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11-30-2010, 04:27 PM
Anyone play this before? I just purchased a starter fleet which seems to be more than enough to play (10 ships!)

Can't believe how inexpensive this game is!

Post your experiences and thoughts! :)

12-18-2010, 12:34 PM
I downloaded the one page rules summary and played a few games with my children using home made models. I think it is an awesome. The toy value is amazing. The different fleets offer different tactical aproaches.

To see what I've done, look for Firestorm Armada on Youtube. My stuff is the foamcore and balsa fleets.

It may be a bit before I can afford to pick up actual models or the rules and cards that go with them, but I look forward to it. The best part is that the game is simple enough that my kids can play it with me.

12-19-2010, 03:20 PM
i think the models are on the largish side

05-06-2013, 01:56 PM
I've decided to start FSA. My hand-picked "MK2 starter box" is on its way from Atomic Empire as we speak! No one near me plays it, though. At least, not yet...

Chris Copeland
05-06-2013, 02:59 PM
I play it and love it. I play Directorate!

05-06-2013, 03:08 PM
I play it and love it. I play Directorate!

Too bad you live in Texas.

Seriously, who lives in Texas? :p

I play Aquan Prime. Federated Fishmen Forever! I'm seriously considering buying a Directorate starter fleet, if just to have the opportunity to put painted models into an opponent's hands for the demo game. I've found that it helps. The 20% discount for being a Spartan Games Vanguard doesn't hurt any, either...

Chris Copeland
05-06-2013, 05:49 PM
Too bad you live in Texas.

Seriously, who lives in Texas? :p

I play Aquan Prime. Federated Fishmen Forever! I'm seriously considering buying a Directorate starter fleet, if just to have the opportunity to put painted models into an opponent's hands for the demo game. I've found that it helps. The 20% discount for being a Spartan Games Vanguard doesn't hurt any, either...

Paladin, I've often thought from your posts that we'd get along swimmingly. Yeah, I live in Texas because I married a Texas girl and apparently it's hard to get them to leave this damn place. There are a lot of places I'd much rather live: Hawaii, Connecticut, Michigan, and California all spring to mind. However, it appears that this Yankee will eventually be buried in the Lone Star State (it should be called the Bat****-Crazy Governor, Cut-Education-to-the-Bone State... but I digress). Here are some shots of my fleet:
http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=4003&d=1367884094http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=4004&d=13678841384003 4004

05-06-2013, 06:20 PM
Paladin, I've often thought from your posts that we'd get along swimmingly. Yeah, I live in Texas because I married a Texas girl and apparently it's hard to get them to leave this damn place. There are a lot of places I'd much rather live: Hawaii, Connecticut, Michigan, and California all spring to mind. However, it appears that this Yankee will eventually be buried in the Lone Star State (it should be called the Bat****-Crazy Governor, Cut-Education-to-the-Bone State... but I digress).

I've felt the same way. If I'm ever in Texas, I'll drop you a line.

Here are some shots of my fleet:
http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=4003&d=1367884094http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=4004&d=13678841384003 4004

Damn, but that's a beautiful fleet.

Chris Copeland
05-06-2013, 07:07 PM
Damn, but that's a beautiful fleet. Thanks. Here's the brilliant bit: I named all of my ships after players in my local gaming group. That ONE idea has been a huge hit! Folks actually choose what to fire at based on the names. Much mirth ensues. "Is Todd's ship still alive? I'm shooting at that b@st@rd!" Seriously, it may be my most brilliant gaming decision ever! Cope

05-06-2013, 07:20 PM
Thanks. Here's the brilliant bit: I named all of my ships after players in my local gaming group. That ONE idea has been a huge hit! Folks actually choose what to fire at based on the names. Much mirth ensues. "Is Todd's ship still alive? I'm shooting at that b@st@rd!" Seriously, it may be my most brilliant gaming decision ever! Cope

Brilliant! Totally appropriate, too, since Directorate ships are probably named after the executives that sponsored them.

05-07-2013, 11:51 AM
I decided to pull the trigger, pick up the Directorate Starter Fleet, and reread the rules until I can become a Vanguard. My area needs one, and I badly want to have a community to play space games with. I think my fleet will look a lot like yours: grey base, green engine glow, red/orange color to distinguish ships and squadrons. I'm going to try to distinguish between the heavy front plates and the central/rear areas, though. Probably I'll make the plates a mid-grey and the central/rear areas black - I've gotten pretty good at painting black using a black base, charcoal highlights, and then a black wash to smooth it out. With all those little fiddly bits and ridges, those areas are a good candidate for that sort of treatment.

