View Full Version : DE wracks

11-28-2010, 07:08 PM
hi guys. i really want to do a wrack/homonc spam list but im a new de player and i have none of the old grotesques so i need to make some models of my own.

i did some looking around online (i have NO imagination) and i saw a guy on dakka dakka make some up using flagellant legs/bodies and dark elf corsair arms. id have to find heads from pig iron or something but my major problem is that its 30 quids worth of models to make 10 grotesques...

is there any way of halving that cost and getting something that looks alright? its really bugging me as im a bit strapped for cash at the moment but id really like to put some models together.

11-28-2010, 07:19 PM
Look at isotope99's dark eldar stuff, he made some amazing grotesques from rat ogres and some amazing wracks from skaven plague monks and some other parts. So far they have been the best grotesque/wrack models that I've seen.

11-28-2010, 07:51 PM
hey! well Isotopes minis are awesome but me, Im not that good at converting! what I ended up getting was a couple of these Warmachine Cryx units, with the added benefit of them coming with a "free" "haemonclus"!


11-28-2010, 09:09 PM
cheers for the replies guys. i saw Isotopes wracks, i felt that they werent for me. theyre nice, hes done a great job on em, theyre just not what i want from wracks :)

as for the warmachine stuff, i actually have a cryx army (WM is my main game) but i cant use those models in a 40k army because the majority of my 40k gaming is done in my local GW store on their adult gamers evening.

also neither of those options come up cheaper really either... i think the general consensus here is thatim gonna have to spend a bit or wait for official models to appear :(

Drew da Destroya
11-29-2010, 12:18 AM
eBay, man. Scrounge around for some flagellants, zombies, ghouls, plague monks, maybe some tyranid or kroot bitz (mainly arms, I think, but other parts could work) and just mash them together until it looks ok.

Use this as an opportunity to sharpen both your bargain hunting and your converting skills!

11-29-2010, 03:09 AM
I'm using converted dryads, cut off the leaves and most obvious branchlike outgrowths, cut off the thing at the back of their heads and make some hair of greenstuff, paint their skin bonelike and you have something that looks really freaky.

11-29-2010, 12:55 PM
Small amounts of conversion are fun, honestly. Give it a shot; put somebody's head on somebody else's body, maybe with a different pair of legs. Green stuff isn't always necessary, and a small amount of it for filling in the occasional gap isn't that hard to handle. (Use vaseline on your hands and tools to keep it from sticking.)

If that doesn't work out for some reason, I think WH fantasy ghouls are pretty decent for the purpose. They even have the same armament (their claws are poisoned weapons).

11-29-2010, 07:07 PM
Maybe a bit out there, ever considered using some of the servitor models, with a few additional parts added/adjusted they could make alright human wrack slaves..

Also Sparfunk, random question, but wild guess from your username, you a drum'n'bass fan? :confused:

11-29-2010, 08:07 PM
cheers for the replies guys :) a lot of ideas to mull over, i shall give the wracks some thought!

yes Fantomex, im a massive dnb fan, have been for years :) Rapture (by sparfunk) is one of my favourite songs, ever :). ive used the name mostly for mmorpg characters and the occasional forum account for years. id guess that you are too if you got the reference because its not like Sparfunk is a hugely well known producer :)

The Madman
11-30-2010, 07:03 AM
I'm going to try and sculpt my own using hasslefree miniatures' 28mm armatures and Elve heads, and then cast them as a multi piece set for myself. same with the Talos and Pain Engines. but that is when i can get round to ordering the armatures and have some spare time.