View Full Version : Agonizer/poisoned weapons question

papa smurf
11-27-2010, 03:36 PM
hey there everybody, just reading through the dark eldar codex, and I was wondering if the agonizer would be considered a poisoned weapon? The description says "a power weapon that always wounds on a 4+". This sounds like a poisoned weapon in some regards, but technically wouldn't be considered a poisoned weapon if one goes with R.A.W., as it doesn't ever actually say "poisoned weapon (4+)."
So, would the agonizer get any benefits from poisoned weapon rules?


-strength 3 wielder wounds toughness 3 enemy (strength equal to or greater than toughness, poisoned weapons can reroll to-wound). could he reroll his agonizer wounds like a poisoned weapon?

- Dark Eldar Unit Lhamaean (in Court of the Archon Squad) has a special rule that improves poisoned weapons (both ranged and close combat) to 2+. would the agonizer benefit from this?

If I play any games I'll probably go R.A.W. and not treat it like a poisoned weapon, but it would be nice to know for sure.

11-27-2010, 03:45 PM
Does the Agonizer say that it has the poison rule? If not, then no, no re-rolls.

Additionally check page 42 of the rulebook under "Two different special weapons"

Agonizers also can't be stacked with Venom Blade or the Lhamaea abilities.

Sorry, doesn't work.

11-27-2010, 07:02 PM
hey there everybody, just reading through the dark eldar codex, and I was wondering if the agonizer would be considered a poisoned weapon?

The Agonizer does not have the Poisoned rule, thus, it ain't no poisoned weapon.

11-27-2010, 07:59 PM
One question I have regarding agonisers is the following: would a haemonculus with an agoniser AND furious charge wound a T 3 model (say an autarch or farseer) on a 3+ or a 4+?

papa smurf
11-27-2010, 08:06 PM
thanks for all of the feedback guys. Agonizers (after seeing your comments and further reflection through reading the codex) the agonizer is definitely not poisoned at all, and doesn't get those benefits.

And Necron Lord I don't think furious charge makes an agonizer 3+ rather than 4+, as an Agonizer is unaffected my the model's strength value :( you do still get that bonus to your initiative!

11-27-2010, 10:08 PM
No you only wound on a 4+ reguardless of other things. FC would not affect the weapon

11-28-2010, 05:11 AM
Does it say? "The Agonizer is a poisoned (4+) weapon that ignores armor saves." or "The Agonizer is a power weapon that allways wounds on 4+"?

well this is a rhetorical question as I have the book in front of me.

It was viable with the last codex as the "poison" rule didnt exist when it was written but it is not a viable question now.