That scheme should also contrast nicely with my Aquans, who are going to get the virdigreed copper treatment with teal as a spot color and a red/purple engine glow. All metallic, nice and shiny, with a certain watery look to them.

I'll probably also steal your idea of naming the ships after the last names of the dudes at my FLGSs.

Chris Copeland
05-07-2013, 03:30 PM
Use the naming idea! It gets great results! It's hilarious! Also, I'm considering a new directorate fleet painted up yellow and black like a Vogon Constructor Fleet... the idea cracks me up!

05-09-2013, 09:17 AM
So, the question is: what can we do to get more attention for Firestorm Armada here on BoLS?

Chris Copeland
05-09-2013, 01:47 PM
Point out that it plays a lot like BFG, only cleaner? Really, the best thing we can do is show pics of our projects... Cope

05-09-2013, 01:50 PM
Point out that it plays a lot like BFG, only cleaner? Really, the best thing we can do is show pics of our projects... Cope

Well, my fleet should ship later today. I ordered from Atomic Empire, which is in Virginia, so it should arrive... early to mid next week, depending on the whims of the UPS Gods. I'll post WIPs.

And if I can find my camera, I'll post some of the terrain I'm making.

Have you got any more pics of your stunning fleet?

Chris Copeland
05-09-2013, 04:42 PM

Chris Copeland
05-09-2013, 04:52 PM

05-14-2013, 11:02 AM

My postman came to deliver my Aquans yesterday, but decided to take them back to the post office instead. As a result, I can't get at my Aquans until this afternoon. And, my Directorate is likely to arrive today, which means that they'll probably end up at back at the post office as well, which means another trip tomorrow.

I know. First world gamer problems. Still, I'm eager to get my hands on my fleet!

05-14-2013, 04:03 PM
Wooo! My Aquans are here, and they are gorgeous. I can't wait to get them assembled and painted up.

Additionally, I had the opportunity to read through the game cards deck, and man, do they make the difference. I can see how playing with game cards can radically alter the flow the game, creating a much more tense "nobody knows how this is going to turn out" situation right up until the end. I think that you aren't really playing FSA if you aren't playing with the game cards - they seem like a lot of fun.

I kind of wish FSA had gone with a more Dropzone Commander-ish method, where there was a different deck for each faction... but it's still pretty awesome as it is.

05-17-2013, 02:48 PM
I'll just leave this here...

Hydra-Class Battleship

Chironex-Class Cruisers and Tsunami-Class Heavy Cruiser

Barracuda-Class Frigates

05-17-2013, 02:50 PM
And some WsIP

Judgment-Class Battleship

Vanquisher-Class Cruisers

Enforcer-Class Frigates

05-18-2013, 02:48 AM
Getting those painted up quick. Very nice.

05-25-2013, 07:26 AM
It simply the best.Easy to play and a good way of entrainment.I played and love it.

James Jimbo Burrell
06-29-2013, 04:01 PM
Been playing a while ( Houston Texas area) , love the looks of your fleets. You guys have done a great job. The game is fun, I really enjoy my dindrinzi fleet. As a note for budding Aquan players, your mines and carriers are brutal! Use them! The Directorate frigates are tough for there points. Have fun guys!

10-19-2013, 02:29 PM
Hey guys, im a long time silent death player looking to use some FSA ships as warhounds.
Could you guys post pics of ships in scale to a space marine so i can judge the best ships to proxy?
Cheers pops.

10-31-2013, 01:55 PM
This thread in part convinced me to get into FA - ordered my v2.0 rulebook and a Sorylian box! :)

11-11-2013, 12:22 PM
I am thinking about getting into the game, looks like a great game and I love big space battles, but I can't find any where that says in much detail what the play styles are between the armies. Can anyone give me a link where it tells me more them?

11-11-2013, 03:52 PM

Here are some pics of my Dindrenzi fleet from the original release models. I haven't played in a while but the quality of the models has shot up incredibly in the past couple years. Looking forward to the new rulebook as I'm sure Spartan has learned a lot since the release of Dystopian Wars when it comes to tidying up rules.

11-16-2013, 12:54 AM
With the release of FSA 2.0 in the next month or so, playstyle of fleets will change a lot - as the weapons the various factions use have been altered.