View Full Version : Revilers 2nd Company

12-05-2010, 05:41 AM
Recently I took it upon myself to produce a new space marine army based on one of the less fleshed out chapters, the Revilers. Although I had plenty of Ultras (the 3rd plus most of the 1st with supporting armour) I was pretty much sick of blue and they weren't exactly painted well (neither are these but by my standards they're a huge step forward!) I liked the Revilers as they're darker and more sinister looking than the Ultras and that the insignia is beyond my ability to do consistently well - I figure I won't improve without pushing myself so...

The only fluff I can find states that the Revilers a Raven Guard sucessor. I decided that they weren't so much about the striking from shadows but about the lightning strikes that the Raven Guard are also good at, not so much in your face as say the Blood Angels but more like the White Scars meets the Raven Guard in combat style hence the bike theme

Some (fairly blurry and with too much flash!) pics




and link to others

I'm currently working on a second bike squad and a tactical squad to go with the rhino. After that it's a bike command squad and some supporting armour

12-05-2010, 10:43 PM
Looks pretty darn good!
Might want to try a dark wash perhaps on some of the bikers in addition to your highlights.

Night System
12-06-2010, 07:12 AM
Aarrgghhh! pictures, the blurr burns!!! :P

I must say, they do look good, better condition than your earlier Ultramarines. I assume this army is going to include the nasty command sqaud we all here so much about?

Is any fluff going to be written up about them? (commanders, companies and battles etc)

My only concern for improvement is that the bases are a bit bland. A bit of scorched grass might go a long way in making your miniatures stand out. Other than that they look great. Eagerly anticipating more models.