View Full Version : My IC idea

Bedroom General
12-01-2010, 03:20 AM
For a long time I have thought that a really interesting ability for IC's would be for them to be able to leave a unit they were with if it was locked in combat, but there was no-one in base to base with the IC.
I think that it just gives them a little more flexibility, and therefore they could work as more of a tactical force multiplier.
What do you think?

12-01-2010, 05:20 AM
Well at the moment, at the end of combat, they have to move up to 6" to try to get in to base to base contact if possible or support someone if not, just like any other model in the unit. I suppose if it wasn't possible for them to get in to base to base it would be quite coolfor them to be able to disengage. Maybe still require an initiative test, like hit and run USR.

Running from a fight and leaving the minions to die in your stead doesn't seem that Heroic though (even if their sacrifice allows you to win the war!) and most ICs are supposed to be the heroes of their army/race/faction. So from that point of view it wouldn't make too much sense.

Also, sometimes the only way you can stop an opponants IC and accompanying unit massacring it's way through you lines is to force it in to a combat it can't win, such as against a mid/high armoured walker. If they could simply walk away from that... well, maybe that is just my tactic so I'd be a bit sore if I lost it :P