View Full Version : Tanksgiving: BAAL PREDATOR FTW!

12-02-2010, 09:31 PM
So we had a little Tanksgiving game at my store tonight and it was a blast... especially when my naked Baal (no sponsons) rolled up on the side of the Baneblade and 6'd the rending roll, then double chain reactioned the damages for 2 structure points after the monolith had already taken one out on it.

The two most useless (lightest guns) tanks in the battle (the Monolith and Baal) took out the biggest bad boy on the field.

I decided to go with the Baal over th TriLas Pred based on the mathhammer that was posted up on the main page the other day and it paid off.

Lots of fun.

12-02-2010, 09:52 PM
So we had a little Tanksgiving game at my store tonight and it was a blast... especially when my naked Baal (no sponsons) rolled up on the side of the Baneblade and 6'd the rending roll, then double chain reactioned the damages for 2 structure points after the monolith had already taken one out on it.

The two most useless (lightest guns) tanks in the battle (the Monolith and Baal) took out the biggest bad boy on the field.

I decided to go with the Baal over th TriLas Pred based on the mathhammer that was posted up on the main page the other day and it paid off.

Lots of fun.

Always look for wayss to remove dice from the equation. Templates area a sure fire (see pun!) way to to remove half the problem of using dice :D

12-02-2010, 10:13 PM
The demolisher and vindicator on the table were both centering their templates on the dead center of the Baneblade, so any scatter still remained on it for the most part... but otherwise, dice are a problem there too. Although, a LRRedeemer would do nicely against light tanks in that kind of battle, but as I'm the only player with one, I had the Baal as my default tonight.

John M>

12-03-2010, 11:09 AM
Not too surprising, within 24", an Assault Cannon has better chances of penetrating even AV14 than a Lascannon. Not as bad as last edition, but Assault Cannons are better armor hunters than most AT guns like Missile Launchers, Lascannons and Autocannons.

12-03-2010, 01:50 PM
Not too surprising, within 24", an Assault Cannon has better chances of penetrating even AV14 than a Lascannon.

How did you reach this decision? A Lascannon needs a 6 to penetrate, so has a 1 in 6 chance of penning

A Assault cannon needs a 6 to rend, then 3+ to pen. Thats a 1 in 12 (i think, brain is sleeping)...

Ok so rate of fire maybe, but still...i'd rather have a lascannon

12-03-2010, 03:58 PM
It's all about rate of fire. Having 4 twin linked shots means you're very likely to hit.

I hit with all four, got one 6, then a 3 to pen, and then 6 and 6, so it was all good....

John M.

The Defenestrator
12-03-2010, 04:44 PM
lascannon: 11% chance to pen (if you're BS4)
assault cannon: 14.8% chance to pen (if you're BS4)
TL lascannon: 14.8% (BS4)
TL assault cannon: 19.75% (BS4)

12-03-2010, 05:19 PM
lascannon: 11% chance to pen (if you're BS4)
assault cannon: 14.8% chance to pen (if you're BS4)
TL lascannon: 14.8% (BS4)
TL assault cannon: 19.75% (BS4)

it seems to happen a lot more than that in my games lol then again I have 9 twin linked assault cannons in my BA list so theres a lot of shots going around lol

12-03-2010, 05:53 PM
when you have 2 lascannons, it is better than one assault cannon. A Predator Annihilator with Lascannon Sponsons is a bad mofo. Even a Destructor with Lascannon Sponsons really good.

Granted, though. The Dice Gods decided that day that there was a kink in the fuel tank structure that the Mechanicus was not aware of.

12-06-2010, 08:15 PM
Baal Predators are silly. Three Manticore Missile Launchers devoured an entire Space Wolf/ Blood Angel Land Raider Mob of Nine Land Raiders with just three rockets.

In a tank battle, Guard Always win.