View Full Version : Heresy Thousand Sons models

12-02-2010, 04:09 PM
I’m looking at a new army that I’ve wanted to do for a while:

Heresy era Thousand Sons

There was a nice article on the frontpage not so long ago about choosing an army for the Thousand Sons, so I’m going to skip to the end and say I’m going with Grey Knights for the following reasons:

They’re going to be an elite force which means I can spend maximum time customising every model.
They have a lot of psychic weapons/powers that fits with the thousand sons fluff.
They’re getting a new codex and new models, and its always fun to play with new toys.
Any anti-daemon powers can be explained by Tzeentch’s grand illusion where he convinced the Thousand Sons that they had mastery over the warp, rather than the other way round.

The heresy novel

I’m taking a lot of ideas from the Thousand Sons heresy book:

Tutelaries: In the book, the most powerful Thousand Sons have daemons that help them channel their powers and I want to show this by modelling familiars for pretty much all my models. (I’m going for a more restrained look than full on daemon as they would have presented a different mask to the legion before they fully embraced chaos, my first batch are all based on daemonettes)

Cults: there are 5 cults in the book

Corvidae: Precognition powers
Pyrae: Pyrokinetic fire powers and control over robots/automata/titans
Raptora: Telekinetic powers and Kine shields for protection
Pavoni: Lightning and biochemical manipulation (from making blood boil to healing)
Atheneans: Telepaths

I’m trying to model these powers onto my units. Some are easier, like the pyrae, others mnuch harder, like the atheneans.

Flesh change: A few squad members getting ripped apart from the inside when their tutelaries turn on them will be fun to model.

Tizca pyramids: I like the idea of using the necron monolith to create the distinctive three sided pyramids on the cover of the book (still working on this idea).

Scarab occult: I’ve been practicing my heresy era terminator design and I’m getting a look I’m happy with.

Scarab jewels: there’s an important reference in the book to Magnus having given every member of the legion a jade scarab for their armour that I’m going to model out of green stuff.


The base for my marines is the dark angels veterans kit as they have the robes. Heads are coming from the Thousand Sons kit and the weapons are the current metal grey knight weapons until the new plastics are released. Backpacks are chaos backpacks with the vents moved inwards. I’m not using any FW pre heresy armour as it’s harder to convert resin.

The main variation from the pre-heresy idea is the wrist mounted storm bolters the grey knights have, but it sort of fits the Thousand Sons wanting to keep their hands free for casting powers.

The tutelaries are mounted on their shoulders/backpacks. They can be ignored for TLOS purposes as they’re not really supposed to be visible to anyone else anyway.


See the cover of the book, they’re basically going to be metallic red, gold and metallic purple. I need to experiment a bit to get the right look.

And here are my first 4 Thousand Sons legionnaires;
Pyrae, Raptora, Athenean and an unfortunate damned soul succumbing to the flesh change.



12-02-2010, 04:12 PM


12-02-2010, 04:34 PM
i really like this idea. as a matter of personal taste, i think the tutelaries are a tiny little bit too big, but it's still a brilliant approach to them. can't wait to see them painted up.

12-02-2010, 09:12 PM
i really like this idea. as a matter of personal taste, i think the tutelaries are a tiny little bit too big, but it's still a brilliant approach to them. can't wait to see them painted up.

:) Yeah, I agree. great Concept but the Tutelaries do seem too lage but then it might be difficult to find smaller models that would suit.:confused:

12-02-2010, 09:31 PM
Dude that is awesome! How are you planning to paint the tutels?

12-03-2010, 12:34 AM
Do Daemonettes grow on trees where you live? Or all these leftovers from your Scourges?

Either way, very cool.

EDIT: How are you planning on painting the tutelaries? Some sort of white/blue ghostly appearance? I don't think they are too large, by the way. I'd love to see this in action.

12-03-2010, 03:31 AM
Do Daemonettes grow on trees where you live? Or all these leftovers from your Scourges?

Either way, very cool.

EDIT: How are you planning on painting the tutelaries? Some sort of white/blue ghostly appearance? I don't think they are too large, by the way. I'd love to see this in action.

