View Full Version : shattershard

12-03-2010, 10:21 AM
Dark eldar have some cool things to put on hqs, but none of it is really bread & butter so I don't usually take too much arcane wargear. Lately though, I have been strapping on the shattershard. It is pretty cheap for what it can do (1.5 firewarrior). One shot template that forces toughness checks. Any model failing the check is simply removed from play, no saves of any kind. The possibilities for this thing are pretty vast, but so far here is what my 15 points have shattered:

5/7 of a seer council on jetbikes including the farseer
2 wolf cavalry
shrike + 3 assault marines
Archon + 2 incubi (lol this thing is insane vs dark eldar)

Go try it out! If you have had some success with some of the odd arcane wargears speak up and tell us your dirty secrets!

12-03-2010, 11:12 PM
Huh. How'd you manage to get 5 jetbikes in a single template? Methinks your opponent was being careless. That said, I do love the shattershard idea, even if I haven't used one yet.

12-04-2010, 01:05 AM
Or they got tankshocked. Or assaulted a vehicle.

12-04-2010, 08:15 AM
It isn't too hard to template 7 bikes. If they left combat and only rolled a 1 on consolidation, they will be clustered quite nicely.

12-04-2010, 10:08 AM
I tried it. Hit 5 Space Marine Scouts.

Killed only 1.

I was highly disappointed.

12-04-2010, 08:36 PM
This is by far the fastest way to neuter some TH/SS termies. In fact, I think the shattershard may have been included in the book to try and move the metagame away from Assault Terminators.

12-04-2010, 10:11 PM
This is by far the fastest way to neuter some TH/SS termies. In fact, I think the shattershard may have been included in the book to try and move the metagame away from Assault Terminators.

It's possible. It's also possible that you'll remove maybe 1 or 2 models and the remaining ones will slaughter your Haemonculus and whatever it's attached to next.

12-05-2010, 12:36 PM
For 15 pts you really can't go wrong, but this thing is much more effective against t3 units than t4 (obviously). I got the jetbikes because my opponent flamed the **** outta my incubi unit, then made the jetbike assault move behind a falcon. He was trying to hide from my venoms I guess but bunching up ended up letting my shatter own him.

And remember, if you shattershard doesn't do the job for you, just throw some wyches at it and you will be ok.