 PM
Squats were stupid, even by the standards of early 40K. They were only interesting in Epic because GW made them the kings of the Super-Super Heavy Tanks. The Cyclops was pretty awesome.

You've got a hankering for Nordic/Celtic/Bearded Fat Short Men, I suggest that the Space Wolves fill that niche now; back when Squats were around, the Wolves weren't nearly so Space Viking as they are now.

If you just want dwarves in space, try Hasslefree's Grymn:

Bottom line for me: I like the fact that 40K has largely shed it's "Fantasy IN SPACE!" roots. I'm still waiting for them to drop the stupid Necrons-Are-Tomb-Kings-IN-SPACE rubbish (which they never, ever will for reasons best known to themselves), and do them as proper terminators/robots/mechanical Lovecraftian horrors rather than just bog-standard metallic undead.

12-06-2010, 01:56 PM
Yeah, 40k has completely shed is Fantasy in space!

It is not like we don't have;

Elves in space
Dark Elves in space
Orcs in space
Skeletons in space
Vampires in space
Bretonian Knights in space
Peasants in space
Hobbits/Ratlings in space
Ogres/Ogryns in space
Lizardmen/old ones in space
Jesters/Clowns in space (40k is srz biznes)

About the ONLY original concept GW has that has nothing to do with Fantasy, ironically, is Tau.

Heck, in the current fantasy edition there is the good old link to star voyagers once again landing on the planet.

But say no to Dwarves, because, um, Dwarves in Landraiders make much less sense than, um, elf clowns in flying cars? :eek:

12-06-2010, 02:50 PM
I am in the maybe group.

The point of choosing Nids vs Squats, is because we all know what happens to the Squats (they came with their own dental floss on their faces to) so its hardly a comeback, more a conspiring in their killing off as a main race.

It would really open the debate on Forge World and other GW books, and who will and wont play what.

You wouldnt see many of them as they are going to be expensive, well, more expensive than plastic crack.

12-06-2010, 03:18 PM
Actually, steampunk is real big right now, and I think Squats would fit in there very well, (just look at some of their old Epic vehicles). And in Battlefleet Gothic there are the Demiurges, who, have very steampunk looking space vehicles. This would go along with GW wanting to get into the Anime/Manga look by introducing Tau.;)

Personally, I don't think the Squats will be back anytime soon. Partially because someone at GW hates the entire idea, and partially because I don't think GW really has enough manpower to spare on what would be an entirely new codex with dubious selling potential. Shame, really, because I think they could make for an interesting faction.

12-06-2010, 03:24 PM
I don't think the Squats will be back anytime soon. Partially because someone at GW hates the entire idea, and partially because I don't think GW really has enough manpower to spare on what would be an entirely new codex with dubious selling poten

Which is the whole point of it going to FW. GW cant keep up to date with the codices they have, at least with FW one can rely on simple updates.

12-06-2010, 08:26 PM
I think my ratlings might leave me naked in the middle of a Trygon Burrow if I recruited Squats...

12-06-2010, 08:43 PM
I would buy them for the simple reason that I have that "The White Dwarf IN SPAAAACE" mini, and dammit he needs an army to lead! I have no idea how I would fit them in with my current armies, and I dont care - buy squats now, think later..

12-06-2010, 11:04 PM
Oh hell-to-the-yes. Like Buffo, I still have some of them.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
12-07-2010, 05:27 AM
I say bring them on through FW, that way it will get given a proper treatment. Id like to see the little guys come back.
Hey, i have one sitting out of the capola of my WH Inquisitor Lords LR Promethius, smoking a cigar and manning the MM. People love it.

12-07-2010, 05:34 AM
Nope, I have never understood the obsession with the ancient and obsolete piece of fluff that is the Squats. I wouldn't object to do FW doing it, of course, I'm not so petty as that. But I have absolutely no interest in them myself.

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-07-2010, 06:09 AM
I'd rather Forge World do minor xeno races instead, personally. I'd like to see Black Library tackle the Squat/Tyranid war though.

Night System
12-07-2010, 06:55 AM
Nope, I have never understood the obsession with the ancient and obsolete piece of fluff that is the Squats. I wouldn't object to do FW doing it, of course, I'm not so petty as that. But I have absolutely no interest in them myself.

Have to agree.
I do not have any of the models (much to young) but i have seen them, and they do look stupid.
Everytheme they had is done better by other armies without looking so stupid.

Auxilary race to the tau. Thats how they should be done.