Thanks for the comments guys, they are a littel on the large side but I'm going to mix in a few more abstract ones later too.

Painting wise, my current intention is along the lines of my tzeentch daemons, blue, white and turquoise with purple/pink fire. Like the ones below but a lot more white in the mix so that they look paler. I'm hoping when contrasted with the strong reds and golds of the Ksons they'll recede into the background a bit. Going to test this out at the weekend.

I have loads of daemonettes left over from various daemon/dark eldar conversions, particularly the more neutral heads that I'm wanting to use.


12-03-2010, 03:50 AM
I think its very sweet of that Thousand Sons marine to carry the Daemonette around on his back.:)

12-03-2010, 04:31 AM
Nice. Really liking the idea of familiars and of using the GK Codex to represent the TS.
but I am also on the to-big side ;-) they seem to stretch the model to high into the air. try around with other places, like coming around the side(hiding like a little girl) or so.

but the broken up TS is AWESOME! XD

Drew da Destroya
12-03-2010, 10:14 AM
Man, when you take on a conversion project, you certainly don't go cheap, do you?

Your bitz box must be the holy grail!

I kinda like the bigger tutelaries, as long as you will be doing some more abstract ones later... it seemed like each tutelary was sort of shaped by the individual Kson, so it makes sense that some might choose a less-abstract form.

Planning on doing any of the characters from the book?

12-03-2010, 11:20 AM
I'm definitely doing pre-heresy Ahriman as the scarab occult leader using the chaos terminator lord kit (love that cloak). I will probably do a magnus but he may be as a display only model depending on the options in the grey knight codex when it comes out. (If there's a rock-hard mephiston style character, I might use him as magnus).

The others I'm less sure about as it depends on what I want/can have in the army. The Pavoni captain (Hathor Maat I think, I don't have the book with me?) would make a good apothecary if that's an option etc. I'd like to do a terminator command squad with all the named characters from the different cults.

Any storm troopers will either be modelled as prospero spireguard or as pyrae automatae.

I'm going to model a few marines as having trophies from dead Space Wolves to reflect the battle for prospero.

12-03-2010, 12:07 PM
Based on the character of thE chapter as in the book, do you think they'd collect trophies? I'm not sure they would. They seem more cultured than that and would probably leave savage rituals like skull taking to the space wolves.

12-03-2010, 12:57 PM
Based on the character of thE chapter as in the book, do you think they'd collect trophies? I'm not sure they would. They seem more cultured than that and would probably leave savage rituals like skull taking to the space wolves.

I don't know, I think they might be pretty pissed given what happens at the end of the book but I take your point, I might stick to just modelling them onto the base or having them claimed by the tutelaries.

12-03-2010, 01:55 PM
Post prospero sons (thus justifying space wolf trophies) would lack spire guard and automaton after there transition to the eye. It was only marines that made the jump.

12-04-2010, 01:42 PM
Thousand sons might not take trophies, but you could make some sweet objective markers like a space wolf being burned by magic fire.

12-04-2010, 02:12 PM
Thousand sons might not take trophies, but you could make some sweet objective markers like a space wolf being burned by magic fire.

I like that idea, I'd like to represent the fall of Prospero somehow.

I'm stil tweaking the colours for my test mini (should be finished tomorrow) but in the meantime here is my first scarab occult terminator


12-04-2010, 02:35 PM
That staff rules! You could probable make some sort of whirling effect with some fire around the base for some more variety. For the more abstract tutelary’s maybe some big scarabs, a phoenix, or for the whole Egyptian stile like a stork or jackal.

12-04-2010, 05:29 PM
That staff rules!

this this this. do freaking want. is it a custom bit, or does it come from a box somewhere?

12-04-2010, 05:43 PM
this this this. do freaking want. is it a custom bit, or does it come from a box somewhere?

Part of the fantasy battle wizard box like the flaming sword on the first page. You might be able to find it on bitz sites.

12-04-2010, 08:53 PM
awesome. i may borrow the idea for a tzeentchy sorceror or herald.

12-04-2010, 09:46 PM
I don't get the daemons and what not, i haven't read the book, can you explain it to me?

