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View Full Version : Warmachine 35pts Khador

11-29-2010, 06:01 AM
I'm fairly new to warmachine but having spent the last few weeks reading through rules and playing some starter games I've decided to play Khador and have come up, based on reading the rules and lots of internet, with a 35 point list to build up to

pVlad + wardog

Koldun Lord

Widowmakers (4)
Great Bears of Gallowswood
Greylord Ternion

my plan is to use the Koldun Lord to marshal the Destroyer and use that as fire support with the widowmakers allowing a blob of Vlad, Drago, the juggernaut, great bears and the greylords to advance under cover of the greylords blizzards, pop the feat and kill stuff in the face... at least that's the plan - like I say I'm new to this so there's bound to be loads of things that would cripple this list in seconds so I'd welcome comments / criticisms etc

11-29-2010, 01:42 PM
That's along the lines of what I was planning on putting together for a Khador force before I got distracted by Circle of Orboros. Keep in mind that with that list you are running very few models - any losses will certainly hurt. I would almost be inclined to drop one of the jacks and aim to add in some infantry.

11-30-2010, 07:01 PM
You've got a rock hard in your face melee-centric list, but you're definitely weak on screening ability and susceptible to a mobile ranged army.

Cygnar casters would go a long way to shutting this army down, when played right.

12-01-2010, 04:37 AM
I was thinking that Vlads Wind Wall combined with BLizzard would go some way towards making it easier to get the brick up the field, any suggestions on how else I can increase my chances of getting to punching range?

@thetallest - if you were to drop a 'jack which one would you drop, I'm thinking either the Juggernaut as Drago with Vlad is very killy and without the destroyer I don't have much in the way of fire support or the Destroyer (marshall the jugger). Either way adding in winter guard would be the best option I'd guess...

12-01-2010, 10:50 AM
Keeping in mind that I don't play much Khador (I have a small list - mostly play Cryx and Circle).

I don't recall what the aoe on the Destroyer is like. If it is only a 3, I'd be inclined to drop that (IIRC it has a lousy RAT). If it is a 4 or a 5, you can easily scatter on to appropriate targets, in which case I'd drop the juggernaught. The thing to remember with AOEs is that they can be great for clearing out stealthed or hard to hit targets (provided they aren't girded or otherwise immune to blast damage).

I can't really make many suggestions for what unit to take. I had always thought that pVlad got along well with the Iron Fang Pikemen (critical knockdown and signs and portents = win).

12-01-2010, 10:43 PM
I was thinking that Vlads Wind Wall combined with BLizzard would go some way towards making it easier to get the brick up the field, any suggestions on how else I can increase my chances of getting to punching range?

Windwall was one of the more powerful abilities--but it suffers now because there's a lot of nasty things that have ranged magical attacks. (Windwall only stops nonmagical ranged attacks.) Many models that have magical ranged attacks, also have (or can be given) True Sight, so they ignore cover, concealment, etc.

Kara, with Reinholdt would kill Vlad in a heartbeat, relying solely on windwall. 2 rng 14 rolling 4d6 + 12 boosted damage is something to be very, very afraid of. The turn she pulls her feat, nets her a 3rd shot.

pVlad is still amazingly dangerous as a caster--you just can't be as brazen with him as you could before.

As someone else mentioned--iron fang pikemen would be a good choice to pick up for offensive damage output, and for defensive screening ability.

I'm also becoming more fond of the Assault Kommandos.

12-02-2010, 02:42 AM
Thanks for the advice guys, I'll play around with the list and see how the Iron Fangs look. I'll let you know how it goes.

12-02-2010, 10:56 AM
I'm honestly a little surprised that I'm not seeing the Drakun on that list. Take a look at him, he's like a fast character 'jack that hits really hard and doesn't need focus to do it.