12-07-2010, 08:53 AM
I voted yes.

Always loved squats and the end GW gave them was very poor for me

12-07-2010, 09:11 AM
I voted yes for the simply reason that if you look at what GW/FW can do nowadays there is not a simple thing that wouldnt be amazing if done right.

I'm looking at the chaos dwarfs from WH forge and think that this style would work well in 40k without looking stupid.

Think like tau but more "dirty" and dwarfy in termes of work style. relying on technology and working that technology in the field of battle.

But then I'd rather have FW take the same idea and finally do an AdMech army.

so yes I'd buy them if done right but I dont care if they dont do them,

12-07-2010, 09:20 AM
Have to agree.
I do not have any of the models (much to young) but i have seen them, and they do look stupid.
Everytheme they had is done better by other armies without looking so stupid.

Auxilary race to the tau. Thats how they should be done.

I would argue that Space Elfs still look a bit silly, and Space Dwarfs are at least passable for 40K. Heres what they all USE to look like. (http://www.solegends.com/citrt/index.htm)

12-07-2010, 10:28 AM
Space Viking Dwarves....in a Valkyrie. Yes, please. *Buys FW Squats to count as IG*

12-07-2010, 08:56 PM
Foolish mon-keigh have mistaken us for elves. Part one is complete, let the tides bring them close now...

12-07-2010, 09:02 PM
Actually, steampunk is real big right now, and I think Squats would fit in there very well, (just look at some of their old Epic vehicles). And in Battlefleet Gothic there are the Demiurges, who, have very steampunk looking space vehicles. This would go along with GW wanting to get into the Anime/Manga look by introducing Tau.;)

Personally, I don't think the Squats will be back anytime soon. Partially because someone at GW hates the entire idea, and partially because I don't think GW really has enough manpower to spare on what would be an entirely new codex with dubious selling potential. Shame, really, because I think they could make for an interesting faction.

A army based completely off the Troupes of Steampunk would be awesome.

We already got a anime troupe inspired army.

12-07-2010, 10:25 PM
About the ONLY original concept GW has that has nothing to do with Fantasy, ironically, is Tau.

That's not even original. Anime-in-space. Tau came out when anime was really starting to break out in the West.

And while I never played squats in RT, I thought the Hvy Weapon Trikes were awesome.

12-07-2010, 10:41 PM
That's not even original. Anime-in-space. Tau came out when anime was really starting to break out in the West.

Keeping my comment in context, the Tau are the only original race because there are no Fantasy Armies to base the concept off of.

If you want to compare 40k races to , um, everything in existence, then no, nothing is original, I agree!


12-07-2010, 11:03 PM
Keeping my comment in context, the Tau are the only original race because there are no Fantasy Armies to base the concept off of.

If you want to compare 40k races to , um, everything in existence, then no, nothing is original, I agree!


Good point.

12-08-2010, 05:02 AM
I'd go for it, but would prefer Ad Mech...

12-09-2010, 01:33 PM
I'd love to see the stunties return to 40k, just without their name. Squat is an absolutely terrible name for an army or race, it results in them losing all credibility before they even approach the tabletop. And its one of the main reasons i can see Squats not returning in the future.

12-09-2010, 02:08 PM
I'd love to see the stunties return to 40k, just without their name. Squat is an absolutely terrible name for an army or race, it results in them losing all credibility before they even approach the tabletop. And its one of the main reasons i can see Squats not returning in the future.

I am a fan of the Demiurg(sp) myself.

12-09-2010, 06:49 PM
That depends on how they reworked the aesthetics of the squats.

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-11-2010, 02:44 AM
I am a fan of the Demiurg(sp) myself.

You spelt it correctly unlike the majority of people who seem to like adding e's on the end or worse...

12-11-2010, 09:04 AM
Nothing worse than Demiurges.:rolleyes:

12-11-2010, 10:43 AM
Nothing worse than Demiurges.:rolleyes:

Too true.

If you're going to have an urge--give it the full attention, don't just stop half-way...

12-13-2010, 02:16 PM
With the current state of nids the squats are likely to eat them. :p

12-14-2010, 07:19 AM
Spoke to FW just to get an opinion.... Its on the "really cool things to do" list, but they havent time for lesser xeno.

12-20-2010, 03:41 PM
I'd consider it. If I did, I'd probably use the squats for an IG army. Always wanted to do one.

12-20-2010, 03:51 PM
A firm no. Little fat men with beards to their waist? Put the energy into something batter.