12-04-2010, 11:32 PM
basically, every Tson of sufficiently advanced rank in their various cults had a sort of personal representation in the warp that was like a familiar. each one had a different form, but was only visible to other psykers. this is all before and during isstvan, when tzeentch isn't outright messing with magnus or the legion

12-05-2010, 04:14 AM
My first painted model. I plan on using the robes to distinguish between the different cults.

The red is a mix of red and gold to give a metallic sheen.


12-05-2010, 10:50 AM
My first painted model. I plan on using the robes to distinguish between the different cults.

The red is a mix of red and gold to give a metallic sheen.

I like the tute, at first I thought it would be very distracting, but the paint job fits it perfectly!

12-05-2010, 03:23 PM
I like the tute, at first I thought it would be very distracting, but the paint job fits it perfectly!

Yeah it makes it look ghostly and at least IMHO gets the point across that its not really there.

12-05-2010, 10:34 PM
nice touch with the shoulder pads for the Terminator. I am diggin' your conversions.
I cannot wait to buy my next set of figures (not sure, yet, what I am gunna get), because I enjoy conversions too, and I have tons of bitz.

I like to go to Battle Wagon Bitz (theWarstore.com) and just order their 'grab bag'. Completely random stuff-- but you never know when some random crazy bitz will be useful!!

12-06-2010, 04:45 AM
Gods that terminator is cool!

But this whole army is seriously awesome. As always- you're a bloody brilliant bitz-basher!

12-06-2010, 01:31 PM
Another finished marine (I'm going to have to start painting more than one at a time). I think the levitating rock effect has worked fairly well. This guy is from the raptora cult that specialise in telekinetic powers.

I'm working on a second raptora guy with a shield made from a clear flying base but it's a bit tricky.

The terminator pads on the previous page are made from spare terminator chest plates and necron scarabs.


12-13-2010, 02:36 PM

Pavoni, with a night lords style robe:


Also my Magnus the red WIP, needs a bit more green stuff but I've run out again temporarily


12-13-2010, 03:09 PM

I sincerely hope there is some sweet, sweet HQ that you can use him as in the next codex. Right now there's not much that says 'all-powerful sorceror' to me in the codex.

And those tutelaries ended up exactly as I pictured. Amazing stuff isotope.

12-13-2010, 03:15 PM
officially requesting a scale shot of magnus. i can't tell how MEGAHUGE he really is, but he looks smexy

12-13-2010, 04:12 PM
He's about 6" from base to smoke tip. A nightmare for TLOS purposes but I wanted him to literally tower over regular marines


12-13-2010, 09:11 PM
yep, looks like a primarch from here. can't wait to see him painted.

12-14-2010, 02:53 AM
Brilliant idea and execution mate! They look the bees-knees. One big crit though; although the colours of your tutelaries are good for that ghostly appearance, I feel they would look a lot better if you'd invert the highlights and shading. that would could give them more that otherworldly look. Y'know, light in the recesses, darker on the raised areas, a bit like you would paint fire, but then in the ectoplasmic goo colours you've got now.

12-15-2010, 05:07 PM
Catching up with my painting while I wait for more green stuff. Meph, might try your inverse highlighting idea on some of my future models, thanks.

Finished my flesh change squad member, brother Icarus who soared too close to the fire of creation.


And an objective marker


12-15-2010, 05:51 PM
Huzzah for the Stargate!

Poor Brother Icarus. That looks painful.

12-15-2010, 06:51 PM
Huzzah for the Stargate!

It's the Fargate! "F"! It's different from that movie, which I have never seen, so how would I copy it?

01-04-2011, 03:47 PM
My latest thousand son, a raptora using a kine shield (aka a clear plastic flying base). This was one of my first designs for the army but a bit tricky to pull off.



Also for completeness my painted magnus:


01-05-2011, 01:56 AM
Wow that Magnus is excellent!

The only thing...& I hate to say it because you are a Green Stuff master...

Magnus has a big scar down his eye starting around the forhead & ending on his cheek area.

But this a great job.

