View Full Version : Pain Token Question

12-02-2010, 09:16 PM
In the DE codex, it states that when a DE unit with the 'Power from Pain' rule destroys an enemy non-vehicle unit, it immediately obtains a pain token.

My question is the following: is an unattached IC a unit, so if it was killed by a DE unit with that rule, the DE unit would get a pain token? I am inclined to think 'yes'.

If the IC was attached to a unit, would one or two pain tokens be granted for its destruction? This, I believe could go either way and needs clarification in an FAQ.

What do you people think? Has this come up in any of your games? If 'yes', how did you resolve it?

12-02-2010, 09:18 PM
It doesn't need clarification. An Independent Character is a separate unit. The only advantage they really have is that they can 'hide' inside another unit.

If you assaulted and destroyed:
Dante, Sanguinary Guard, Priest, Chaplain, and Librarian (it is possible to have all of this in 1 unit), you would gain 5 Pain Tokens.

Good luck killing them, though... that's a ~800 point unit...

12-02-2010, 09:45 PM
Agreed, there's no real question. The IC is definitely a separate unit in all respects. When it joins another unit it is treated as a part of the unit, but it does not "become" a part of the unit (it can still leave in any movement phase).

Killing the IC and unit most definitely gets you 2 pain tokens.

12-02-2010, 10:06 PM
Thanks for the feedback.

papa smurf
12-02-2010, 10:33 PM
It doesn't need clarification. An Independent Character is a separate unit. The only advantage they really have is that they can 'hide' inside another unit.

If you assaulted and destroyed:
Dante, Sanguinary Guard, Priest, Chaplain, and Librarian (it is possible to have all of this in 1 unit), you would gain 5 Pain Tokens.

Good luck killing them, though... that's a ~800 point unit...

I have thought of this before, but I never really knew... can you have more than one Independent Character attached to a squad? I haven't heard a rule against it, but I never see anyone at my local store do it, so I was just wondering.

12-02-2010, 10:58 PM
Hmmm, now I'm interested in what army you could get the most pain tokens from assaulting a single merged unit...

12-02-2010, 11:36 PM
Space wolves with 5
4 hq's and the troops...

12-03-2010, 12:16 AM
Blood Angels can also have five, just look at Tynskel's example.

12-03-2010, 01:35 AM
I'd say DE with 6 haemonculi + unit

12-03-2010, 03:57 AM
The DE unit with power from pain can still only have a maximum of 3 power from pain tokens though. Don't forget that if you have an IC of your own in that unit and he/she leaves later, the tokens are divided as equally as possible between the character and squad, so either seperate them in the movement phase before wiping out said juicy, multi-token target, or make sure you don't let the character leave the unit and vastly reduce the killing/survivability of both!

12-03-2010, 06:53 AM
I have thought of this before, but I never really knew... can you have more than one Independent Character attached to a squad? I haven't heard a rule against it, but I never see anyone at my local store do it, so I was just wondering.

Read the Independent Character Section.

You can have ICs join each other without a 'squad'.

12-03-2010, 07:05 AM
The DE unit with power from pain can still only have a maximum of 3 power from pain tokens though. Don't forget that if you have an IC of your own in that unit and he/she leaves later, the tokens are divided as equally as possible between the character and squad, so either seperate them in the movement phase before wiping out said juicy, multi-token target, or make sure you don't let the character leave the unit and vastly reduce the killing/survivability of both!

That's not right. It doesn't say a unit can't have more than three tokens. it says a unit with three OR MORE tokens gets fearless... you can have as many tokens as you want but more than three don't have an effect.

12-03-2010, 07:47 AM
That's not right. It doesn't say a unit can't have more than three tokens. it says a unit with three OR MORE tokens gets fearless... you can have as many tokens as you want but more than three don't have an effect.

Correct. Thats in there for when you want to detach an IC and have to split the tokens evenly you don't get boned.

Drew da Destroya
12-03-2010, 10:16 AM
I had a squad with 5 pain tokens last night... Bloodbrides + Archon. If I had chosen to split them, I could've kept Furious Charge on both units.

And yeah, there's no cap on pain points... just a cap on abilities you can get from them.

12-03-2010, 11:31 AM
Dante, Sanguinary Guard, Priest, Chaplain, and Librarian (it is possible to have all of this in 1 unit)... Good luck killing them, though... that's a ~800 point unit...

We call that unit the "High In Fibre" unit.

It goes straight through everything.

12-04-2010, 03:03 AM
I'd say DE with 6 haemonculi + unit

Actually, you could you have 8...

In an IG army, 5 priests, 2 Lord Commissars, and the squad


Gotta love IG spam

12-04-2010, 04:40 AM
That's not right. It doesn't say a unit can't have more than three tokens. it says a unit with three OR MORE tokens gets fearless... you can have as many tokens as you want but more than three don't have an effect.

No wonder the DE players were so low in the tournament I went to the other weekend. They were adamant lol.