View Full Version : Tervigon query.

11-29-2010, 10:32 AM
"For every Termagant Brood included in your army, you can include one Tervigon as a Troops choice."

Does this mean I can have 4 Termagant Broods with 4 Tervigons, or do the Tervigons take up a Troops choice themselves, meaning that I can only have 2 Termagant Broods and 2 Tervigons?

It seems fairly clear to me that the second reading is the appropriate one - the Tervigon cannot be part of the Hormagaunt Brood due to it's Monstrous Creature status, and thus, must take up it's own Troops Choice space.

However, I have had several Tyranid players wanting to field 2+ Troop Choice Tervigons.

Which do we think it is?

11-29-2010, 10:45 AM
3 termagaunts gives you 3 troop tervigons and 2 hq tervigons if you want.

The rule says 'can'. You have a choice.

Archon Charybdis
11-29-2010, 10:58 AM
In most similar situations like with Command Squads or Warlock squads, they make a point to say "this counts as one choice" or "does not take up a slot". Especially in the absence of a similar permission, the language for the Tervigon seems pretty clear to me that they take up a troops slot.

11-29-2010, 11:05 AM
In most similar situations like with Command Squads or Warlock squads, they make a point to say "this counts as one choice" or "does not take up a slot". Especially in the absence of a similar permission, the language for the Tervigon seems pretty clear to me that they take up a troops slot.

But the Tervigon's rule is not the same as those you listed.

The Tervigon's rule says you CAN. This isn't a must. You can point to a Tervigon and say it is a troop, but you don't have to.

Tervigons stay as both an HQ and Troop choice when Termagaunst are present.

11-29-2010, 11:09 AM
That was my thinking Archon Charybdis - it doesn't say they don't count; it says they are a Troops choice, which means you can only take a maximum of 2 Tervigons as Troops, which alongside the 2 Termagants you need to actually have those Tervigons means you can't have any further Troop choices.

As for the wording of "can", well, it does give you the choice - but that choice seems to be to use 2 Troop slots, rather than getting the Tervigons for "free", which (if legal) could essentially give a Tyranid player 8 scoring Troop units, which seems a mite broken to me... I don't think players can take the 4 Tervigon / 4 Termagaunts. It seems like the Ork Deff Dread - it takes up a Troops choice slot if you've got a Big Mek. Likewise here, the Tervigon takes up a Troops slot if you've got a Termagaunt brood.

I think you're ignoring the word "choice" here, Buffo. It's a "Troops choice", which is surely a Troops slot on the FoC.

The Defenestrator
11-29-2010, 11:44 AM
I think you're both saying the same thing here:

you buy 3 units of termagaunts. This allows you to buy 3 tervigons which are troops, and take up troop slots on the FOC. Straight forward, yes?

What BuFFo is saying is, since you still have 2 vacant HQ slots, you can take 2 additional tervigons who, not being troops, aren't scoring.

11-29-2010, 12:23 PM
That was my thinking Archon Charybdis - it doesn't say they don't count; it says they are a Troops choice, which means you can only take a maximum of 2 Tervigons as Troops, which alongside the 2 Termagants you need to actually have those Tervigons means you can't have any further Troop choices.

You are aware that there are 6 troop slots on the FOC, right? You can take up to three troops Tervigons.