01-10-2011, 02:27 PM
This is my Thousand Sons pyramid, I'd like to use it as a Rhino but it may end up as terrain. My plan is to take along a plasticard cutout of the real Rhino footprint in case of any tight decisions. Otherwise I definitely could be accused of modelling for advantage as it has only three sides and so no rear armour :p


Also yay, grey knights announced for April :D

01-16-2011, 11:45 AM
Another couple of guys to cover all of the cults:



01-16-2011, 06:03 PM
Was the sorcerers robe hard to do? I would really like to try that out.

01-16-2011, 06:30 PM
Its great to see you made amazing uses of the ts heads i sent you last year. If you ever want to try and get a small game in, id be down. If my memory isnt wrong, you live in the Dallas area correct?

01-17-2011, 02:53 AM
Its great to see you made amazing uses of the ts heads i sent you last year. If you ever want to try and get a small game in, id be down. If my memory isnt wrong, you live in the Dallas area correct?

Sorry, I think you have me confused with someone else, I'm a limey brit old chap.

@JxKxR If you mean the galaxy effect on the rear shot, that wasn't too hard. I stippled on the white in the spiral shape I wanted (delicately with a fine detail brush). I then added a second layer to the edges using watered down blue in the same stipple effect so that it half overlapped with teh original shape. Finally, I touched up any bits with white where needed and gave it a diluted blue wash. The stars were similar but less detailed.

01-22-2011, 06:53 AM
Another terminator for my KSons. I was thinking of Ahriman when I did this but it's not specifically him.


I'm working on something big at the moment which is why these are trickling out one at a time.

01-22-2011, 08:54 AM
Tottally awesome!

01-23-2011, 02:35 PM
Looking for some opinions on this, its a work in progress diorama for the base of my storm raven I've advance ordered.

Its based on the thousand sons book, (there's a bit where a space wolf gets his soul sucked out and thrown to the void predators) but with different characters.

The new flying base is such a large space, I wanted something to fill it. The scene is designed to look different depending on which angle you view it from.

Obviously there is a lot of surface detail still to be completed.


01-23-2011, 03:01 PM
as much as i loathe the thousand sons, your conversions are awesome, it feels right out of the novel. keep up the great work

01-23-2011, 03:33 PM
I love how the pink horrors are reaching up out of the warp to drag the pup down into hell and think you should expand on it. You could model some tentacles wraping around his legs and make a swirling vortex right under him. Maybe even add some floating rocks like some of your other models.

Lord Inquisitor
01-23-2011, 11:04 PM
All of this stuff is really awesome! Your conversions and moddeling is awesome.

01-26-2011, 04:51 PM
Here's another terminator, this time from the Pyrae cult:


And a group shot of the squad so far:


01-30-2011, 02:52 PM
Finished my storm raven base, I included my old kitbashed stormhawk just for scale, it will be replaced once the new one arrives:



02-09-2011, 02:59 PM

As I'm doing a heresy force, I thought a jetbike would be appropriate.

Sadly no rumours have suggested these being included in the grey knights codex so this will be a standalone model (although I am thinking of using it as a template for some Dark Angel Ravenwing bikers).

This was one of those bits box raids where I discovered an old bike and went from there, the only parts I bought special were the landspeeder storm fins.


Also for completeness, my KSons Storm Raven from the other thread.


02-13-2011, 04:49 AM
Quick update, another couple of Power armour guys. Who needs fire support when you can mindchuck spare baneblade shells by yourself? :D


02-13-2011, 07:39 AM
Awesome work - my compliments Sir.

02-13-2011, 12:43 PM
I really like the jetbike, although the jumppack on the back seemed a little unnecessary. Have you considered adding a vertical fin there instead like the Sammel model?

02-13-2011, 07:30 PM
I really like the jetbike, although the jumppack on the back seemed a little unnecessary. Have you considered adding a vertical fin there instead like the Sammel model?

Yeah now that he said it, it just looks like a jump pack sitting on the back and your a better converter than that. ;) Maybe go with fins or just break up the jump pack.

02-14-2011, 10:19 AM
I really like the jetbike, although the jumppack on the back seemed a little unnecessary. Have you considered adding a vertical fin there instead like the Sammel model?

