View Full Version : Fury points and animi

12-03-2010, 02:06 PM
Hello all,

Since I am among the first people starting Hordesmachine in our area (3 with machines and me with beasts) I do not really have the possibility to ask someone more experienced for bits of wisdom so I am turning to you guys for help related to fury points and animi. And here it goes:

When I use the animus of a warbeast that costs 2 fury, for example, on the beast itself, it is considered forcing and the beast generates 2 fury points on itself. Because in the rulebook it says that a warbeast must be forced to use it's animus.
Now, if I want to use it as a spell for my warlock to cast on another warbeast I have to pay the points in fury which means 2 fury in this example. This 2 fury is deducted from the warlock's total fury.
My question is, does the beast whose animus is cast on another beast/unit/model, gain the 2 fury from the warlock or counts as being forced, meaning it now has 2 fury on it?

I have tried understanding the rules from the rulebook but just can't wrap my head around it.
Note: in the games I have played I have always put the fury payed as the cost of the animus on the warbeast whose animus was used.

I hope that I was clear enough for you guys to understand and hopefully can give me some answers.

Many thanks,


12-03-2010, 03:46 PM
If the warlock casts the animus as a spell, the fury is simply spent. The beasts don't get it.

12-07-2010, 10:53 AM
This is a trouble when you're coming from Warmachine. In Warmachine, there is a pool of Warcaster focus, and it really just gets shifted around between the 'caster and his 'jacks.

That's not how Hordes works. When a Warbeast generates fury (for being forced or any other reason) he gains 2 fury points that come from nowhere (from the void- what I like to call the bag of fury tokens I keep by the table).

When a Warlock spends fury points (again, for any spells or animi) they go into the void.

So if the beast casts the animi, he gains 2 fury points from the void, and if the warlock casts the animi, he spends 2 fury points into the void.

There isn't a limited pool of how much fury can be on the table at a time, so if you're running your beasts hot, there can be a whole ton.

12-14-2010, 06:48 PM
This is a trouble when you're coming from Warmachine. In Warmachine, there is a pool of Warcaster focus, and it really just gets shifted around between the 'caster and his 'jacks.

That's not how Hordes works. When a Warbeast generates fury (for being forced or any other reason) he gains 2 fury points that come from nowhere (from the void- what I like to call the bag of fury tokens I keep by the table).

When a Warlock spends fury points (again, for any spells or animi) they go into the void.

So if the beast casts the animi, he gains 2 fury points from the void, and if the warlock casts the animi, he spends 2 fury points into the void.

There isn't a limited pool of how much fury can be on the table at a time, so if you're running your beasts hot, there can be a whole ton.

That...is a brilliant way of explaining Fury.

02-08-2011, 02:22 PM
Yeah, even if it has been a while, thanks for the explanations, guys.
And I like the way you explained fury odinsgrandson.

One more question tho':

If a warjack charges over 3" under Karchev's spell "Unearthly rage" does he get 4d6 to damage rolls? 2d6 as normal + 1d6 for charging over 3" and + 1d6 for unearthly rage?


02-08-2011, 05:51 PM
No as Unearthly Rage boosts damage rolls. You may not boost the same roll twice.

See page 28 in the Warmachine Prime Mk II book and the Hordes Primal Mk II book

02-08-2011, 07:14 PM
Yeah, even if it has been a while, thanks for the explanations, guys.
And I like the way you explained fury odinsgrandson.

One more question tho':

If a warjack charges over 3" under Karchev's spell "Unearthly rage" does he get 4d6 to damage rolls? 2d6 as normal + 1d6 for charging over 3" and + 1d6 for unearthly rage?

I'm unfamiliar with the spell in question, but as Nungunz has mentioned, you can't boost twice. Pay attention to the wording of spells and abilities - if it says you get a 'boost' or are 'boosted', then that's what you get - 3d6, and you can't pump that further as you can only boost once. If you get a 'bonus die', in that case you could stack that with a boost, leading to 4d6.

Circle Woldwyrds get bonus dice to attack and damage against models with upkeeps on them, so combined with a boost they are capable of getting 4d6 damage or attack rolls. In contrast, a charging model has automatically boosted damage rolls, so you can't boost them again - they can't get more than 3d6 through boosting alone.

02-09-2011, 02:58 PM
Thanks for the quick answers this clarifies it.

And yeah, I should pay more attention to the wording (not native English speaker tho') and the difference between boosting which is allowed only once and additional dice which if coming from weaponmaster and the like can stack with boosted dice.