Yeah now that he said it, it just looks like a jump pack sitting on the back and your a better converter than that. ;) Maybe go with fins or just break up the jump pack.

Thanks guys, Iwas wondering about this myself, Going to do a slight redesign of the engine.

Also, to keep the thread updated, my dreadnought:


02-14-2011, 06:45 PM
Sweet dreadnaught or should I say dreadknight. You know some people have bits boxes but you must have a bits crate! By the way are you excited about the Tomb Kings getting some new models? They could prove usefull to you and your cause.

02-15-2011, 10:22 AM
Your sir are a genius, the conversions, paintwork and sheer creativity I am seeing here are above and beyond a mere mortal such as myself. I applaud you.

03-25-2011, 03:01 PM
This thread has been quiet for a while as I have been working on my first FW titan, and here it is. It's inspired by the book where they reanimate a titan. Not a warhound but never mind.


03-25-2011, 03:07 PM
Also a couple of strike squad members to be used as justicars (conversions of smurf honour guard)




03-25-2011, 03:10 PM
This is my favorite thread and I'm glad to see your still at it.

That titan is so awesome and it is nice and different. I love that part of the book when he is just laying down the law with that thing. It makes me want one even though I don't play apocalypse.

04-04-2011, 03:16 AM
Thanks for all comments

Some more models completed but I'm running out of time for April 16 when I'm taking them into battle.

Terminator 4

Fourth terminator in the squad, from the athenian cult. 1 more to go.


Psyrifle dread

Another dread, this time the new autocannon + psybolt variety. Freehand isn't really my thing but I'm fairly pleased with how the banner came out.

I mounted the autocannon on the arms fror two reasons:
1) the taller dread would look unbalanced if they were directly shoulder mounted
2) I like the idea of the dread pilot ejecting them or rotating them back when they run out of ammo in order to use the fists.


Kieranator K82
04-04-2011, 05:20 AM
It's all looking good, you magnificent *******! And psybolt twin autocannons? How undeniably mean,

04-07-2011, 02:31 PM
OK, I have 7 models still to paint and 8 days to do it in ... how did that happen?

Pyrae elite counts as GK Purifiers

I'm using all characters as base models for my purifiers to help them stand out. I'm also ringing teh bases with GS flames and dropping the chaos style KSon heads



Strike squad finished

My psycannon guy


and a group shot of the full squad


04-07-2011, 09:38 PM
They must be an absolute ***** to transport...

04-08-2011, 12:25 AM
Perhaps, but with the army model count so low, I can take one of the trays out of my case to give them more room. To be honest, I haven't tried to take them anywhere very far yet so it is a concern.

04-08-2011, 07:49 PM
Epic. Beautiful. Amazing. Keep up the good work, this sort of stuff brings the hobby to life. Cheers.

04-10-2011, 11:24 AM
Good progress this weekend, four models and five days left.

Terminators finished

My last terminator, this one from the Raptora cult


And a group shot:


2 more purifiers


and my final objective marker ... Die Space Puppies, Die!


04-11-2011, 07:20 AM
Beautiful as always. I especially like the dying space wolf marker :P

Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Drew da Destroya
04-11-2011, 07:23 AM
I'm jealous of both your skills and your bitzbox. This is one of the most consistently badass threads in this section.

What's the total model count of your finished army going to be?

04-11-2011, 10:25 AM
Thanks all.

My 1,500 point army that I am taking to the Throne of Skulls event this weekend is 28 models (+3 objective markers).

I have a revamped dreadknight (50% painted) and three more purifiers still to finish. I think I'll just make it as I have Friday off work to finish up.

04-11-2011, 10:50 AM
Good Luck! I hope you make it.:D

04-12-2011, 03:32 PM
Dreadknight (mark 2)

I couldn't resist revamping my previous dreadknight attempt using the new super-huge model, which has a much better sense of scale. The halberd is detachable to be replaced with a regular fist for WYSIWYG enthusiasts (at least until the extra CC weapon point is FAQ'd)

It's a cataphract robot (described in the book but with slightly different weapons). As a result it's in the post heresy blue and gold colours which makes it stand out from the rest of the army.




and the mark 1 version that I cannibalised, for completeness:


25/28 models, only three more purifiers to go.

04-15-2011, 03:01 PM
Ha finished, with a whole hour to spare. :D

Pyrae Phoenix Squad (counts as Purifiers)

Not the best light, will try and get some better army shots tomorrow.


Finished 1,500 list is:

Grand Master w/ Incinerator & rad grenades (Magnus)

7 Purifiers w/ 6 halberds & MC Daemon Hammer (Pyrae Phoenix Squad)

5 Terminators w/ 4 halberds, MC Daemon Hammer & incinerator(Scarab Occult)

10 Man Strike Squad w/ 2 psycannons & Rhino (Thousand Sons)

Storm Raven w/ Lascannons & Multimeltas

Dreadknight w/ Heavy incinerator (Cataphract)

Dreadnought w/ Plasma cannon

Dreadnought with quad autocannon & Psybolts

10-05-2011, 12:30 PM
they look awesome, i really hope you would do some more:D

05-14-2012, 12:20 PM
After a long absence, a couple of new modekls for my thousand sons:



Storm raven (Pride of Magnus)




05-14-2012, 03:35 PM
After a long absence, a couple of new modekls for my thousand sons:

Storm raven (Pride of Magnus)


Just wow. First time visiting the thread, but absolutely love what you've done with everything. Is the head on that spirit-magnus scratch built? Really love the look and I think you brought the novel to life in a great way!

05-15-2012, 11:57 AM
Hair is green stuff, face is from the necrosphinx with GS over one eye.

heretic marine
05-15-2012, 02:33 PM
those are just amazing!!! when i was looking through this i almost started crying i suck i painting and that type of conversion.

05-15-2012, 08:58 PM

Those are so freaking awesome I don't know if I can ever pick up a brush again.

05-20-2012, 10:45 AM
Whipped this up quick for an event next week. Not quite fluff consistent but the vindicare rules are lots of fun


05-21-2012, 07:06 AM
In case anyone is interested, this is how i do an army list for one of my 'counts as' armies:


05-22-2012, 03:58 AM
I have been looking to put together a pre-heresy thousand sons army myself, however I am going with something less dramatic than the tutelaries. I will be using a more styalized Egyptian helmet symbol and weapons theme . Kromlech miniatures, Scribor miniatures and Puppet Wars Miniatures all make various bits based on Egyptian (stygian) themes. There are helmets, one and two handed weapons , shoulder pads, shields, torsos (though not very good ones), and iconography plinths, etc.

There is also a French based ebay store that sells thousand son type helmets, torso, shoulder pads, generally put together, and these include terminator models as well.

Hiis models are veeeery expensive, and are usually bid only, not buy now, and they have a very high starting bid price. They do look very nice though. I can not find the company where some of his miniatures come from. Some of his stock however are from Kromlech and Puppet Wars, and he sells these for waay more than you have to pay for from the manufacturer.

I will be trying to get the cheaper priced models and slowly build up my next Battle Company. I will probably base the format FOC for the company on the Warhammer 30,000 Heresy Era Rule Set originally released by BOLS and later moved to the Fly Lords of Terra.

This way I can develop a range of transports, tanks, etc that will be very egyptian looking. Hopefully I will eventually get this collection completed before I kick the bucket LOL I am only 45 so I have a long way ahead of me. I have 7 Battle Companies in the process of being collected, built, and painted, With my Emperor's Children, and my Night Lords being the 2 closest to being completed, so this will make number 8 Battle Company.

Does anyone have else know of companies that make parts and conversion bits compatible with an Egyptian based Thousand Sons army?

06-10-2012, 04:05 AM
As I have them unpacked, I thought I'd rephoto and collate the army:





06-10-2012, 04:07 AM




Zheng Han John
07-19-2013, 07:46 AM
After a long absence, a couple of new modekls for my thousand sons:



Storm raven (Pride of Magnus)




Hey,I know it's a little late,but I just got into the hobby and I really love your work! Can I ask where did you get the wings for the tute of the captain?